Best Game of E3 not Half-Life2?

2-D Chris is a HIGHLY respected mapper. I am sure he just made a mistake in typing that. Calm down a bit =p.

As for who makes the better engines...we will see. My bet is on Valve though...especially considering that they are porting over everything that everyone loved from HL1.[movement/control/weapon selection/jumping/ladders/etc]
stop talking about grahpics the reason halflife still is being played after 6 years aint the graphics. People see a pretty new game and go wow this will be the best game ever. Its game play and plot that makes a great game and HalfLife2 positvily reeks of both. If you dont agree then go and play quake2 till you cry.
slicktick said:
It also reminds me of FarCry graphics wise, the people look like big bulky plastic action figures, they look wierd to me. But i wasnt saying that it will be great, only it looks promising, but nothing huge.

I hate small soldier syndrome (/me slaps Far Cry), the reason i love the look of HL2 is because everything isn't shiny/if it is shiny, it is for a reason.

Fear seems to have the same sort of 'problem', the look doesn't appeal to me. That's not to say it's gonna be a crap game, because as well all know graphics and gameplay don't usually go hand in hand :)
Mr. Redundant said:
Aliens Versus Predator 2
Blood and Blood 2: the chosen
NOLF 1 and 2

all brilliant games (well blood wasnt THAT great, but it was damn funny... wish Caleb would return for a Part3 :( he was badass)
Im going to beat you like a red-headed step-child.
its time to play kiddies.. the bad man is here.

yep thats what I meant when I said it looks like everything else that is on the horizon....
:/ I dont like polybumping... it works on some surfaces and metals, but on humans/player/character models it looks retarded...
at times when I was playing Farcry, I thought I was fighting my old GI Joe toys.
Those are not brilliant games imo
my top 5 games from E3 2004:
1) Half-Life 2
2) Rome: Total War
3) F.E.A.R
4) Lotr: Battle For Middle Earth
5) Halo 2

honorable mentions, Stalker, Battlefied 2, DMC3, RE4 and so, so much more......oh man, it's definately a good time to be a gamer!
F.E.A.R was great..........its vivid game indeed............

I don't care won't make me hate HL2 .............:sniper:
I may have good graphics, but it doesn't look "real". HL2 is very convincing in that the characters and environments have a similar look and feel to the real world. F.E.A.R's graphics look fake, plastic and forced. Anyway, i guess graphics aren't everything.
my top 5 games from E3 2004:
1) Half-Life 2
2) Rome: Total War
3) F.E.A.R
4) Lotr: Battle For Middle Earth
5) Halo 2

homebrew this is also my list except halo 2 is #3 and F.E.A.R is #5.
F.E.A.R looks like just a big ripoff of the Matrix. Seriously, they have bullet-time, and the sound when you go into bullet-time sounds nearly the same as the sound in the Matrix. Yeah, Max Payne had bullet-time, but it was the first game to have it, and at least there was a valid explanation for it to be there. In fear, it just seems like Monolith is jumping on the Matrix bandwagon
FoB_Ed said:
F.E.A.R looks like just a big ripoff of the Matrix. Seriously, they have bullet-time, and the sound when you go into bullet-time sounds nearly the same as the sound in the Matrix. Yeah, Max Payne had bullet-time, but it was the first game to have it, and at least there was a valid explanation for it to be there. In fear, it just seems like Monolith is jumping on the Matrix bandwagon

Max Payne wasn't the first game to have bullet-time. It was just the first to fill a game with it as a major part of the gameplay.

In any case, fear has technically better graphics, but it doesn't look better. Nothing about it is subtle, and that may be its biggest flaw.
Of course nothing can top the Unreal3 stuff. It deserved to be the talk of E3. F.E.A.R. also looks very promising and is a contender as well. HL2 probably is not going to take home awards for wowing people, because they were already wowed last year, and the wow factor has moved on to later games. It can certainly win on non-wow factor stuff though.

Though it seems more and more that people are just wowed by the next big steps in graphics without realizing that companies are taking basically the same steps, they just come out with their new tech in staggered bursts (i.e., of course a game targeted at 2006 will look better than one targeted at 2004, but by 2006 those other companies will have done just as much or more for later years)
FEAR looks okay, its more aimed at looking 'pretty' and not 'real' so imo HL2 is still better.
Mechagodzilla said:
Max Payne wasn't the first game to have bullet-time. It was just the first to fill a game with it as a major part of the gameplay.

In any case, fear has technically better graphics, but it doesn't look better. Nothing about it is subtle, and that may be its biggest flaw.
Then what was the first game to incorporate bullet-time?
Overall Best Games:
Half-Life 2

Best Graphics:
Unreal 3

I don't get how halo 2 for xbox is ranked number 1 at ign

see half-life 2 won last year because it showed of all these amazing features. From the movie clips I saw of halo 2 the only thing I noticed was that you can hold an alien weapon and a marine weapon at the sametime, wow so amazingggg. Please tell me if I missed anything else and should be more amazed at halo 2. Oh, and on top of that they have half-life 2 at number 8 even tho it showed off so much more than any game at e3. The next gta is at number 5 for showing off 3 screentshots???. I'm lost. Who the hell ranks these games
Look at that IGN list. I mean WTF, HL2 is the only PC game in the top 15.
And, really, what's so great about F.E.A.R.? All I see is some good graphics and a potentially good story line. But we've seen no sign of anything worth mentioning gameplay-wise, and it's brought down by GI-Joe and 'Let's all jump on the bullet-time bandwagon' syndromes.
I hate online reviewers because they are all often heavily influenced by the companies that give them the most "goodies". I wouldn't be surprised if the top games "donated" some stuff to IGN.

