Only thing that pisses me off is the lack of ammo u got with the smg, thats it really..

Btw i think Sparton is trying to act the hard man, trying to forfil it on the internet what he failed in real-life.

Seriously he comes here each day, to a hl2 FAN forum and just moans about the game. Im totally seriously, how pathetic must he be? I don't like LOTS of games, i do not go crying on fan forums about it.

I'm serious mate, you need to seek help. That really is pathetic

Go tell your mom what you do in your spare time, i'm sure she'll be so proud.
Spartan said:
Well shit, if posting a message is considered trolling, you have just made yourself a hypocrite. Maybe you ought to stop posting right away, so no one will think that you're a troll.

Aren't you supposed to be sucking a Valve employee's dick somewhere?

Spartan must realise that he wouldn't be acting this way if he weren't anonymous on the internet.
Unless he acts like this offline too. But that would be utterly retarded, wouldn't it?

Spartan goes to his gun club. He stays for a week.

"Guns are dumb. I don't understand guns, so I hate you all! People who use guns are fanboys! Suck Charleton Heston's dick! Wah wah wah! Blah blah blah!"

Or Spartan goes to Starbucks, staying there for a week.

"Coffee is dumb. I don't understand beans, so I hate you all! People who like coffee are fanboys! Suck Juan Valdez's dick! Wah wah wah! Blah blah blah!"

Spartan goes to Nasa. He hangs around mission control for a month.

"Space is dumb. I don't understand rockets, so I hate you all! People who like space are fanboys! Suck Neil Armstrong's dick! Wah wah wah! Blah blah blah!"

Actually, Spartan should try all those activities. It would dramatically increase his chances of being shot, scalded and/or shoved out an airlock.

In the meantime, let's play Spartan Mad Libs:
Just fill in the blanks, and you can have your very own Spartan story!

Spartan's Adventure Outside the Internet

One day, Spartan decided to go to _________(place).
Once he got there, he stayed for a week, constantly repeating:

"________(noun) is dumb. I don't understand ________(noun), so I hate you all! People who like _______(noun) are fanboys!
Suck ________(celebrity name)'s dick! Wah wah wah! Blah blah blah!"

Spartan was subsequently punched in the face. He didn't understand why.

The End.
For those of you complaining about the server lag, keep in mind that as soon as a game is released, a lot of people create their own servers without adjusting the server settings to match their connections. On a midrange cable connection, even an 8 player DM server will have some lag.
Server i was fragging up on was completely lag free. Change server, or maintain your PC in a proper manner
Add animation for crouching combine
Add clip to smg @ spawn
Up pistol damage
Up double shotty damage
Down the colt damage
Shorten grenade bounce time
Hahah, good one mechagodzilla. Spartan, I don't understand you. If you don't like HL2 why do you even bother with all the fanboys here?
Mechagodzilla said:
Spartan must realise that he wouldn't be acting this way if he weren't anonymous on the internet.
Unless he acts like this offline too. But that would be utterly retarded, wouldn't it?

Acting like what? Saying my opinion about something? I didn't realize that I need to be anonymous to be able to do that.

Spartan goes to his gun club. He stays for a week.

"Guns are dumb. I don't understand guns, so I hate you all! People who use guns are fanboys! Suck Charleton Heston's dick! Wah wah wah! Blah blah blah!"

Oh, right. I'm not supposed to be here because I don't consider HL2 to be a perfect game. I'm also not supposed to acknowledge the existence of fanboys, even though this forum is full of them. I admire your logic (not).

Spartan's Adventure Outside the Internet

One day, Spartan decided to go to _________(place).
Once he got there, he stayed for a week, constantly repeating:

"________(noun) is dumb. I don't understand ________(noun), so I hate you all! People who like _______(noun) are fanboys!
Suck ________(celebrity name)'s dick! Wah wah wah! Blah blah blah!"

Spartan was subsequently punched in the face. He didn't understand why.

The End.

These metaphors and stories would make more sense if you knew what you were talking about. In general, if you had any clue about anything, you'd be more succesful.
Obviously you don't understand. I'll fill in the blanks for you.

