Best Voice acting in HL2

Cons Himself

Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Sorry if this has been posted before, but i wanted to give my opinions having played through HL2 just now for the 2nd time since it came out.

Of course im not including the GMan in this since he is obviously just the Don, and the voice acting is incredible for him. I think the writing for his end game speech included the word 'time' a few too many times (no pun intended) in my opinion. I got the message after the first four repeats.

Dr Breen - Easily the best voice acting in the game. Non-corny, irreverent, genuinely funny lines delivered with great style and panache. The little chuckle he has to himself when You, Alyx and Vance are in his office, in your 'pods' is typical of this. With that one off-key laugh the actor conveys perfectly the insanity that must affect Breen.

Kleiner - My 2nd favourite. Captures the science geek type perfectly. Doesnt have that many lines which is a shame, because the acting is again impeccable.

Barney - Good acting again, I rate Baarney third. Perhaps I would have rated him higher, but I just cant really picture any kind of resistance Captain/General being called 'Barney' which is of course short for which is a shame since I think the character is a good one. Not withstanding this, Barney has some great comedy lines which are delivered excellently. The one about Gordon's MIT education really paying for itself being my personal fav.

Alyx - Generally good, the lines such as they are, are delivered well. Could be some better dialogue for her though: "Im not leaving without you dad!" being one of the poorer lines and "Cat. What Cat?" being one of her best imo.

Vance - Too much the self-sacrificing dogooder. His lines were a bit corny at times: "Damm it Breen you let her go" being one of the biggest cliches in the game.

Mossman - Boring. What can I say, this one could of been done much better. The Darth Vader character who eventually comes back to the 'light side'. Script unimginative, and lines delivered in somewhat of a monotone. This was the only character I was genuinely disappointed with.

your thoughts?
no doubt the voice acting in hl2 is great and lips fit so well compaired to lazy other desingers of lesser meaning less filt games (hahahaha) and barney has some great lines which is just good wrighting but good wrighting needs good actors for example, "about that beer i owed you" when you first heard that playing the game shivers went down your spine admit it and it fits the character from hl1 to hl2 giving 2 a great transition of characters from one world (blackmassa) to another (city 17) and to make the game run better smoother sound better look better just feel better, you need good actors to creat good characters, like the music in star wars or jaws the movie isn't the same with out it, anyways tip of the cap to valve and voice actors :)

(oh yeah also vances corny lines were kind of needed some corn never hurt a story and its not like he is a young guy saying raise up off my daughter so damnit breen you let her go fits him)
Almost as good as the voice acting in the original resident evil! (terrible)
"no, don't open that door!!!!" "but chris is.." (1 second pause) BANG!
"whats that?" "It looks like....blood" ......classic game, worst voice acting ever.
hahahahaha yeah i know what you mean, the new timesplits so corny i wanted to die its was like somthing a really young gamer would think its funny but it was M so i was confused and upset, but the only good thing was the lip synce, other than that corny lines stupid plot so so graphics, so the only good thing again was lip synce A over all game D
Barney and G-Man are both played by the same guy.

He is an excellent voice actor.
Breen was... very good. My favorite.

Alyx was fine, nothing spectacular. But fine.

I actually love Vance. He was perfect in every way. I like the "Breen let her go" line. It stuck out, but not because it was cheesey to me.

Barney and Kleiner. The voice actor scares me, but he still is an amazing actor.

And everyone else was just average. Mossman was boring as most said.
Breen and Breen, Barney as a close second.
Grigori did okay, linewise, but I mistook him for a Frenchman before hearing his name.
Dr. Breen was pretty good, although the 'evil' thing kinda distracted from that... I was just going "stfu and let me shoot you" the whole time he was talking.

Kleiner, how can you not like him?

Barney was practically a real person, or so it seemed.

Alyx didnt really have all that many lines that needed to have 'good' voice acting imo.

Vance I though was ok, fit his caracter fine.

