Best Game of E3 not Half-Life2?


Jul 31, 2003
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Best Game of E3 not Half-Life2?

Gamers Depot says F.E.A.R was the best game of E3 2004 , and even Epic Games dissed Half-Life2

So—one more thing. Wow. Wow, wow, wow. Monolith and Vivendi Universal are off to one hell of a start with their new baby, a little game titled F.E.A.R........

We also had some time to speak with Epic Frontman, Tim Sweeney on the floor on Friday and coaxed him upstairs for a look. We’re not sure, but we think it was a good sign when he walked out of the demo, looked at the guys from Monolith, and said “Half Life 2’s got nothing on you guys.” More on this highly promising title as it develops, but in our humble opinion, this was the surprise hit of E3 for us, and we haven’t stopped talking about it yet. The Developers won’t speculate on a release date for it as of yet, so we’ve got some waiting to do, but if initial impressions mean anything, this title looks to be a seriously big deal in the not-too-distant future - sometime in 2005.
well Hl2 blew everyone away last year, and looks the same a year later... what did you expect? heh

I heard that BLACK for the PS2 was supposedly mind blowing.
which I find hard to believe ANY ps2 game could be.
Meh. It's Monolith, it's the Lithtech engine {Actually, it's not LT--Pen}. They haven't overly impressed me in years past. The only screenshot I've seen had more sparks than a porcupine has quills, and it said something fatuous about bullets tasting like chicken. I'll have a better opinion of it when I see more media or when I can play it, same as HL2 or anything else.
Of course they may (and i use that word painfully) have a better looking game in the end then HL2, but i doubt it. And if the graphics are better, then um... its coming out way later than HL2 so it should. But the game does look interesting, i may follow it later, but it will have nothing on the story depth and gameplay of HL2.
Mr. Redundant said:
well Hl2 blew everyone away last year, and looks the same a year later... what did you expect? heh

I heard that BLACK for the PS2 was supposedly mind blowing.
which I find hard to believe ANY ps2 game could be.

Have you seen the screenshots for Killzone ? Or the videos? I havn't used my PS2 in forever, but I think it will be time to dust it off come this fall.
slicktick said:
Of course they may (and i use that word painfully) have a better looking game in the end then HL2, but i doubt it. And if the graphics are better, then um... its coming out way later than HL2 so it should. But the game does look interesting, i may follow it later, but it will have nothing on the story depth and gameplay of HL2.

Wow i wish i could garner information about an entire game from just a couple of screenshots. No one knows how either game is going to pan out. FEAR could rock the socks off halflife 2, no one knows.

Monolith usually produce good games. However, i am disappointed that 2005 will still be the year of the plastic-looking bump mapping.
FEAR looks like every other game coming out IMO
it may be good, but it reminds me of Farcry in the gfx department... I saw the video too.. looks more console-ish.

I want to hear/see this BLACK I keep hearing about though.

goldenboi said:
Have you seen the screenshots for Killzone ? Or the videos? I havn't used my PS2 in forever, but I think it will be time to dust it off come this fall.
yeah I have, its nice for a ps2 title I agree... but its nothing impressive..
btw I have seen a ton of screens of it, and seen most of the videos (including this years E3 ones) it just doesnt look "cool"
I might give it a rent when it comes out.. but I wont be rushing to stores to reserve my copy.
SMT said:
Meh. It's Monolith, it's the Lithtech engine.

No it isn't FEAR is being made with an In-House engine rather than Lithtech.
Nasum said:
Monolith usually produce good games.

Aliens Versus Predator 2
Blood and Blood 2: the chosen
NOLF 1 and 2

all brilliant games (well blood wasnt THAT great, but it was damn funny... wish Caleb would return for a Part3 :( he was badass)
Im going to beat you like a red-headed step-child.
its time to play kiddies.. the bad man is here.

Nasum said:
However, i am disappointed that 2005 will still be the year of the plastic-looking bump mapping.
yep thats what I meant when I said it looks like everything else that is on the horizon....
:/ I dont like polybumping... it works on some surfaces and metals, but on humans/player/character models it looks retarded...
at times when I was playing Farcry, I thought I was fighting my old GI Joe toys.
All looks well for F.E.A.R., save the two dimensional bullet holes.