Spartan's Adventure on the Internet

One day, Spartan decided to go to
Once he got there, he stayed for 652 posts(!), constantly repeating:

"Half-life 2 is dumb. I don't understand why anyone else likes it, so I hate you all! People who like half-life 2 are fanboys!
Suck Gabe Newell's dick! Wah wah wah! Blah blah blah!"

Lots of people wanted to punch Spartan in the face. He didn't understand why.

The End.

See a connection to my metaphor now? I'm sorry if my creativity bewildered you.

You're going somewhere you don't belong in order to whine and complain to people who don't like you. And you never leave.
Yet, you cannot comprehend why you might not be wanted or liked.

If this weren't the internet, you'd get your ass kicked.
Which, I suspect, is the reason why you're here on the internet.
People can't slap some sense into you from miles away, and you cherish that safety.

I don't think I can spell it out for you any clearer than that.
You're not wanted and people hate you. Leave.
I don't know how I've been so oblivious to it, but it didn't really hit me until his last post... Spartan is just a young kid. As almost all young kids do, he wants attention. We give it to him.
ah quit arguing now...its pointless!

Btw i have no lag at all? just pick a server with 14 latency...easy as really. Cant beat pushing a few tables and filing cabnets at someone stuck in a corner till they get crushed to death :D sweet DM!
DeFiLeR8383 said:
anyone that thinks HL2DM is the best MP ever has either:
1) Never played MP before
2) On some good drugs (share some with me)
3) Likes lots of lag
4) Likes getting spawn killed over and over
5) Likes an average lifespan of 1.3 seconds

list goes on and on....anyone with half a brain can realize how much it of you are just fan boys

wow, don't say stupid shit like that. especially as your first post.
Mr. Redundant said:
WOW, sorry this does deserve it's own thread.....

I am absolutely blown away by the DM that was just released.

Killing somone with a toilet bowl has NEVER been more satisfying.

OMFG, they said it couldnt be done... but they did it.. perfectly WOW.

aaargghgh *gurgle*
such pleeeaaasuuure

no kid

only boring sp maps with too many physicsstuff

overpowered weapons 1:1 sp weapons :angry:

DM is boring is not for long time
Mechagodzilla said:
Obviously you don't understand. I'll fill in the blanks for you.

See a connection to my metaphor now? I'm sorry if my creativity bewildered you.

No, I really don't.

You're going somewhere you don't belong in order to whine and complain to people who don't like you. And you never leave.

I've played Half-Life since 1998, so I think it's safe to say that I have a right to be here.

Yet, you cannot comprehend why you might not be wanted or liked.

And you cannot comprehend that opinions aren't in binary. You assume that there's either 1 ("HL2 is flawless in every way, and it's by far the best game ever made") or 0 ("This game is so bad that I'd rather radioactive waste"). But then again, you are a fanboy.

If this weren't the internet, you'd get your ass kicked.

Believe it or not, but disagreeing on something doesn't usually lead to violence in the real world. I don't know, maybe you're just socially inept. And who's going to kick my ass? You? Don't make me laugh.

miked4o7 said:
I'm a sad person who makes strange assumptions that are based on nothing.

I couldn't agree more.
What a pointless argument.

Spartan you don't like the game. Go and play something else. Mech, leave him to his misery and play the game because you like it.

Case closed.
Just ignore Spartan. He is simply here to annoy people and that is basically it. The only thing I can possibly give him credit for is the fact that he is a troll that is at least smart enough to ensure they don't do anything that would get them banned.

His constant whining, insults, and acting dumb is doing absolutely nothing but turning away people that may also be borderline to having his opinions.

He is here on a HL2 fansite and is doing nothing but insulting its fans and the game itself. He is just a general uncreative troll who can't seem to find anything better to do.

Ignore problems like him and they will magically go away. Since if he keeps on talking and no one is listening then he will simply be banned for spamming.
You can play team deathmatch? I didn't see that... *Off to play HL2: DM*
The Mullinator said:
The only thing I can possibly give him credit for is the fact that he is a troll that is at least smart enough to ensure they don't do anything that would get them banned.