FEAR looks nothing close to what seems like a good game... I don't see what all the hype about it is about. Everything looks like it's huge (see the models? they look like gigantic action figures). The special effects are over-the-top and don't look that amazing... Hell I have better particle effects in my MP2 TC which is still in development.

I hope they make up for all this with gameplay and "horror" although I highly doubt a game like this can pull off shocking moments unless they do it by filling your screen with blood particles.

Arg... Why do people hype games like these? Monolith? Let the game stand on it's own merit, not the company's past achievements.

I'll be excited when they show me something to be excited about.
KagePrototype said:
F.E.A.R impressed me greatly, as did the new Zelda stuff. The game that got me most excited (apart from HL2) was Splinter Cell 3 though. I can't wait for those co-op missions, all of those new moves are great. :D

I was super excited that they were making a new Zelda game for GC. YES. AND IT LOOKS FRIGGIN REAL TOO. I can't wait.

But, the best videos were HL2 hands down and Unreal 3 engine demo.
Why is HL2 the only pc game in the top 15?

Because for some reason (which is that all the console gamers will go with what ever they are told is the best game of all time, which every game will say it is) These ratings say the console games will be the best of all time because these people are so easy to get hyped up about something. Since the gaming world kind of exlcludes PC games (which have limitless potential compared to console games really) they want to hype up what the masses will get excited about so that they will be popular with the masses. Seriously I cant stand all these kids at my high school that will get these crap games that they see on the comercials on tv and hail it, while all the good games with little hype are left unnoticed. It makes me sad :(

k i just repeated my self like 5 times over in there :D
I feel the same way about all the kids at school.... they think they have the best system and aren't missing out on anything. I laugh when they say halo is the best game ever.
mobA said:
...I guess this question will remained unanswered...

bullet time, properly implemented.


blah blah ,aHahhah, laughinz at kids who think Halo 2 will own, (stupid 10 char limit)
PatPwnt said:
I feel the same way about all the kids at school.... they think they have the best system and aren't missing out on anything. I laugh when they say halo is the best game ever.
lmfao, in my webart class this guy is a halo fan, and he was like "yeah it's the most awesome thing... did you know you can have up to 16 players playing at once?!? it's incredible." in response, i told him... "yeah, that started with doom a long time ago, and now the biggest multiplayer game ever is counterstrike, but that's about 5 or 6 years old, so some new stuff will be out soon. oh yeah, you can have up to 64 players at once in many games on the pc." then he was like "whoa"

anyways, i'd say FEAR is more of a competitor for doom3 and not halflife2.
FEAR kind of reminds me of virtua cop 3? is anyone with me here? (the slow time, and the colour pallette and shader styles)
Jackal hit said:
lmfao, in my webart class this guy is a halo fan, and he was like "yeah it's the most awesome thing... did you know you can have up to 16 players playing at once?!? it's incredible." in response, i told him... "yeah, that started with doom a long time ago, and now the biggest multiplayer game ever is counterstrike, but that's about 5 or 6 years old, so some new stuff will be out soon. oh yeah, you can have up to 64 players at once in many games on the pc." then he was like "whoa"

anyways, i'd say FEAR is more of a competitor for doom3 and not halflife2.

Technically you can have 1000s of players at once on a mmorpg, planetside, for example.
Sounds to me like Tim is a bit jealous of all the attention HL2 is getting. Same for console fans.
lol, i guess making a small typo hl1 instead of hl2 made you "kids" flame me. There is also no need to welcome me to these forums, they are all the same ;)

on another note, CS made valve ;) it gave them much larger funding options and a HUGE community. Without CS, you would have seen hl2 much longer ago.

Back on subject, all Sp games lack longditity, play hl2..... maybe play it again but then what? MP games i find "awesome" because of something called "humans" yes thats right i find playing with humans more fun than a sp story....and im sure im not alown. That's why i will find "cs2" awesome and hl2 only good.
Halo is a good game, the action is immersive and the graphics are good, but god theres no variety at all. I stopped playing it after about an hour. IGN should judge these games from what they show us instead of going with popularity. Content wise hl2 showed us amazing stuff last year and 25 minutes of even more amazing stuff this year. Halo 2 showed us some tiny multiplayer clips. hl2 one year later still had better content than any other game at e3.

Zelda was the only other game that gave me goosebumps coz that just took me by suprise. I was hoping for more footage but atleast its not like GTA: San andreas where u have only 3 screenshots to go with and somehow that beats 25 minutes of quality hl2 footage. bah

It seems like gamespy is the only site that still loves hl2. They were on tech tv praising it while the other two editors from ign and some other site were praising doom3 and halo 2.
2d-chris said:
Back on subject, all Sp games lack longditity, play hl2..... maybe play it again but then what? MP games i find "awesome" because of something called "humans" yes thats right i find playing with humans more fun than a sp story....and im sure im not alown. That's why i will find "cs2" awesome and hl2 only good.

I understand but Jesus you can only take so much of doing the same things to humans over and over and over again. I play CS for about 45 minutes and I’m done coz you’re just doing the same thing over and over. I argued with my friend about this for like 4 hours. A quality 40 hour game like hl2 can keep u immersed for a long time. Multiplayer definitely has the edge tho with you going against actual humans.
It's amazing how worked up you kids get just because some magazine or website editors have opinions that differ from yours.