Best E3 2004 Demo Segment

What's your favorite E3 2004 Demo Segment?

  • VU and ATI: G-man intro's and outro's

    Votes: 10 12.0%
  • VU: Train Station

    Votes: 19 22.9%
  • VU: Rollermines and Combine Engagement

    Votes: 17 20.5%
  • VU: Hovercraft

    Votes: 4 4.8%
  • VU: Father Gregory

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • VU and ATI: Striders

    Votes: 10 12.0%
  • ATI: Northern Petrol

    Votes: 9 10.8%
  • ATI: Eli Vance

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • ATI: Ravenholm

    Votes: 6 7.2%
  • ATI: Counterstike Source

    Votes: 5 6.0%

  • Total voters


Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
In a similar vein as BPetway23's post, vote for your favorite E3 2004 HL2 Demo Segment.
It has to be the G-Man's dialogue.

"So, wake up Mr. Freeman... Wake up and smell the ashes"
G-Man dialogue was cool, but I think I favor the Ravenholm bit
Either that, or the apartments.. that was awesome :)
the crane vid, and the strider vid, the most bloody action ever :p
I really liked the appartment scene with all the NPC's n' stuff...

and also the combine getting hit with a rocket and flying thru the air....good stuff! :)
The black dude being surprised by Gordon......fluid animation.
i liked the apartments too....:)
the interaction with the npc in this game is amazeing...
Northern Petrol scene was stunning; the buggy, the varied fighting against both Ant Lion and Combine, and oh yes, the crane.
Poll is up, sorry for the wait, wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything. My favorite was the Train Station, I'm so damn scared to sit in that chair :S, second would be the Apartments (which, I forgot... Damn it)
Early on in the first dune buggy scene when fighting combine, gordon used the manipulater to push the buggy over a soldier
I would have to say the apartment scene impressed me the most. Just the level of atmosphere created was incredible. However, I have to say based on a sheer surprise factor the CS:source video was the best. I just never expected to see that at all. Caught me completely off guard.
Neutrino Im just th eoppoosite, Cs impressed me the least

I dont know why anyone would be looking foward to it. Its inferiour to HL2 in everyway, I'm sure HL2 will have much better multiplayer
Ravenholm, when hes hitting the legs with the crowbar and the zombie comes into the light is my favorite part.
CS Source, call me boring, but I will soon be able to get my ass kicked using physics!
Bongfarmer said:
Neutrino Im just th eoppoosite, Cs impressed me the least

I dont know why anyone would be looking foward to it. Its inferiour to HL2 in everyway, I'm sure HL2 will have much better multiplayer

Well, it's all just a matter of personal preference. But perhaps I should explain myself further. It' wasn't the fact that they had created CS:Source that surprised or impressed me the most, by any means. It was the fact that they fully ported an HL1 mod to the Source engine and made it look incredibly good in my opinion. This just got me thinking about what HL1 single player would be like if it got the same exact treatment as CS:S. I'm not saying it will, but the fact they did it to CS seems to be a good sign to me. That's really what I meant by that part of the video being the most surprising.

I will also enjoy playing it too now doubt.
All of the scenes were reasonably awesome, but come on guys, the gravity-gun vs combine scene stole the show, hands down. How many times has the person playing the scene in the demo just irritated you to the point where you want to punch right through your monitor and send a wave of hurt through the internet that finally exits out of his headphones...and into his temple? If you're anything like me, it's been EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. that any cool game has ever been demo'd.

This guy , however, has evidently been practicing. It's obvious that he not only knows what he's doing , but he does it in a way that showcases the apparently limitless level of interaction with the evnironment. It's almost zen-like, really, in addition to being highly entertaining. I can already guarantee that I will be F9-ing that scene more than any other part of the game shown so far, perhaps even replaying it more than the last level of Far "hard on any difficulty" Cry.

I've heard so many references to a certain bodily discharge and the need to scrape it from the monitor after seeing various clips of the game so far. For my part, I've watched this scene the most and the only thing coming out anymore is the refreshing scent of aloe.
the train station/apartments...just...WOW. gives you a real RPG feeling allmost, you are a member of this world, live with it, or change it.

man, I just wanted to grab a board and smash the combine soliders head in, grab his gun, and get his buddies when they broke into the apartment. :D

next would have to be the rollermines/combine/strider/coastline section....THE BUGS FLY?!?! woooooow!

though truth to tell, the whole thing ROCKS!
What's wrong with you people!! G-man all the way........

(You know i love you)
LoL, nobody liked the part with swampboat although this was so cool too. Have you seen the water in this scene. Take a close look at the water after he passes the tunnel. Its reflects the landscape and you can see the ground at the same time. Just ****ing amazing.
you forgot the apartments! oh well, voted for trains.
Investigator said:
LoL, nobody liked the part with swampboat although this was so cool too. Have you seen the water in this scene. Take a close look at the water after he passes the tunnel. Its reflects the landscape and you can see the ground at the same time. Just ****ing amazing.

I agree with you. The swampboat, although not my favorite scene, was my favorite action scene. I love the way the cars fly around right next to you. All the stuff going on like the fire on the water blocking your path and such. Seemed like a real chase scene!
BlazeKun said:
I agree with you. The swampboat, although not my favorite scene, was my favorite action scene. I love the way the cars fly around right next to you. All the stuff going on like the fire on the water blocking your path and such. Seemed like a real chase scene!

I think it was a "Fun to play, not as fun to watch" scene.
Maybe it was just me, but while i was watching the father Gregory part it really brought back memories of playing the "They Hunger" series...if anyone has played those sp mods they will know what im talking about...they were incredible!
The Gman part was awesome, during the first few seconds when you see his eye close up, those graphics have to be the best i've seen in any game to date. I was converted to Doom 3 awhile ago but after seeing those E3 2004 demo's, i came a-runnin back.
Definately the train station. It has an eeriness to it and the administrator is creepy. The combine are even more spooky and bad arse now because of the way the one walked down the hall and lead you to the room to interrogate you with all that blood on the floor. I also loved the way the Scanner took that picture and how the combine pushed you when you tried to get by. It wasn't action packed, but it was great to watch. Like the intro to some kind of creepy well written novel.
I voted for the swamp boat just cause it looked lonley there with 0 votes, it was a cool scene i love the vehicle, it looks so slick flying through that gorgeous level.

The exposition stuff with the charecters, trainstation, elis lab, the apartments, thats all good to, and the rest of its all top notch lol, and the gman .... dammit why cant there be an All of the above vote !!!
the apartment, i watched the stairs like 324234 times and it just looks so damn real
I liked the rollermine/combine combat in and around that house... lot o' cool little bits in that one... driving the combine through the fence... tossing buggy on a guy... tire swing... their surprise attack... I could go on! :)
Why does everyone go on so much about the Gman scene? I mean ok it was an impressive show of technology and all that (nothing we havn't seen before), but did you really wait a whole year to see one character deliver a few cheesy lines with bad music and HL1 in the background?

For me the best bit has to be the fight with the swarming antlions on the sands, its just so much fun to see someone halfway skilled blasting through hordes of beautifully designed enemies. I hope they have a lot of 'fighting bugs on the beach' in the game!
Also, the combine encounter on the country road was cool.
Come on, who did like seeing Gordon Freeman driving the buggy, smashing some ant lions. Manipulating a grenade and tossing it back to some combine. Then shooting a rocket at a lone combine high atop a crane resulting of the combine doing a spiral 150+ft in the air. And lets not forget the 10,000 pound cargo crate dropped on a few poor combine.
it was cool the first time I saw Gordon toss the grenade back, I had an epiphany almost... "I can actually do things like that!"