Best Stunt in CS

Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
What was the coolest/biggest/most impressive thing you've ever done in Counter Strike? Such as, killing 3 people with one shot from an awp, triple grenade kill, etc.

Mine was me in Dust, I had a Scout and walled 2 people through a box.
Probably today when I was running up the Middle in dust2, and this T came from the left (Near long A) and went behind the tree (Running to mid, so he didn't stop). I just zoomed in and flicked to the tree and got a headshot through it in about 1/7th of a second.

The T was my mate, and boy was he pissed :D
In de_dust, aiming at one guy with a nade, overthrowing and nailing another guy right in the face for a kill....we had a good laugh about that.
Qonfused said:
Aceing whole teams is always fun.

TK ace'ing? :p :LOL:

yeah aces are fun..just last night i got an ace...took like 4-5 terrorists in dust2 at the B tunnel.
I had a match on de_aztec and it was CT, the bomb was planted and all, my guys were down and there was a only one T left, i came up to him... we exchanged fire untill both primary and secondarys were empty then we both pulled out our knives and i took him down and still had enough time to defuse the bomb for the win. Its not the most amazing technical thing ive ever done, but it felt ****ing awsome.
prolly have to be the "comeback" moment that happens every now and then. Getting pwned until you can only afford ammo on your current pistol, and armor, and MAYBE a flash...then ripping a new one in the rest of the teams...usually, for me, out of luck. but still....feels good
Qonfused said:
Aceing whole teams is always fun.

That's always more fun in clan matches, with everyone screaming down the mic's :D
I love killing other players that are guns, as I kill them with simple knife kills. The glory of owning people with a knife.
Picture this situation.

2 Ct's are standing in the stairway on cs_office. As they are shooting someone, I sneak up behind and knife the one CT. His teammate doesn't notice and he wanders up the stairs and to the hostages. I decide to follow him all the way around and he doesn't notice me until he goes to save the hossies. As he turns around I knife him lol.

I was practically on the floor dieing of laughter.
Theres so many.. I guess my favourite memory is when I as CT rushed long on de_prodigy got flashed just before exiting so I just sprayed my shotgun (the expensive one) and killed 3 Ts, thats my first multikill when I first started playing CS 1.1 I think it was. Good memories.

One of the funnier is on CSS dust2 when I was CT and the Ts where storming short A and I was too through A, I accidentially threw a smoke instead of a flashbang, but the two terros infront still looked away thinking it was a FB so I could kill them easily the other 3 was looking down shooting at the double doors thinking their backs where safe but I could easily kill them then :D

And the time I was playing 1 vs 2 clanmates and I yelled "watch out" on team speak as I threw a nade that still killed both of them ;)

Oh yeah I also have to tell you about a recent CSS pcw on dust 2 where we win the first round and in the next I rush long (even though I know its not smart) with colt then they all exit from the double doors and I spray the first 4 to death and kill the last one with usp, fastest round in a long time :D :D

Then there was the time on office a terrorist was obviously cheating his ak fired faster than normally and his view looked down so that every single bullet was on the mark. After about 5 rounds I finally shoot him through a wall making him quit. :D
PsychoFreak said:
Picture this situation.

2 Ct's are standing in the stairway on cs_office. As they are shooting someone, I sneak up behind and knife the one CT. His teammate doesn't notice and he wanders up the stairs and to the hostages. I decide to follow him all the way around and he doesn't notice me until he goes to save the hossies. As he turns around I knife him lol.

I was practically on the floor dieing of laughter.

wow... :LOL:
that is so evil...its almost mean :E :cool:
Heh. Kniving people is the best thing ever. I wish you could melee with your gun like in Halo.
Lol, there should be a gun that has a little message that comes out with "BANG!" written on it :p
Being the last T left in Dust2, and having just planted at B, with 6 CTs out to get me. You know that feeling, trying to watch all 3 entrances to the bombsight, hearing the beep...beep..beep that gets faster. 2 of them rush in through the big door, I blast them both with the AK. Then one from the hole in the wall, I was busy reloading so I quickly hit Q and deagle him. I start to leave the site through the B tunnel and the other 3 meet me there. In a flurry of bullets I sprayed them all. As I keep on running, I hear the tell-tale boom. Terrorists Win.
I'm quite proud of knifing 4 guys in a row in 17 seconds (they were working together but due to the chaos I managed to get them). I've got a vid, posted it sometime ago.
either killing three ct's with a glock on compound (yes, i was on the ground with em near crates, and yes it was one clip >=D) or the midair flying headshot with a deag on surf_leet_turbo