I've probably slipped into some twisted alternate reality over the past few months. The last time I checked, a "troll" is not "a person who disagrees." Maybe it's some newbie thing. For your information, a troll is someone who tries to get replies by any means necessary. I can see why you're confused, being new to the Internet and everything.

His constant whining, insults, and acting dumb is doing absolutely nothing but turning away people that may also be borderline to having his opinions.

Uh, did you notice that you insulted me and then accused me of insulting people? In the same post?

Since if he keeps on talking and no one is listening then he will simply be banned for spamming.

Great logic, there. It must have taken you hours to come up with that.
I Cant Wait Stopo The Hldm Posts Stuck In School>
Its really weird for me but thanks to my university internet connection I almost never find a server for any game (non Valve game too) that have a ping lower than 300.

With HL2DM that is mostly true except that all the servers that do have pings of 100 or lower are in the UK (I live in Canada). Either UK'ers are the only people with proper dedicated servers up right now or something really weird is happening with my connection.

EDIT: This is if Spartan has replied to my post:
I have added you to my ignore list.

For anyone else wanting to do that just click on their user profile and there should be link allowing you to add the user to your ignore list. Works like a charm. :)
azz0r said:
Add animation for crouching combine
Add clip to smg @ spawn
Up pistol damage
Up double shotty damage
Down the colt damage
Shorten grenade bounce time

Hah, yeah, the Combine crouch animation makes them look like they're being pulled forward by their facemasks.

And the colt is definately a little too powerful.
The Mullinator said:
EDIT: This is if Spartan has replied to my post:
I have added you to my ignore list.

If I had absolutely no skill or ability to argue, I'd probably have to use the ignore function, too. Fortunately for me, I don't have to lower myself to that level.
lol spartan - you really are a troll. The weird thing is, you don't even realise it. I wonder if any of them do? Might make for an interesting study.
we11er said:
lol spartan - you really are a troll. The weird thing is, you don't even realise it. I wonder if any of them do? Might make for an interesting study.


Trolls deliberately create controversial threads to generate replies. It's impossible to be a troll without knowing it.

Oh, wait... I forgot: your newbie definition of a troll is someone who disagrees. Nevermind. But did you know that by that definition, you're also a troll?
You guys are righ about ignoring Spartan. Before he goes on my ignore list, I took the time to look over Spartan's greatest hits.

Spartan said:
But then again, you are a fanboy.

Aren't you supposed to be sucking a Valve employee's dick somewhere?

A pretty mediocre game so far. Laggy, buggy and clumsy. I wish people would stop praising the deathmatch as perfect merely because it's for HL2.

Maybe you should try getting a ****ing clue before you post.

What bothers me is Valve's way of ****ing with developers.

The physics in HL2DM are still buggy.

Go f-ck yourself, newbie

HL2 is NOT SPECIAL. It won't get its score changed just because Valve released a half-assed deathmatch mod for it after release.

That's precisely what HL2 attempts to do, and fails.

Half-Life 2 wasn't really all that fun, especially since it has shit performance on high-end computers. Nothing is fun anymore. Games are shit.

I actually think I prefer consoles over PCs these days.

In that case, Valve would be guilty of poor, illogical and unrealistic storytelling.

the dialog has been designed to be as onesided as possible, resulting in a very silly and confusing way of telling a story.

its story isn't as strong, interesting or compelling. It's more about shooting and blowing shit up, or wandering through setpieces. On the other hand, it doesn't have enough new features and ideas to be a really different or new game.

Write every conceivable opinion down (just make sure you don't explain or rationalize them too much, that's not the Fanboy Way). Then, send them to Valve so they can verify them as factual information. By the time that happens, Hell will have frozen over.

I'm afraid Valve has made me their bitch through Steam.

I'm beginning to see a trollish pattern, here.

Of course, you belong on the Half-life 2 website nonetheless.

I'm wasting my time with you. Goodbye.
Mechagodzilla said:
You guys are righ about ignoring Spartan. Before he goes on my ignore list, I took the time to look over Spartan's greatest hits.

