MajorPayne said:
Spartan, you have been a perfect Troll, all while claiming to be nothing of the sort. We all know you for what you are (a 13 or so year old Kid trying to look cool on the intarweb), and no one cares what you think. Go foul someone else's forum please.

I honestly can't understand how disliking certain aspects of HL2 makes me cool. I also can't understand how that could possibly make me 13 years old, especially if I'm 20. I guess it's some new kind of math that you are using.

And once again: learn the meaning of the word troll prior to using it.

ryanmw said:
and spartan.........put down the mouse....go outside...take the training wheels off your Huffy....learn how to use motor skills...your going to need them in the real know..that place called reality?

Uh, huh? So let me get this straight: a person who doesn't consider HL2 to be perfect is suddenly out of touch with reality, a lifeless nerd living in a basement, obvlious to the outside world? I'd ask about the logic behind that, if I really thought that it had any.

where you cant get a girlfriend and your depression leaks over into a forum where you spend half your life wasting away trying to make yourself feel better by bashing so called "noobs"

Oh my, the girlfriend argument. What if I'm gay? Maybe I'll come and **** you in the ass. Or we could have some oral. You know, some deepthroating action. Oh yeah.

who are pry in reality cheating with your mom on your dad....whos in jail because he anally raped you....on second thought...keep trolling..pry much better than accepting your own life

Hum... I'm getting lectured about reality by someone who thinks that a person who has been dead for over ten years can anally rape someone, or be in jail. Do you often have these kind of fantasies?
I haven't had a chance to play the game yet.
For some reason, I downloaded it all the way, but when I go to play it, the CD spins but it just sits there and does nothing.

Quite frustrating.
th3Phallex said:

what a fag.

Whee, more quality argument. What's this? A person who doesn't consider HL2 to be his favorite game is a fag? I'm sure you can back this up with rational arguments and logic (cough).

Q: what kind of retard trashes a game on a forum where people go to enjoy & talk about the said game?


Do you even know what the word means? No.
Spartan said:
Whee, more quality argument. What's this? A person who doesn't consider HL2 to be his favorite game is a fag? I'm sure you can back this up with rational arguments and logic (cough).

Do you even know what the word means? No.

Oh. You're right, spartan.

Everything I've said about you is wrong.

I take it all back.

Obvously you're a person with integrity.

Now how about actual game talk.

What game do you think is better than HL²DM?
Well, I just got to play some DeathMatch, and I'd be surprised if anyone didn't like it.

In the few short moments (on my lunchbreak) that I got to play it, I was impressed. It already had played as fast (if not faster) than Wolfenstein, a favorite of mine.

The lag wasn't really an issue, because it only lagged for the first 10 seconds or so; after that I was able to play smoothly.

AmishSlayer said:
These 2 maps we have aren't the best DM maps if you ask me.

There's only 2 maps??

Hopefully they come out with more within a week or so, because 2 maps will get old quick.
Yeah. I just reached a point in my life where I forgot how to play DM games. So far HL2DM is not flaoting my boat. :|
While it is fun to play. The fps seems capped no matter what I do. I'm consistently running at around 40 fps no matter what resolution or what options I've got selected or unselected. Anyone else experiencing this?
Just my opinion...

It's not the most balanced deathmatch i've ever played. It's not the most stable. It's pretty laggy, but you know what?

I don't care. Because it's so stupidly fun.

I've been playing 14 player matches today with no long term lag. It's spiked a couple of times but that's pretty much it. Already as it is, I can safely say i've had more fun with this DM than I have with any other, and I reckon with a few more maps and some tweaks and updates, i'll be having the same fun for a long long time.
I haven't gotten any problem with lag so far. Been pinging around 40-60.

I have to say this is the most fun I've had in a game for a loooong time. Kinda reminds me of the first time I played HL DM. From that moment on I was completely nailed just like I am now.
HL2DM is unplayable for me. I don't get it, even with a Latency of 80 or so it is choppy as hell, and its not my computer! I am getting 40-60fps but it is still CHOPPY and UNPLAYABLE. I though Cable modems were suppose to be fast? My seems to be completly worthless. :angry: :angry: :angry:
too bad i cant friggin log into steam now. i dont know what is going on, but i cannot use steam any more. it just sits there saing that is logging in, but never does. this is really pissing me off becuase i want to play hl2dm!!
It's definitely unplayable at this point. And it's definitely not the best mp ever. Whoever said that has obviously not been playing online games for very long. It's mediocre at best. It was fun for the first 30 minutes and then it got boring.

I hope all you bitches who cried about not getting deathmatch at release are happy (as if you are going to be playing it for long anyway)....

Another thing, I wish people would stop bitching and crying talking about lag. Everyone gets it so save the drama for yo' momma.