However, the particle effects are stunning. But how the hell could you pick that game over HL2? Are you kidding me? HL2 looks more photorealistic in my opinion, and F.E.A.R. is close to d00m2 in that everything looks computer-generated. Also, that games needs some serious jaggie fine-tuning if they ever want to top the sales charts.
Venmoch said:
No it isn't FEAR is being made with an In-House engine rather than Lithtech.

Possibly true, but Monolith created the Lithtech engine, so it's an in-house engine to the same degree that this purported new engine will be.
Lithtech is their in-house engine.. all their 3d games (at least that I recall) have used it... why stop now?
It also reminds me of FarCry graphics wise, the people look like big bulky plastic action figures, they look wierd to me. But i wasnt saying that it will be great, only it looks promising, but nothing huge.
F.E.A.R impressed me greatly, as did the new Zelda stuff. The game that got me most excited (apart from HL2) was Splinter Cell 3 though. I can't wait for those co-op missions, all of those new moves are great. :D
KagePrototype said:
F.E.A.R impressed me greatly, as did the new Zelda stuff. The game that got me most excited (apart from HL2) was Splinter Cell 3 though. I can't wait for those co-op missions, all of those new moves are great. :D
hell yeah, I cant wait to play through that with my bro in-law!
looks absoluletly fantastic. (splinter Cell 3 that is)

oh and a quick write up on the FEAR E3 2004 closed showing... sounds promising actually.
E3: F.E.A.R.
[May 16, 2004 at 8:34pm]

Author: Steven Wong

Abstract: It's this kind of realistic horror game that will make night-light sales go through the roof...

Fear is not just a fantastic looking first-person shooter - it is an absolute jaw-dropping experience! You play as a member of an anti-terrorist strike force who possesses a mysterious ability to concentrate and go into bullet time. You'll need it because on top of having terrorists to deal with, a malicious force is leaving heaps of corpses in its wake. In the version demoed at E3, the player ran through an office complex and found the horror within. The game lives up to its namesake by setting out to put the player in a horror-movie setting, and leaving them shivering afterward. The graphics were absolutely top-notch, with an incredible physics engine and glass that breaks realistically when shot. Grenades ripple the air when the explode, and if one should go off too close, the sound becomes dull and is overcome with a persistent ringing for a while. The sound design is as incredible as the graphics, which is saying quite a bit. Blood splatters onto walls, drips from the ceiling, and turns the water in the office fountain red. Columns can be shot apart. Shotgun smoke and lingering dust clouds from exploding plaster can obscure vision. The artificial intelligence is also impressive, taking cover, and turning over furniture to hide behind. There is no such thing as down time. Even while running, the character's breathing is always heard in the background, never letting go of the tension. The version demoed at E3 was enough to leave me breathless and wanting more. Unfortunately, this title isn't due to be released until 2005. From the way things look now, it may set the bar for all horror games to come after it.
Of course thier gonna say thier games better than some1 elses, also gamers depot ppl are a bunch of idiots i've never agreed with anything they've said.
“Half Life 2’s got nothing on you guys”

yeah...right... :smoking:
The Unreal Engine demo was undoubhtly most impressing. Worth mentioning as well are Splinter Cell 2, Rome Total War and least but no last HL2 toguether with CS Source.:)
I think I'll buy a GameCube so that I can get the new Zelda (punds chest twice and thrusts a peace symbol) b/c I love the Zelda series. Best stories of all time. Maybe HL2 will have a great storyline too, as the trailer seems to hint at. Would you guys buy a gamecube?
I havent owned a console that was mine since the NES and there was no super in front of that, im more of a PC gamer but i will definatly play the game at a friends house, im very glad to see them doing Zelda correctly again.
goldenboi said:
I think I'll buy a GameCube so that I can get the new Zelda (punds chest twice and thrusts a peace symbol) b/c I love the Zelda series. Best stories of all time. Maybe HL2 will have a great storyline too, as the trailer seems to hint at. Would you guys buy a gamecube?

nope, maybe a PS2 for BLACK (if its as good as Im hearing), but I cant even stand looking at the Gamecube let alone try and play on those tiny cheapo controllers
I keep meaning to get one...I guess I have no excuse now, they're cheaper than Game Boy Advances these days...
Personally I think unreal engine 3 stole the show, as well as the new zelda game. For me, half-life 2 will always be the king of e3 2003.