Of course, you belong on the Half-life 2 website nonetheless.

I'm wasting my time with you. Goodbye.

And what are those out of context quotes supposed to proof (besides your own stupidity)? You really know how to make yourself look idiotic.
Spartan said:
And what are those out of context quotes supposed to proof (besides your own stupidity)? You really know how to make yourself look idiotic.

Spartan, you have been a perfect Troll, all while claiming to be nothing of the sort. We all know you for what you are (a 13 or so year old Kid trying to look cool on the intarweb), and no one cares what you think. Go foul someone else's forum please.
jrob8604 said:
yeah it is fun for about 2 weeks, then u get tired of the lag and move on to something else. not the best mp, just fun. i would like to see some dm maps where theres not as much physics shit flying around so no one is lagging all at 300 ping.

My 02 cents.

How about you come back when the thing has actually been out for 2 ****in' weeks, THEN say that it's only fun for two weeks?
cadaver said:
mediocre indeed. team deathmatch please.

There's an option for TDM it just isn't very obvious which servers are running with it checked.
HL2DM is pretty decent.

I still dont like the SMG at all due to me being disappointed it's just a more inaccurate MP5 from starting with that blows if you ask me. The .357 should not be one-shot kill. All they need to do now is add a scope and call it the AWP...

I think this will be more fun with friends (so maybe they'll listen when you try to just have an all-out manipulator war) on more physics oriented maps. These 2 maps we have aren't the best DM maps if you ask me. They pretty much grabbed the HL2 SP map and opened some doors to make it easy to run around in - referring to the prison level. Spawning also needs to be fixed. I don't know how many times I've spawned in the same spot only to be shotgunned guy waiting for me to pop up. It's very annoying.

I have fun with it...but I need to get on a smaller server... like 8 maybe. I'm tired of spawning only to be shot a second later by some guy running by with his colt.
I just played team deathmatch overwatch. We had football with the cars. :D
Like someone said at the server I was playing at, it should be seen as a beta, or at least not as a complete version. Needs better netcode, balancing and needs debugging. Promising, though.
mm... Just play in servers wich are in same country as u... I made a server and friend who lives nearby joined and he got 30 ping. Heheh had lots of fun :D
If you think its fun right now just wait untill all the mods come out...the thing just came out.....right now cs:s is slightly more fun but that wont be the case in a couple weeks....

and spartan.........put down the mouse....go outside...take the training wheels off your Huffy....learn how to use motor skills...your going to need them in the real know..that place called reality? where you cant get a girlfriend and your depression leaks over into a forum where you spend half your life wasting away trying to make yourself feel better by bashing so called "noobs" who are pry in reality cheating with your mom on your dad....whos in jail because he anally raped you....on second thought...keep trolling..pry much better than accepting your own life
Spartan said:
A pretty mediocre game so far. Laggy, buggy and clumsy. I wish people would stop praising the deathmatch as perfect merely because it's for HL2.

the first server I played on was extremely laggy and bad, it was apparently not a dedicated server, everything was clumsy, laggy and buggy.... and I everyone on it were still having fun and praising the game.

I decided to switch servers only to try another level

I got onto one called "100mbit something or other".
it was a 10 player server with 40 ping and it ran almost as smoothly as SP, the physics werent 100% but hell, we all thought this would never happen, that physics couldn't be done in an MP game.. at least not like this... this is AMAZING.

maybe I enjoyed it so thoroughly because, I didn't experience any bugs, I didn't have any lag whatsoever on the second server that was dedicated, I had wars with people, throwing objects and catching them, Im not a fan of CS, so this is great news for me... and it ran better than HL2 and CS:S put together.....

or maybe just because I am naturally good at DM style games, and I whomped everyone. :D

I can tell you with all honesty (and you can check my post history for proof) I am no "Fanboy". I love the game for what it is, I love the DM for what it is.. not because Valve made it, or it has HL2 in the name.

this was something I was not expecting...
it is unfortunate that you had a different experience, and you don't enjoy the game... however that won't stop me from playing and enjoying it like no other!