Best Mapper In The Forums....


Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
Yo, I know that I am not the best mapper here for SURE! I know i am alright. Nothing special. But I was wondering who actually is the best mapper here? If you are a mapper post your screen shots of your maps. Lets see who should run this thread :D


(links so that people can antually load the web page)

This map is a bit of a bad example because its not finished

i.e. the bridges come to a stop

Ow and another thing. The map isn't really suposed to make sense :D its a CS map. I was making it tactical.
Nice mapping blink. What actually is hl-isolation? is it a mod?
yeah it is a sp mod

that screen dux has in his other post is part of it
Prity good. I think Papau is in the lead so far.
Are those first three shots for a halflife map Papau? the engine looks different, or maybe it's just 'cos of the sprite trees.
Originally posted by derby
Are those first three shots for a halflife map Papau? the engine looks different, or maybe it's just 'cos of the sprite trees.

Cant you tell from the HUD?

Battlefield 1942
MOH shots? no fair,, HL mappers get like 800 polies to work with :eek:

anyways here's what I'm working on







your mapping is prity good Shinobi, But I would still say Papau is in the lead with his medal of honor map. Mind u its on a better engine. So kinda hard to say really.
Shinobi, is obviously in the lead :)

I might post some of mine..nut i havent really done anything serious

oh and this should be contrained to HL only... Worldcraft/hammer is way different that MOH mapping, so you cant compare..besides MOH got a lot more polys and stuf to play i wondt think its fair to ven post those pics here...IMHO! :)
Sorry, but I deleted my HL maps a long time ago. I just wanted to participate in a friendly discussion. I'm pretty sure this discussion won't prove anything. Besides, MOH may be a much more competent engine, but there aren't many mappers who can create huge outdoor scenes like I can and still deliver performance. Hell, check my face counts (wt). I'm not using anything you don't have in HL. Just triangle brushes and transparent textures.

That isn't true about HL maps only having 800 polys to play with. There are a lot of things that aren't counted in the HL display, like models. Everything is counted in the Q3 display. I've done HL maps with more faces than my swamp map and they still performed.
I would also point out that skill with the Q3 engine is much more significant for HL2 than skill with the HL engine. The HL2 engine shares a great deal of commonality with Q3 and absolutely none with HL. The corner-shooter military/industrial compex/storage facility style of mapping so common to HL is not going to cut it in HL2.
Originally posted by Papau

That isn't true about HL maps only having 800 polys to play with. There are a lot of things that aren't counted in the HL display, like models. Everything is counted in the Q3 display. I've done HL maps with more faces than my swamp map and they still performed.

not true,, wpoly count is map brushes while epoly counts the polies from external program models (3dsmax maya etc....)

in my case I use one tank model from dod which i removing due to authenticity issues, the tank is only like 200 poly anyways
Originally posted by Papau
I would also point out that skill with the Q3 engine is much more significant for HL2 than skill with the HL engine. The HL2 engine shares a great deal of commonality with Q3 and absolutely none with HL. The corner-shooter military/industrial compex/storage facility style of mapping so common to HL is not going to cut it in HL2.

except for the fact taht HL1 and HL2 use the SAME EDITOR

I map for Q3 games (rtcw) and Unreal engine games,, I just enjoy mapping for hl the most,, and it's not preference because I learned to map with halflife last,, obviously the engine sucks now,, but it's still surprisingly competitive

If you really want to prepare for HL2 then start learning XSI
Shinobi, Nice map as far as on the HL1 engine. Hopefully HL2 will put the other engines to shame with its mapping possibilities.
Originally posted by Shinobi
except for the fact taht HL1 and HL2 use the SAME EDITOR

I map for Q3 games (rtcw) and Unreal engine games,, I just enjoy mapping for hl the most,, and it's not preference because I learned to map with halflife last,, obviously the engine sucks now,, but it's still surprisingly competitive

If you really want to prepare for HL2 then start learning XSI

There isn't that much difference between Worldcraft and Radiant and there will be a version of Radiant for HL2. I already know how to model. If I would have known you guys were going to get all upset over some images that weren't from HL, I wouldn't have bothered. I was just trying to show you something a little different. Screw it, this place isn't worth it.
wow man you took that a bit personally there, I wasnt calling you out, just commenting on the points you made,,,

since valve has built a new engine from the ground up it doesnt make sense to compare it to quake based engines anymore
urrrr. I dunno if u noticed but the hl2 engine works the same as the hl11 engine. Just its a lot better. You can notice this straight away by the way the people move etc.... I would say its definatly more like the hl1 engine than the quake3 engine.
How do you judge a map by looking at screenshots? Doesen't the true look and feel of it lie in actaully playing it? So saying that someone here is in the 'lead' by looking at one of his screenshots is a bit over the mountain dont you think?

Tho some do look nice, I've seen and made better. I'm not being big headed, only voicing my opinion and what I'm capable of making myself.
ye well Dux I wasn't actually been serious when I started the thread. Tbh its basiclly just a place to show off your work. Also anyone could say they are an l33t mapper. Tbh u might be u might not be. I don't care LOL. At the end of the day the forum was just been filled up with people asking questions about mapping and it was boring. So I decided to actually put some work on it.
Originally posted by Dux
How do you judge a map by looking at screenshots? .....

Thats a classic issue when it comes to mapping. Especially on forums. When I was crazy about mapping a few years ago, I'd post my work on forums, at first it was frustrating that everyone was judging yer map based on the eye-candy factor, even though it could be kick-arse for gameplay. On the other hand, there's not much else to comment on other than the eye appeal when all your showing them is screenshots.

