Best HL enemy of all time?

Whats your favorite HL enemy of all time?

  • Tenticle (origonal HL)

    Votes: 10 9.0%
  • Zombies

    Votes: 9 8.1%
  • Ichtyosaurs (origonal HL)

    Votes: 6 5.4%
  • Stirders

    Votes: 35 31.5%
  • Gunships

    Votes: 4 3.6%
  • Gargantua (origonal HL)

    Votes: 18 16.2%
  • Combine soldiers

    Votes: 14 12.6%
  • Voltigore (OpFor)

    Votes: 3 2.7%
  • Antlions

    Votes: 4 3.6%
  • other (specify below)

    Votes: 8 7.2%

  • Total voters


Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
What is your favorite HL enemy of all time? Vote in the poll and then comment if u want on why its your choice.

If your poll choice isnt above, vote for other an post it.
The Gargantua can beat everything else there put together. He's just this big awesome dude that goes around pissing on everything else. How can anyone think he isn't the greatest?
Ichtyosaurs always got me! Hated going in the water with one in HL1 :)
Zombies, mainly because they can be killed in the most variations. :D Flaming zombie torso anyone?
Chase said:
The Gargantua can beat everything else there put together. He's just this big awesome dude that goes around pissing on everything else. How can anyone think he isn't the greatest?

I still think a strider could easily kill a gargantua though. Gargantua is less than half it's size and the strider can jus shoot its blue-laser-penis-gun at it an kill it in a shot or 2.

my fav is a tie between the icthyosaur and the strider. Icthyosaur because it was the most scary enemy i've ever fought in a FPS and stider because its big, manueverable, and it has a penis gun that can disintigrate people.
Striders are pretty damn powerful, they can kill antlionguards so easily its unbelivable.

Striders are t3h rock
If there was one thing in HL2 that sucked it was a lack of Garg(s). A garg vs strider would have been so f***in cool
Tight-ass Llama said:
If there was one thing in HL2 that sucked it was a lack of Garg(s). A garg vs strider would have been so f***in cool

the strider woulda towered over the garg though
STOP MAKING THESE TRHEADSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssss!!111111111
You guys are turning this into a versus was just who do you think is the best enemy.
Garric said:
STOP MAKING THESE TRHEADSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssss!!111111111

why? most ppl seem ta like them. Hell its better than "OmG HL2 f33k1n OwNz b!tch! its is teh greatest! PWNED PWNED PWNED!!!1111!!!!" lol

by the way, ne1 remeber those things from OpFor that shot spikes outa their face? those things woulda been sick on the source engine, someone's gota remake them.
the tentacle simply because it was so fun to get around and its kickass burning-to-a-crisp-at-the-touch-of-a-button death scene
rae said:
the tentacle simply because it was so fun to get around and its kickass burning-to-a-crisp-at-the-touch-of-a-button death scene

bassman61588 said:
The nihilith, the monster with the big nut sack

no it isnt.

the nihilanth is at the end of hl1 , its the superior being on xen.

the testicle thingy is the headcrab mother the.... ah cant remember now doh!
moggy said:
no it isnt.

the nihilanth is at the end of hl1 , its the superior being on xen.

the testicle thingy is the headcrab mother the.... ah cant remember now doh!

That would be Gonarch.

My favourite is the common Zombie. Too bad there weren't more in HL1.
Vortigaunt, and they're not just in opfor. They're in hl1;opfor;bs;hl2.
My vote

Striders - I wish they would use their alternate fire in non-scripted areas though. (Note: if they do, let me know!!) Besides the striders, it's a tougher choice. I like the things in Opposing Force that had the spikes in their noses and the bullsquids because they wouldn't go down without a fight and they would often charge you. The OF zombies were great when they would pull a piece of their guts out and throw it at you. What happened to that?
Biggleska said:
Vortigaunt, and they're not just in opfor. They're in hl1;opfor;bs;hl2.

nah, voltigores are different.

voltigores are those badass four legged things that shot powerful purple energy
Phat-t said:
nah, voltigores are different.

voltigores are those badass four legged things that shot powerful purple energy

Their death scene needed more gibs :p I voted Strider
I agree, Antlion guards are the shit. So are Striders, I love the sound they make when you kill them. I also love the poisened headcrab zombies, they are very cool. Combine are wicked, same goes with Shocktroopers and marines. Oh yeah and Alien grunts man they were sick. I also love the Apache and Osprey, as well as the combine helicopter and gunship...*Sigh* too many to choose from...
This is yet another reason for the Sven lot to produce a decent Stadium remake in Source- eventually, given enough time, the team might be able to return some of the old favourites to the Half-Life universe, and future "versus" threads would be unecessary...

Anyway, as for my favourite HL enemy, I'd have to say the Garg was the best. I felt far more awed by that gigantic blue badass then I did by the Striders, despite their awesomeness; and this was aided by brilliant cutscene use in a vast array of memorable mods.

The Gargantua was just a rampaging war machine that would've given a Strider quite a challenge- strong and surprisingly fast-moving, its only fear would be the reality-distorting WMD the Strider sports as a secondary weapon, as I doubt the primary gun or its pointed legs could penetrate a Garg's armour. If it got up close, a Gargantua could rend a Strider limb from limb.

Gah, I've managed to turn towards a "versus" mentality, damnation...
Yeah the pit worm was awesome. He was like the tenticle but a lot cooler.
Headcrabs. Scared the bejesus, yes the bejesus, out of me the first time one jumped on me, and you can play baseball with them and a crowbar.