I'm really not that impressed with it at this point. I just can't wait for DoD and TF Source.
I agree with the critics: deathmatch is... well... dumb. I mean, for something that is ONLY hand-eye coordination (tactics and brains are not required for dm), I still find PONG the best game ever at doing that.

The physics engine (for me) does not add any real improvement on the deatchmatch gametype. Talent gone to waste in my opinion.

Valve, get your brains and talent working on sequels and an IMPROVEMENT on CS! Take CS:S to a new level instead of just grahically updating the game.
I think the good thing with DM is that it's not always set in the same lame setting that the objective-based games are.

It's NOT a World-War-based environment, and it's NOT a die-once-and-wait-forever environment.

But I guess there's Pros and Cons for each.
Holy shit another Spartan extravaganza!!!

Why are you on a fansite for a game you don't like? It makes no sense.
Spartan said:
Well shit, if posting a message is considered trolling, you have just made yourself a hypocrite. Maybe you ought to stop posting right away, so no one will think that you're a troll.
Hahaha nice try. I was referring to the majority of posts you've made here since HL2 has been released. Most of them have been having a go at people who think HL2 is awesome.

Ask anyone here, you're a troll
Spartan said:
A pretty mediocre game so far. Laggy, buggy and clumsy. I wish people would stop praising the deathmatch as perfect merely because it's for HL2.

Rofl My waffle!
Sparta said:
Ask anyone here, you're a troll
Yeah, he's a troll. He should take his friends Odysseus and soldcar4gasmony and leave.

I liked HL2DM but the lag sort of ruined it for me.

I got on some decent servers though, and DAMN but did I have fun! Gravity gun duels are orgasmic!
Mr-Fusion said:
Holy shit another Spartan extravaganza!!!

Why are you on a fansite for a game you don't like? It makes no sense.

Hating a game | loving a game

Learn the grey area between them.

Sparta said:
Hahaha nice try. I was referring to the majority of posts you've made here since HL2 has been released. Most of them have been having a go at people who think HL2 is awesome.

Ask anyone here, you're a troll

Could you at least learn what the word means? Please? Learning new words honestly isn't that difficult, I do it all the time.
seems like most computer taht host cant handle everything whats going on in a game.
Mr. Redundant said:
WOW, sorry this does deserve it's own thread.....

I am absolutely blown away by the DM that was just released.

Killing somone with a toilet bowl has NEVER been more satisfying.

OMFG, they said it couldnt be done... but they did it.. perfectly WOW.

aaargghgh *gurgle*
such pleeeaaasuuure

LOL you rock, i rock. this site rocks. my gf rocks. money rocks. this ****ing world rocks. go jesus, thank the lord for this!
Team Deathmatch is the shit. A full on Combine vs Rebellion war.
Guys, look, this is fun, but its just not THAT fun. What I cant wait for is how people use these physics in full mods.

Imagine playing tfc with welding. With turrets you can pick up and carry around. I cant wait.
Geronimous said:
"...I mean, for something that is ONLY hand-eye coordination (tactics and brains are not required for dm), I still find PONG the best game ever at doing that.

The physics engine (for me) does not add any real improvement on the deatchmatch gametype. Talent gone to waste in my opinion..."


I think you missed the fact that IT DOES REQUIRE TACTICS AND BRAINS in DeathMatch. You just have to do it twice as fast.

This is a game of split-second thinking.

Let me give you an example:

While playing last night, I noticed that within each room of the Prison level, I had to think of (all at the same time):
1) Every player that was in (or entering) my immediate area
2) How much health/ammo/run power/weapons I had left
3) Where the obstacles/throwable items are
4) Direction of other players' shooting/throwing
5) Where a clear exit is

Also, there are tactics to include with this.
"Should I blow up that barrel before that guy throws it at me, or do I turn around 180 and blast the guy behind me w/ the shotgun?"

Add this to the close-range combat/dogding/escape tactics, and it becomes a VERY intense and fast-paced game.

So, I guess if you can't handle that, you SHOULD stick to PONG.


And how does the physics engine NOT make any DM better? When you can pick up just about ANYTHING and make someone else DIE from the impact of it, that makes for a much more enjoyable game.

I agree, BEST DM EVER.
The above examples just become reflexes over time. When I play TFC or CS, I don't need to think.
i agree that the DM is genuinely fun... can it be improved? of course as with everything in life.
i feel it needs more weapons and the maps should pop up as time rolls on but yeah, this is definitely the best DM ever ;)
Spartan said:
The above examples just become reflexes over time. When I play TFC or CS, I don't need to think.

Maybe so, but you constantly have to "assess the situation".

You do FAR MORE of this with the chaotic nature of the DM.

Especially when you can play with more than one life.