Mossman, along the lines of Alyx's role - didnt really have that many parts to make the voice acting stand out compaired to Barney and such...

Overall, I though the voice acting was pretty good with memorable parts.
I thought all of the actors did a superb job, actually. My favourite bieng Breen, his lines are delivered perfectly, his best bieng: "Oh its hardly the worst, but you might find that hard to believe once you get there..."

Kliener - brilliant, again. Science boffin done right.

Alyx was great, I don't see why you didnt like the goodbye line "Dad, I'm not saying goodbye.." - I thought was great. But there you go.

Well since Barney isn't the leader of the resistance, or a resistance general I don't see the hardship. He's genuinly funny, entertaining and one of the best characters in the game. "The suppression device will ur, suppress..." Hhehehe.

Eli's lines were fine, and so was his character imo. I don't think he sacrficed too much. Yes he was the figurehead of the resistance but somebodies got to do it havn't they? He was just doing what he thought was right.

I also thought Michelle Forbes did a great job with Mossman, I mean she really did admire Gordon, loved Eli and respected Alyx but it was always her mixed emotions getting in her way really. She wasn't a dark character at all really if you think about it, she was simply doing what she thought was right and acting on best intentions.

Grigori and Cubbage and co were good as well. I can't which person it was i hated, but i think they died :D
I don't think the resistence fighter expressed exhaustion, desire or pain correctly in my opinion.
Robert Culp's portrayl of Breen was superb - perhaps the best voice acting in videogame history.
Danimal said:
I don't think the resistence fighter expressed exhaustion, desire or pain correctly in my opinion.

I agree partially. I thought they were ok but none of them seemed to grasp the seriousness of the situation correctly.
Well, i must say that the Zombie voice acting kinda sounds like George Bush, dont you agree?
I still maintain that Mossman has great chegs. Although this has nothing to do with her characters voice whatsoever.
Samon said:
Well since Barney isn't the leader of the resistance, or a resistance general I don't see the hardship.

Barney led the resistance on the ground while you were in slow teleport. I agree Barneys great character with good lines, well delivered, but I think that the name Barney is a bit crap thats all hehe. Valve had to use it though since the model was called barney.mdl in HL1. Wonder why they chose the name Barney all those years ago...

Samon said:
Eli's lines were fine, and so was his character imo. I don't think he sacrficed too much. Yes he was the figurehead of the resistance but somebodies got to do it havn't they? He was just doing what he thought was right.

Corniest lines in the game.

Samon said:
I also thought Michelle Forbes did a great job with Mossman, I mean she really did admire Gordon, loved Eli and respected Alyx but it was always her mixed emotions getting in her way really. She wasn't a dark character at all really if you think about it, she was simply doing what she thought was right and acting on best intentions.

Er no, here's where youre wrong. Mossman was the weakest character in the game. Boring Boring Boring. She didnt admire Gordon, she was jealous of him, and she was frustrated by Alex. She only hero-worshipped Eli. Valve did a great job with her fake sycophantic smiles - you could actually tell she wasnt sincere just from the facial animations she did. Pity the lines or the actor didnt help flesh out the character more.
Definitely Robert Culp as Dr Breen. His line "I'm all but certain it was...Gordon Freeman" could NOT have been delivered better. Coming a close second, Mike Shapiro as Barney Calhoun/G-Man
Barney_Calhoun said:
Definitely Robert Culp as Dr Breen. His line "I'm all but certain it was...Gordon Freeman" could NOT have been delivered better. Coming a close second, Mike Shapiro as Barney Calhoun/G-Man

Shapiro is a legend. No, really. But yeah, that bit really, really made me sit up
G-Man is great simply because it's a very interesting way of speech.

