Mr. Redundant

May 20, 2003
Reaction score
WOW, sorry this does deserve it's own thread.....

I am absolutely blown away by the DM that was just released.

Killing somone with a toilet bowl has NEVER been more satisfying.

OMFG, they said it couldnt be done... but they did it.. perfectly WOW.

aaargghgh *gurgle*
such pleeeaaasuuure
A pretty mediocre game so far. Laggy, buggy and clumsy. I wish people would stop praising the deathmatch as perfect merely because it's for HL2.
hey mr redundant, you the one from ts forums i played with a few times on an aus server? :D

anyway yeah, i agree with spartan, its fun, but like the single player hl2, its flawed (more flawed than single player) but still...yeah...cheeeeeese..
Spartan said:
A pretty mediocre game so far. Laggy, buggy and clumsy. I wish people would stop praising the deathmatch as perfect merely because it's for HL2.
Well maybe they praise it, because it's enjoyable for them? therefore you wishing they would stop it... is rather nazi-ish.
Spartan said:
A pretty mediocre game so far. Laggy, buggy and clumsy. I wish people would stop praising the deathmatch as perfect merely because it's for HL2.

Agreed. Theres also a HL2DM forum now.
Spartan said:
A pretty mediocre game so far. Laggy, buggy and clumsy. I wish people would stop praising the deathmatch as perfect merely because it's for HL2.
And i really wish you would stop trolling. But it aint gonna happen now, is it :p
So many TSers in one thread. o_O

True, the game is quite laggy because we must not forget that all the physics calculations of the toilets and barrels are server side. The more flying around, the more laggy it is.

I don't think there's a way to fix it unless everyone get a three times faster internet connection including the server itself.

Also, THIS IS THE BEST MP MOD EVER! Here, I said that. =]
Spartan said:
A pretty mediocre game so far. Laggy, buggy and clumsy. I wish people would stop praising the deathmatch as perfect merely because it's for HL2.

I think people are praising it because it's genuinely fun to play.
3v3 team deathmatch on a good server = no lag and tons of fun. I love it.
yeah it is fun for about 2 weeks, then u get tired of the lag and move on to something else. not the best mp, just fun. i would like to see some dm maps where theres not as much physics shit flying around so no one is lagging all at 300 ping.

My 02 cents.
jrob8604 said:
yeah it is fun for about 2 weeks, then u get tired of the lag and move on to something else. not the best mp, just fun. i would like to see some dm maps where theres not as much physics shit flying around so no one is lagging all at 300 ping.

My 02 cents.

if it's 300 ping, the server 1) sucks, or 2) your connection sucks

now, piss off.
you should not be getting 300 ping on a good server. I played tonight on two good servers, one where I got a stable 80 ping, which isn't wonderful, but the game felt smooth. Another server where I pinged mid 30's, and it rocked.
KagePrototype said:
What the hell is your problem? :|

my problem is the countless idiots that spew out crap like "steam sucks!" "hl2dm is laggy!" when both are wrong, and just their own fault. :x
Sanius said:
if it's 300 ping, the server 1) sucks, or 2) your connection sucks

now, piss off.

I think his hemroids flammed up, that would be my guess.
Theres plenty of fast, glitch free games now.

HL2DM runs great and the gravity gun really does make it quite unique.

I dont think its the best MP but definitly one of the best DMs.
I love HL²DM, I'm having more fun playing it than HL²SP.
HL2DM is fantastic fun, but it lags very badly compared to a lot of fps online games which really, really limits it for me.
300 PING??
Omg, i got 110, that was the max. I think that tweaks, a little patch, my connection update, the servers optimization and the ppl stopping to use the grav gun will give me some nice 30 frames per second. :D
I have a smile on my face the entire time i'm playing it.

Usually i hate dm games by default and i'll probably get sick of hl2dm in a few days, but at the moment i'm having a lot of fun with it.
Mr-Fusion said:
I have a smile on my face the entire time i'm playing it.