Anyway, that description sounds exciting, monolith have never held back on gore, something sadly lacking in half-life 2. But if they were making a gory, horror fps why not just go ahead and make it blood 3? Hell even that stupid goddamn one-liner they attached to one of the screen shots reminded me of blood.
Erm...the teaser video doesnt actually look that good, for a game coming out 2005 i mean. The cityscape struck me as really bland and looked machine-generated. Oh well, early days, worth watching i think.
TS: Well, we are aiming at the kind of PC that we think will be mainstream in 2006. We will also be able to scale it down. Basically DirectX 9 cards will be minimum spec, so any DirectX 9 shipping today will be capable of running our game, but probably at reduced detail. If you only have a 256 meg video card you will be running the game one step down, whereas if you have a video card with a gig of memory then you'll be able to see the game at full detail.

whoaaa.... :O

edit: Mr Redundant you dirty late editing b**tard! :D
RoyaleWithCheese said:

whoaaa.... :O

edit: Mr Redundant you dirty late editing b**tard! :D
speed my friend, speed... you gain it when you are on these forums long enough... I am nothing compared to the powers of Abom or Fenric though.... even shuzer has uber posting/editing skills.

:p :cheers:
FEAR looks pretty neat, but it depends more on personal taste if you think it blows HL2 away, since their gameplay, despite both being shooters, is totally different. It seems to aim more for the blockbuster action movie style, lots of cinematic SFX and explosive action. While HL2 aims more to a novel.

I'd like to see the clips we didn't get to see but the press did, the short trailer didn't impress me much to be honest.

To me, HL2 was king of E32k4, it made last year's footage look like crap, and that is a big achievement.
the only thing more impressive than HL2 at this years E3 was Unreal 3 tech (for obvious reasons), but it wont be out till like 2002-7-8
yep, unreal 3 is amazing, but since it wont be out for so long, it should be really amazing, so when the engine is ready then it can compete with engines that show themselves more towards the time of release.
epic have resons to diss hl2, afterall they are the gods of fps game engines.

1 year ago hl1 looked great, now it's kinda average. Never the less im sure CS2 will be awesome, and HL2 sp will be good im sure.
2d-chris said:
epic have resons to diss hl2, afterall they are the gods of fps game engines.

Oh. Thanks for clearing that up. I thought it was because Valve is their closest competitor and has a greater market share.
So why is CS2 going to be awesome, and HL2 only good?

Not that you arent entitled to your opinion, I would just like to know your reasoning. I personally think that the story and depth of HL2 will blow any CS game out of the water. Not that im not looking forward to CS2, im just saying.
2d-chris said:
epic have resons to diss hl2, afterall they are the gods of fps game engines.

1 year ago hl1 looked great, now it's kinda average. Never the less im sure CS2 will be awesome, and HL2 sp will be good im sure.

welcome to the forums
2d-chris said:
epic have resons to diss hl2, afterall they are the gods of fps game engines.

1 year ago hl1 looked great, now it's kinda average. Never the less im sure CS2 will be awesome, and HL2 sp will be good im sure.

Yeah, the Half-Life 1 graphics really went downhill after last year.
Feath said:
Yeah, the Half-Life 1 graphics really went downhill after last year.
that made me laugh, I was thinking the same thing... just couldnt bring myself to comment on it.
2d-chris said:
epic have resons to diss hl2, afterall they are the gods of fps game engines.

1 year ago hl1 looked great, now it's kinda average. Never the less im sure CS2 will be awesome, and HL2 sp will be good im sure.
It came out at least 5 years ago.. maybe it was six I'm not sure... but how does an engine all the sudden lose a ton of graphics in only a year after 4 or 5 years...