Best Storylined Game

My debit card works fine.

Maybe I would have appreciated Mafia's story more... if it I didn't stop playing 25% of the way through. I just wasn't having fun.

Wow, you got that far? I stopped at the point where you had to trash the three taxis. Shit gameplay.
Wow, you got that far? I stopped at the point where you had to trash the three taxis. Shit gameplay.

Oh come on thats just the very beginning... It starts out a little slow but it improves throughout the game. All the missions are much better than what GTA has to offer. You should really give it a try again.
Eh, if a game doesn't work hard enough to hook me in the first fifteen minutes to half an hour then I'm not going to put in the work to go further.
I think I stopped around the race bit. It just suddenly dawned on me that the game (which I wasn't digging any way), was trying to force this difficult, crappy racing bullshit on me, and so I stopped.

I realize that Mafia is supposed to be a more realistic and serious game than GTA. But the latter is hands-down more fun.
Add Max Payne to my list. Actually got round to playing the game today. Bloody amazing. Think I'm in chapter four of part three.
Loving it.

Max Payne 2 next :)
I think I stopped around the race bit. It just suddenly dawned on me that the game (which I wasn't digging any way), was trying to force this difficult, crappy racing bullshit on me, and so I stopped.

I realize that Mafia is supposed to be a more realistic and serious game than GTA. But the latter is hands-down more fun.

Yeah, lots of people got discouraged when they reach the race... It was a little unnecessarily difficult.

quick review of Mafia would be,

+ Great storyline
+ Tight action
+ Realism
+ Audio

- Difficulty
- Bit slow to start off with
- Gets compared too much to GTA
- Realism

So if you dont dig the whole swinging 1930's + Godfatherish story , you are not going to have fun.