Best Game of E3 not Half-Life2?

2d-chris said:
....and im sure im not alown.

Hehe, I don't think any of us are alown. :) J/k

OT: I couldn't care less what game receives the most recognition, HL2 had its peak of fame last year and will have it again when it comes out and people realize that it's the best. Remember: No matter how unbiased video game mags and websites are--they're biased.
Well FEAR looks exactly like The Specialists with better graphics to me....:hmph:

Look at the melee...too similar..

iamaelephant said:
It's amazing how worked up you kids get just because some magazine or website editors have opinions that differ from yours.

Listen, this is what the thread is about and I'm just saying what I noticed during e3. I'm not gonna kill myself over it but I just wanna make sure people know so I can get some kind of response on "halo 2 being better than hl2".
All HL2 has to do to become super popular is add real-time shadows, obvious specular/normal maps everywhere, a more 'accepted' setting (futuristic military facilities, space stations, etc), bullet-time style effects, 'non-linear' gameplay and rush it out by next week. They just need to sacrifice subtle things like deep storytelling and characters, original weapons/environments, detailed physics and all that stuff that don't interest most people.
Don't forget, you need islands and mutants that say one-liners like "I will pound your face with my fist!"
More like "EAT MY ASS"

Anyway i don't care if someone says FEAR is gonna kick HL2's ass. Let'em think that, and we'll see when both games come out. HL2 will still be on top, im sure its got a whole lotta punches left to pull.
I'll pay close attention to FEAR though, sounds like something entirely new and different. And its a Monolith game so its bound to be better then most other FPS games
Hahaha... it's almost as if you're scared that Doom3 or FEAR will be more popular. They obviously won't be.
The one-liners in Far Cry were so cheesy I was about to spread on 'em crackers.
Yeah!? well! well what about half-life 3!! OOH take that.

case closed.

Oh and that game had cartoon looking graphics compared to half-life 2, they don't have 40 seperate face muscles now do they, DO THEY!?
Looks like HL2 definately isn't top dog at Gamespy: they say that the game that won wasn't even mentioned last year. That probably means either FEAR or U3, both of which deserve it. But then, it also could be Donkey Konga. :)
Our top game of 2003 wasn't even mentioned in last year's E3 awards!

This is what it says..

Got their years mixed up...
Jackal hit said:
lmfao, in my webart class this guy is a halo fan, and he was like "yeah it's the most awesome thing... did you know you can have up to 16 players playing at once?!? it's incredible." in response, i told him... "yeah, that started with doom a long time ago, and now the biggest multiplayer game ever is counterstrike, but that's about 5 or 6 years old, so some new stuff will be out soon. oh yeah, you can have up to 64 players at once in many games on the pc." then he was like "whoa"

anyways, i'd say FEAR is more of a competitor for doom3 and not halflife2.

Competitor of Doom3. Look at the storyline of FEAR. It's ridiculous! :hmph:

The story begins as an unidentified paramilitary force infiltrates a multi-billion dollar aerospace compound. The government responds by sending in Special Forces, but loses contact as an eerie signal interrupts radio communications. When the interference subsides moments later, the team has been literally torn apart. As part of a classified strike team created to deal with threats no one else can handle, your mission is simple: Eliminate the intruders at any cost. Determine the origin of the signal. And contain this crisis before it spirals out of control.
FEAR's storyline isn't bad, it's much better than Doom 3's.
A lot of the reason why HL2 has been overlooked by so much of the gaming press for this years bout of crappy "best of e3" awards is because it was shown last year. Games shown at multiple e3's will always cop negitive feedback.
Jackal hit said:
lmfao, in my webart class this guy is a halo fan, and he was like "yeah it's the most awesome thing... did you know you can have up to 16 players playing at once?!? it's incredible." in response, i told him... "yeah, that started with doom a long time ago, and now the biggest multiplayer game ever is counterstrike, but that's about 5 or 6 years old, so some new stuff will be out soon. oh yeah, you can have up to 64 players at once in many games on the pc." then he was like "whoa"

He should have been like "bullshit man, doom only support 4 players using a peer to peer syncronised connection system".
I would have shown him this. That would have blown his brains out if he was that surprised with 64 players. Ouch.
in the FEAR video on page 2 of this post when he kills the guy and his hands and legs bump into the wall and bounce off realisticly, it was cool, but HL2 has rag-doll physics (its called something like that) interact with complex surfaces, wich means the dead body of a combined soldier flying trough the air from a explosion landing on a car will look VERY realistic!!!!!!
Is that FEAR or Doom3? Either way it looks terrible.
Raziaar said:
Thats doom III. Its from gamespot.

ITs doom3 for XBOX actually.
theres your reason why it looks like shite

edit: bah damn you "The Thing" aaargh guurgle
Raziaar said:

but the blood textures are so poor looking. why? It looks like old game blood. The stuff on the floor etc.

Thats the PC version, and that shot is like a year old
I dont think doom3 looks that great regardless

thing that gets me is, devs SHOULD NOT show off their fancy eye candy if they arent going to release, it gives us all skewed perceptions and standards when it comes to Graphics...

when I first saw doom3 media I was absolutely blown away, but its like 2 years later and still no doom3, now its pretty old hat.
HL2, same story
and now we were just shown Unreal 3 engine tech media... for the love of god whyyyyyyyyyyy!?
wowzer! so everyone is blown away by a tech of a game engine. great. however, until we see it actually implemented into a game how can we honestly act like U3 is the second coming? a good engine doesnt automatically translate into gaming goodness.

and monolith also developed the jupiter engine after the lithtech engine but I unaware if it has actually been used, but monolith does have a great track record of games, contract jack being the exception, and they are going back to mature games vice the recent spate of teen games. yay us.