Best Overall Gun?

The main thing to remember about shotty/12Guage/Pump/m3 is that you can actually fire faster than the reload animation suggests, because there are still shells inside... remember it just reloads automatically. I've often gone on 4-6 man killing sprees in one round/ and like 10+ kills across multiple rounds w/ the new pump. It is a one shot kill if you are dead accurate. Also, move around alot, and jump and fire at the same time.

The other key to pump is in HOW you play the various maps. Its not the best weapon to camp w/, but its really great if you have some twitch/hunting (good ears, and good eyes on the kill spam) skills to go on full bore psycho Rambo rushes. Use the flash alot. Be good at improvising on the fly w/ the flash... make sure to get a script going so you can pull out a flash instantly, without having to cycle past the nade. On the other hand I've seen guys camp pretty darn good w/ a pump. But I think the pump is really best for rushing.
Wiggan said:
The main thing to remember about shotty/12Guage/Pump/m3 is that you can actually fire faster than the reload animation suggests, because there are still shells inside... remember it just reloads automatically. I've often gone on 4-6 man killing sprees in one round/ and like 10+ kills across multiple rounds w/ the new pump. It is a one shot kill if you are dead accurate. Also, move around alot, and jump and fire at the same time.

The other key to pump is in HOW you play the various maps. Its not the best weapon to camp w/, but its really great if you have some twitch/hunting (good ears, and good eyes on the kill spam) skills to go on full bore psycho Rambo rushes. Use the flash alot. Be good at improvising on the fly w/ the flash... make sure to get a script going so you can pull out a flash instantly, without having to cycle past the nade. On the other hand I've seen guys camp pretty darn good w/ a pump. But I think the pump is really best for rushing.

A little bit more on the reloading animation (because I agree with all the things you've stated) -- he's right. Even though you reload, you can still shoot while it's reloading. You cannot shoot, however, during the animation after you've just shot.

But, say, you've just killed a guy and you have 2 shells left in the barrel and decide to reload. during the time period, and guy comes around the corner. You can still fire while you're reloading. It's actaully really nice like that because with other weapons in the same senario, you'd be screwed.
i z 3 r said:
Whats the best overall gun for CS:S. I've been playing it and I've noticed a drop in accuracy of the ak47. Im always like 2 feet away. I unload and not one shot hits him. Its just very frusterating after hours of playing it. Especially when ive been playing CS since it went retail in 1.0..



I dunno I'm def liking the galil right now
Well are you spraying with the AK? The AK doesnt make a too good spraying type've weapon. I like to shoot it in bursts, I can kill people better like that.

[EDIT] Oh nevermind, he got banned [EDIT]
M4A1, 1 burst shot, you should be able to do a shot a second without no recoil problems. Good for hsing
The best guns for me are the:


Of course, it depends on the map to.
AK and M4. you can spray and burst effectively with these, at any range. except for maybe super-ultra-mega-long range like in port.
1. Clarion
2. SG552
3. AK47

I like the clarion because of it's CONSISTANT damage/accuracy, the 552 because it simply rocks and the AK because it's a beast if it decides it likes you today. M4 and the Deagle are just too random for me. Coldbarrel from the m4 makes me madddd and I can't even hit anything with the deagle so I stopped trying...

Both can be used in the same manner, with slightly different tactics being applied. Each weapon is great for any situation if you know how to use them. However, the AK is known for being much harder to control, especially at long ranges. Then again, for the lack of control you get slightly more damage per hit, which won't matter if you're landing headshots.

You'll notice when spraying while crouching, or even standing, you won't be hitting your target, even if your crosshair is exactly on your target. Just aim down, below their feet, on your screen, and keep spraying. That's how you spray in CS:S, and too many n00bs don't realize this until very late in their career. This is really obvious with AKs.

Try to stand still while shooting any of these guns when you can, and when you think you won't be an easy target. Standing perfectly still not only increases your weapon's cone of fire immensely, it also makes it easier to control your weapon a bit, because you have less to worry about moving around.

DO NOT be afraid to spray while running with your M4. That is where the M4 excels, as for an odd reason, the first 1-3 shots after standing still are usually really really accurate, which makes it a great rushing gun.

AIM FOR THE HEAD ALL THE TIME! Can't stress that enough. One shot, usually, from either of these two guns will completely blow off your target's head, killing him/her in one hit. Both guns can perform this job well, so just take your time and aim.

Don't get nervous. It may sound dumb, but just relax, take deep breaths, and play. Also, don't let tunnel vision take over you.

But still, the Deagle (Desert Eagle) is probably the most versatile gun. If you can get good with the hand cannon and can land headshots most of the time, you'll usually have not too much trouble at least landing 2 hits on a target at any range. In close quarters, I think I'm more scared of a Deagler than a guy with an M4/AK. Headshots are really brutal with this bad boy, and they can occur at ANY range. Learn to use it.
Na na na na na na BULL PUP
btw have they renamed it yet (it should be F-88 Styre)
it zooms *light shines down* its auto and it is suprisingly accurate.
it has a good ROF and it has great power on it
but my fav thing to do is get a shield with a "night hawk"
I love the look, headshot rate and sound of the compact pistol.
I think you all should pay a visit to clan [YGS]'s pub, D2 24/7, and then see what your favorite gun is. You'll being to strictly start using the Deagle, M4/AK, Scout, and AWP. The most versatile weapons in the best hands can be extremely dangerous.
HunteRKilleR said:
If you spray with the Ak, your accuracy goes to crap...
not really, you just have to control it and pull down a lot. ;)
I would probably say the mp-5.

I know, I know, horrible damage. But I find the accuracy and sound to be great. Sound you say? I can't STAND guns that don't sound kickass or like they deal some damage! The Ak sounds like somebody is screaming at the top of their lungs. NO NO NO! It makes it impossible to play with guns like that. I need a gun that sounds deep, quick, and sharp. The Bull Pup is a good example.

Why the mp5? I have this thing I call the "Uber rush". At the beggining of the map, you hold back and figure out what everybody is doing, on both teams. Once the map/match starts to pick up, you grab a gun with good running accuracy, good sound, and fair damage. You buy your gun, kevlar/helmet and nothing else. Light as possible.

Now you take your predetermined routes (you figure these out at the beggining of the match. It sometimes takes a while to get a good idea of whats going on mentally between the two teams) and you just run through them as fast as possible, clearing out all hiding spots really fast. That's where I find the mp5 to excell.

It's lightweight, good running accuracy, and is GOOD SOUNDING!

Damage doesn't mean much if you're uber rushing, since you'll always be feet away from your opponent, and spraying them in the face.

My 2 bits.
Pistol - FiveSeven, i love this gun mostly because of its clip. If your fighting someone with a deagle, theyll have to reload almost 3 times when you dont have to reload at all. Also its much more accurate then any of the other pistols, and its not as expensive as the duelies.
SMG - UMP, I find this one more accurate than the mp5 (maybe just me), the only downfall is the lslow rate of fire (which can be good for long range...)
Rifle - IDF/M4, the idf is cheaper than the ak and has a bigger clip, other than that i cant see much difference, i choose the m4 over the idf when im ct. The M4, big clip size, silencer (i think it sounds much better with the silencer), great for popping off long range headshots, and it can do some damage in spray and pray situations.