Originally posted by IchI
urrrr. I dunno if u noticed but the hl2 engine works the same as the hl11 engine. Just its a lot better. You can notice this straight away by the way the people move etc.... I would say its definatly more like the hl1 engine than the quake3 engine.

the reason so many people made quake comparisons is because the HL1 engine is based off the quake engine, so you can make a lot of comparisons,, as far as I can tell, HL2 is built from the ground up
I'm going to say this one more time, then I'm out of here. The ONLY engines that have ever used BSP, VIS and RAD are Quake engines. All other engine designers do visibility and lighting real-time, because the current graphics cards can do it in hardware. They use back culling and view casting for visibility. No overhead, no huge vis compiles, no detail and vis brushes to worry about. It's much more efficient and much less manpower intensive. SS2, Q4/D3, Torque, BF1942 and UT200x all use this technique.

So, I ask you, if you are designing a new engine from scratch, why would you continue to use BSP, VIS and RAD? HL2 uses Q3 textures, shaders and mesh formats. HL2 uses BSP, VIS and RAD. If HL2 isn't i based on Q3, it's its damn twin brother. The only difference I see between Q3 and HL2 is full implementation of Directx9 functions.

I thought, given the size of these forums, I'd find some mappers more knowledgable about the latest engines and able to recognize HL2 for what it is. It would make going forward so much easier.

Incidently, the images I showed of the swamp and the level with the street car were early shots of two of the HL2 maps I was going to do. I used the MOHAA engine because it was the closest one I could find to what HL2 will be (other flavors of Q3 don't render multiple layers of transparencies as well).

Ichi, I want to thank you for starting this thread. I thought it was a good place to showcase what I was working on. I should have known better. Too many narrow minds.

I'll be returning to my Q3 game based forums now. Sorry for the bother.
hmmmmm, nice modelling with the brushes on the sand stuff. U can obviasly tell its not finished but atm it looks a bit bland. Kinda empty. But I am guessing thats because its not finished. I think.
Originally posted by Papau
I'm going to say this one more time, then I'm out of here. The ONLY engines that have ever used BSP, VIS and RAD are Quake engines. All other engine designers do visibility and lighting real-time, because the current graphics cards can do it in hardware. They use back culling and view casting for visibility. No overhead, no huge vis compiles, no detail and vis brushes to worry about. It's much more efficient and much less manpower intensive. SS2, Q4/D3, Torque, BF1942 and UT200x all use this technique.

So, I ask you, if you are designing a new engine from scratch, why would you continue to use BSP, VIS and RAD? HL2 uses Q3 textures, shaders and mesh formats. HL2 uses BSP, VIS and RAD. If HL2 isn't i based on Q3, it's its damn twin brother. The only difference I see between Q3 and HL2 is full implementation of Directx9 functions.
Valve have already said HL2 feature occlusion culling and real time lighting (not direcly, but implied)...
So, I ask you, if you are designing a new engine from scratch, why would you continue to use BSP, VIS and RAD? HL2 uses Q3 textures, shaders and mesh formats. HL2 uses BSP, VIS and RAD. If HL2 isn't i based on Q3, it's its damn twin brother. The only difference I see between Q3 and HL2 is full implementation of Directx9 functions.

:LOL: classic quote
I'm feeling those pics neddy, only thing off the top of my head I'd say is to change the valve train-cart texture
Originally posted by Papau
The ONLY engines that have ever used BSP, VIS and RAD are Quake engines.

Well, the only games to actually have programs called BSP, VIS and RAD are Quake games, but plenty of engines have used the BSP (binary space partition) method of rendering. Many have also used static lighting.

Originally posted by Papau
So, I ask you, if you are designing a new engine from scratch, why would you continue to use BSP, VIS and RAD?

You obvisouly don't know much about HL2. Valve wanted it to be able to run on DX6 hardware, that means it can't rely on the features and power of modern graphics cards to do visibility calculations and realtime lighting.

Originally posted by Papau
Ichi, I want to thank you for starting this thread. I thought it was a good place to showcase what I was working on. I should have known better. Too many narrow minds.

Oh come on, you have to take things less seriously. It's only a forum, you have to take things with a pinch of salt. No-one meant any offense, no-one said it had to be HL1 maps, so just hold your own instead of going of to sulk.

Originally posted by Papau
I'll be returning to my Q3 game based forums now. Sorry for the bother.

No bother
It's obvious VALVe decided to use their knowledge of the Quake engines when they wrote Source. There's no denying that.

Most engines are using BSP trees to determine draw order and portal based visibility culling. Q1/Q2/Q3/HL even Unreal, Unreal2 and DooM III are using BSP trees and a portal based PVS. All games with static lightmaps needs a way of calculating them in advance and this step is called RAD in the Q/HL world. Dunno what Unreal mappers call it.

In D3 howerver there doesn't exist a VIS and RAD step in the compile process as those things are done real time in the engine.

For you ppl interested in 3D engines visit one of the many game programming pages on the net like, and others.

Also check out this Doom3 map viewer:
also valve said that they wanted the mapping process in HL2 to mimic the HL1 process so people wouldnt haev to re-learn too much
One final post. In other forums you suggest that HL2 is very similar to Q3 and people immediately know what you are talking about. Here, you get arguments why it isn't. Rather than embracing knowledge that may benefit you, you treat it as blasphamy. I never once said HL2 was a bad engine, regardless of what it's based on, yet you feel you have to defend it. I decry the use of BSP, VIS and RAD, because they are incredibly time consuming. You will find that out for yourselves. I was looking for a HL/HL2 forum where mappers had knowledge beyond the 5 year old engine they are used to. This isn't it. Goodbye.
nice pics man :D

what's HL-isolation?

and papau we have knowlege of other engines (I map for most of the major ones),, I guess people here are just going by what valve tells us and not by forum rumors...