But Robert Culp as Dr. Breen is the best. Breen's speeches are delivered in an excellent manner, showing him as a propaganda leader, yet afraid for himself... his 'instinct' speech is great in acting and writing, and the speech you can hear in Nova Prospekt is acted out excellent. "I'm all but sure it was... Gordon Freeman", "What do you mean, a host body?" and of course "you will be destroyed in every way possible and even some that are, theoretically, impossible" are all brilliant lines.

Kleiner's voice acting is good but also with very good writing to show his science geek side. I love that the way he's acted he seems even almost pleased he has the opportunity to continue his work, despite the Combine opression.

Grigori has good acting, especially his mad laughs - you get the idea very well that he's a bit nuts.

Barney is just funny. Makes him a loveable guy, the fact that he retains humor in all this terrible situation. The MIT education joke was a nice one :).

Eli is a good grandfatherly character, someone you're pleased to meet in Black Mesa east. "Breen you let her go" might be cheesy or cliche, but it's acted well, and with the facial expressions, it at least feels genuine.

Alyx has a few very good lines, like "Cat? What cat?", and I liked her, she felt like a genuine character, honest and nice. Mossman was a bit boring indeed, though, but then again, she actually had a character, her love for Eli and betrayal of Breen because of that.
Cons Himself said:
Er no, here's where youre wrong. Mossman was the weakest character in the game. Boring Boring Boring. She didnt admire Gordon, she was jealous of him, and she was frustrated by Alex. She only hero-worshipped Eli. Valve did a great job with her fake sycophantic smiles - you could actually tell she wasnt sincere just from the facial animations she did. Pity the lines or the actor didnt help flesh out the character more.

I'm afriad this is where you are wrong. Well and truly. Your thread is based on opinions, and in my opinion Mossman was an exellent character. Your opinion is that she was a weak character. It sort of stops there ;)
Samon said:
I agree partially. I thought they were ok but none of them seemed to grasp the seriousness of the situation correctly.
Walace gets my vote
Even the most mediocre voice-acting in HL2 is far superior to any other game out there.
well Samon most people here actually agree tha Mossman was in fact the worst character...
Cons Himself said:
well Samon most people here actually agree tha Mossman was in fact the worst character...

Yeah but thats what they think, its doesnt make it a fact :upstare:
Gman was really good, but he like chokes or something on the last thing he says in the sound file (I used GFC Scape, it was the last one... forget what it was called, it was in the citadel sound folder though under Gman)
but, for anyone but Gman, Dr.Kliener all the way
You know you're on the right track when the fans find the villian the most interesting character. And I agree. I found Breen to be a scene stealer whenever he showed up in person or on the monitors throughout the city. You could almost understand and sympathize with his motives. His voice was not overbaring, but there was a strength to it. Great Character.
Kleiner and Barney were my favorites, but Alyx had some good lines. I really liked the scene in Kleiner's lab. Wish Barney had some more lines.

Breen was good too, but like someone else said I was really just thinking STFU and give me my grav gun.

I also liked a few of the random citizens in the beginning.

As far as worst, I think all of the resistance members could have been better, and more variety in their character.
so why was mossman so great retard? her crappy lines, her dull boring voice. her not so great plot twist at the end. she was just exces baggage and youre just playing devils advocate cos all forum geeks HAVE to be stubborn.

Well Half-Life 2 have best voice acting ever!
I like Mike Shaphiro (as G-man, Barney and Black-Ops soldier, I think) and voice of Dr. Kleiner, Breens craps i Citadel monitors is awesome too...
And Michelle Forbes (actor from 24 II) as Judith Mossman is great !
And I like Alyx sexy voice :D
Cons Himself said:
so why was mossman so great retard? her crappy lines, her dull boring voice. her not so great plot twist at the end. she was just exces baggage and youre just playing devils advocate cos all forum geeks HAVE to be stubborn.


I just happened to find she was well acted, given interesting dialouge and i didn't mind the twist at the end either. That so hard to comprehend? Some people need to grow up..."Oh noes there opinion is different call them a retard!"