Best game ever (other than HL)

UT2K3 - fun for a while :)

Metal Gear Solid 2 - Theres so much you can do!

Vice City - played it on ps2, rocks
I still need to play Vice City.... I played GTA3 on my m8s PS2.... and loved not being bound to missions, at least for some of the time.... :)
I hate Myth of soma, saw it on Game Network, plus you have to pay monthly, I hate that :flame:
-divine divinity

-il2 sturmovik
-flanker 2.5
-d2 lod
-avp 2
divine divinity? i heard that was good... ill give it a shot sometime.

Oh and how could I forget MGS!!! The original was so great (didn't like the 2nd so much) and the add-on gave me endless hours of fun... till me and a mate clocked it all :)

Still haven't been able to get that Big Boss rating, my mates good at killing stuff and I'm good at sneaking about, but neither of us can do both at the same time :D

[EDIT] - OH OH!!! More games I loved - Hexen 2, the weapons were so great and it was so fuuuun, and Heretic 2 was great too. Also Tomb Raider 2, that was the first PSX game I ever fell in love with :)
My fave game of all time has to be Tribes 1, just an amazing multiplayer experience. Shame Tribes 2 wasn't as good, hope Sierra delivers with Tribes 3.

Other good games for me include
-Half Life
-Counter Strike (crappy community though)
-Day Of Defeat
-Natural Selection
-Age Of Empires Series
-Rise Of Nations
-Civilization 3
-Grand Theft Auto Series
-Sierra's NASCAR series
-Combat Flight Simulator 2
-And many more...
Originally posted by [Re4lity]Jeff
Freespace 2

How long is that game, ive heard that its quite short. I was tihnking about getting it but i dont know really. Whats it like?
Why isnt anyone mentioning the Metal Gear Solid series ? they rule!, i'm downloading MGS 2:Substance for pc (3gb) at the moment, because its DVD only and I dont have a dvd drive ;(

The game is so interactive you can never get bored with it! :D
N64: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye 007, Mario 64

PSX: Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII, Tony Hawks Pro Skater

PS2: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

X-Box: Splinter Cell, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

PC: Half-Life, Quake, Max Payne, Duke Nukem 3D, Command and Conquer: Red Alert, WarCraft II, Diablo, Monkey Island series.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
How long is that game, ive heard that its quite short. I was tihnking about getting it but i dont know really. Whats it like?

Best Space Sim ever. I don't think it's that short. Hmm, I completed it after a weekend (I think) but I played it a lot. You can probably get Freespace 1 and 2 for about £15. It's worth it.

Freespace 2 has HUGE ships and a movie style plot. I loved it.

The only problem is, there was a big demand for Space Sims at one point, then it died done. Freespace 2 was released about 25 seconds after the demand died down so it didn't sell as much as it should.

To answer the topic:
-Freespace 2 (In case you hadn't gathered)
-Deus Ex
-Tie Fighter
PC: HL, CS, HL2, Halo, SofII, Desert Combat.

PS2: GTA Vice City, Metal Gear Solid 2, GTA3

PSX: Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 8

N64: Rainbox Six, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Mario Party 2, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark.

Overall best game ever: Final Fantasy 7
Console: MGS 1/2 and Zelda: OOT/WW
PC: Tribes 1/2
There was nothing like Tribes' gameplay on the market then, and theres nothing quite like it now.
And I can't list runners up because it would be a mile long.
I really liked Mohaa, but it was too short... Halo was very cool to, but to repetitive... and hmm, Diablo1 was the first game i ever played on PC and i loved it too, But the best game ever was Super Mario Bross 3 on snes ;)
Originally posted by Tyl3n0L
I really liked Mohaa, but it was too short... Halo was very cool to, but to repetitive... and hmm, Diablo1 was the first game i ever played on PC and i loved it too, But the best game ever was Super Mario Bross 3 on snes ;)

I think Super Mario Brothers 3 was for the NES not the SNES.
ALL zelda games
Warcraft III
Perfect Dark
the Sonic games
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
BF1942: First game to successfully mold together a multiplayer FPS, Flight sim, and driving sim. Best game EVER!

Second best? GTA games are pretty cool. Vice city has so much replayability with those motorcycles. Just try and treat it like a Tony hawk game :)
X-Com 1 or Star Control 2. It's hard to decide between those two.

edit: Just to mention, I think those two are better than Half-Life. Sure I don't really play them much anymore, but they were better when they were new.
Hey whatever happened to that upcoming game called X-COM: Alliance or something like that. It looked really good in pcgamer way back when and then I never heard about it again.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
How can people like BattleField? What is the fun in capturing flags?

It has tanks. Tanks are good.
If I had to name a single game that totally sucked my in and stole many hours from me it would be Ocarina of Time. I bassically forgot school, sports, and friends and became a hermit when that game was released ;)
I'd have put Battlefield on my top, but I consider it just to be the next step after Tribes 2.
That said I play it more than anything else combined.
In terms of games I spent the most time with its a toss up between Quake 2 MP and mods and Goldeneye on the N64. Goldeneye probably wins.
Diablo 2
FFT, FF7 and FFX
Blade of darkness
Unreal tournament
Final Fantasy
Sim City
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Grand Theft Auto 3 (Vice city was better, but it didn't have as much of a "jump" in terms of quality and new technology that GTA2>GTA3 did)