PsychoFreak said:
Lol, there should be a gun that has a little message that comes out with "BANG!" written on it :p

bind "left mouse" "say bang"

Unfocused said:
I'm quite proud of knifing 4 guys in a row in 17 seconds (they were working together but due to the chaos I managed to get them). I've got a vid, posted it sometime ago.
Post! Post!
In de_cheatu I was the last T left I was on some stairs at site B and the rest of the CT's (4) walked towards me to shoot me and I had a shot gun so one guy walks up stairs I shot him anothe walks down I shot him a guy walks up I shoot him a guy walks down I shoot him aswell. That was 1337.
Muffin Man said:
bind "left mouse" "say bang"

Liez :frown:

It's bind "mouse1" "say BANG!"


I once pwned an entire team in office (six guys). I was waiting in the garage for them to get me and my team in the ass and they just kept coming and I all headshotted them. Then they all left and my teammates were angry at me for it :[
Picture this... I'm a CT with an AUG and a P288, last on my team, my AUG has 12 shots left... and there are 5 T's left... I come across one and snipe him with 3 bullets, same thing with anouther using 5 bullets (cs_office) and then me and a T get into a spray war and I dry out the AUG and kill him with a P288 shot... 4th T goes down with a nade bounced around a corner, and I go hunting for the last T.. I have only a full clip in the P288 (13 shots) and unbeknownst to me he only has like 14 or 15 rounds in his Glock left... So in the garage we get into a pistol match and drain our clips leaving me with my knife, flashbang, and 12 health.. He has like 22 health, and all this is taking waaaayyyy too long so the ****tard admin decides to slap us both down to 1 hp... I go and camp on the exit sign by the boxes in long stairs ( I know I know CT camping... blow me) and as he comes through the hall he doesn't see me and I jump down on his head and throw the flashbang into his skull, killing him with the flashbang... And if a flashbang goes upp right under your feet it does like 1 or 2 hp damage (try it with a hostie) and so it killed me too. LOL. Talk about one hell of a match.
I haven't played cs in months, but I'd say one of my best moments was playing de_desertfight, and I had about 30 health and was the last one on the T team.

I picked off one of the two remaining ct's and made my way to the bombsite. I planted and sat waiting for the last ct to arrive. The map was small so he'd be there fast and would probably win a sprayfight so I readied a flashbang.

The way he'd probably come would put him far too close to me for a flashbang to be any good though, because it would sail past him and flash behind him when and if he rounded the corner. So I judged when I thought he'd most likely arrive (having heard very little sound-wise) and turned around and chucked the flash at the wall directly behind me.

The way it was thrown allowed it to bounce off that wall and fly over my head, so as to only go half as far as a normal throw. I crouched and looked away while switching to the m4 I had picked up earlier that round. I turned, aimed at the dark figure that I was not surprised to find there, and fired (I had slightly flashed myself), and caught the guy clean in the face - with a quintuple-tap headshot. He was very dead.

Perfectly planned, predicted and executed, he was completely flashed and didn't even get a shot off. He was one of the clan bigwigs with a ludicrous k/d ratio, and to top it off, it was a full server, and 62 people were spectating. :D
losermeetsworld said:
I jump down on his head and throw the flashbang into his skull, killing him with the flashbang... And if a flashbang goes upp right under your feet it does like 1 or 2 hp damage (try it with a hostie) and so it killed me too. LOL. Talk about one hell of a match.
LOL! Multikill with flashbang that would be so leet if one of them hadnt been yourself :LOL:

Another one was FFA on compound where in the second round I charge alone through the gates with colt and easily and steadily killed 8 out nine terrorists after killing like 4 or 5 the first round.

And I like the time I got a 42 - 0 against a bunch of mostly brits, not so much the score but making them whine like hell was quite a hoot... Then the admin made me T and we got rushed like hell, I thinkI have the 42 - 0 SS somewhere. :)
Rofl. I would of loved to have seen that XD
Holy crap that was awesome. Damn they were so bad that was unbelievable. Nice kills!
lol awesome, nice you had someone take it for you. ;)
It doesn't seem like there was much of a firefight beforehand. There aren't any bulletholes, or blood decals on the bodies. Did someone else also throw a nade?