Usually i hate dm games by default and i'll probably get sick of hl2dm in a few days, but at the moment i'm having a lot of fun with it.
I was laughing all the time while playing. I love how if you get to the top on the building in c17 with the rocket launcher. Aim for 5 people...boom they go flying up :)
Waiting for all the trolls to come back and say something nice, because lets all say it, we told you so! :p
I seem to enjoy CS a little more than DM, but i would have to play a bit more to make a choice between the two. Either way its yet another option in an already great arsenal of games i am enjoying with my purchase.

Thanks Valve.
Spartan said:
A pretty mediocre game so far. Laggy, buggy and clumsy. I wish people would stop praising the deathmatch as perfect merely because it's for HL2.

Heh, you've really mastered the art of moaning constantly haven't you?
Or he is using freedom of speech to give his view of things, you NAZI!
So tired of everyone accusing everyone for being nazis, so that was a joke. My oppinion is that it has great potential but the maps currently blows. Just get in crossfire and it will be a blast!
MigaS_tX said:
300 PING??
Omg, i got 110, that was the max. I think that tweaks, a little patch, my connection update, the servers optimization and the ppl stopping to use the grav gun will give me some nice 30 frames per second. :D

I think because people normal pc (which are not powerful enough to handle the alot pf slots) are hosting this game

wait 2-3 days till the real servers (with 100mbit-250mbit) @ swe and norway start kiking, pings will be 30-90 depends on location :)
Heheh i had a ping with 7 here in sweden, but even then the server lagged a lot. I dont think this had to do with the servers bandwidth more so with the cpu or everyone else lagging.
Yep agreed Gorgon,not to mention they will be a lot more stable without the wild fluctuations in latency.
Good Lord! I just got done playing for about half an hour and I must admit that HL2DM is really good. I'm bettin' the farm that we'll be seeing some more maps and mods comin' out for this sucker in the coming weeks. There certainly are some lag issues, but further optimizations by Valve will soon straighten all that out I'm sure.

The weapons are surprisingly well-balanced, althought the magnum certainly needs to be toned down a little. I got 10 kills with it in the first 30 seconds of one match. The gravity gun is a blast of course. There really isn't anything more satisfying than some bastard firing a radiator at you, catching it in midair and firing it back for the kill. Brilliant.
The most fun is pushing a car infront of you all the time and just clear the way! :D
Well, played for a while and it's pretty decent IMO. Never really liked HLDM and this feels almost the same... Except its pretty fun using the Gravity gun on players, like shooting a toilet on a player and see them fly 50 meters is real fun.
sucks to be the people who wanted to mod the whole HL2DM,, it is the best multiplayer experiance ive had so far .. gameplay wise its soo much fun. I was having fun on Halo 2 MP a while back.... that got old in a week.,.. theres multiple ways of disposing of people with the manipulator and its hella awsome.. this is my new pet favourite MP of all time... cant wait for more maps to be released.. :)
Sparta said:
And i really wish you would stop trolling. But it aint gonna happen now, is it :p

Well shit, if posting a message is considered trolling, you have just made yourself a hypocrite. Maybe you ought to stop posting right away, so no one will think that you're a troll.

Wildhound said:
Heh, you've really mastered the art of moaning constantly haven't you?

Aren't you supposed to be sucking a Valve employee's dick somewhere?
Spartan... wtf is your problem... quit posting derogative kiddy crap.. that isnt needed.
thats just your opinion.. I think its the most fun since CS got flooded by hackers.
Is it laggy? Hell yea! Is it fun? HELL YEA! If they would remove some of that useless sh*it from the map, those little things that use the physics, but can't pick them up with a Grav Gun, garbage and stuff. I think it would reduce some of the load for the server. If the game stays like this for long im gonna get bored realy fast.
Bakurei said:
Is it laggy? Hell yea! Is it fun? HELL YEA! If they would remove some of that useless sh*it from the map, those little things that use the physics, but can't pick them up with a Grav Gun, garbage and stuff. I think it would reduce some of the load for the server. If the game stays like this for long im gonna get bored realy fast.

Wait for new maps, oh and custom maps are going to be really fun :)