best way to cure soar throat?



My throat hurts very badly.Anyone find something that works well?Please post it here.
A little candy type thing you can buy that doesn't taste too bad, it helps clear sore throughts.
salt water. the saltier and warmer the better. now gargle it. make sure its way back in your throat when you do.

reverse osmosis by hypotonic solutions own sore-throat-causing bacteria almost as much as i own you.

that is the best method, hands down. guarenteed.
Actually I have found the quickest way to get out of a bad cold...


Its kinda dangerous so...

Yeah don't be a moron...

get a soap bar and put in your mouth, gurgle it with some water (don't swallow ofcourse) Spit out and rinse mouth.

Your insta non-sick in a day. Lol, you see, they make all those medicines in the store to make $ people. When there is actually a cure.

CyborgGuineaPig is not responsible for injury or retardness of people who eat soap.
:p. Well I try sticking ice cubes in my mouth the numbness takes the pain away
the best cure is not getting sick, i find that works.
Just gargle with water with lemon and a little of honey. it helps =)

also, hot milk with honey may help too...

and if not... the doctor may give you an injection in the ass :D lol
Warm(not hot, about 42C) tea with lots of lemon and a halfspoon of sugar. BWT, drinking hot tea or any other bavarages hot while you have soar throat can harm your vocal hords.

Or you can take 4 egg yolks, mix them with sugar(2 tea spoons of sugar per yolk) and add 25 ml of vodka. Stir it untill the sugar is completely dissolved. And of cource drink it.
Best 2 ways are:

1. Seagram's ginger ale
2. Ice Cream

I'm serious. It works for me everytime.

Worst 2 are:

1. Go to a doctor
2. Tell your mom
Either a strepsil as nw909 suggested.

or, depending on what kind of sore throat you have.

If its more of the itchy kind, i find that eating weetabix actually helps, or toast, anything like that.

If its sore, sometimes spirits work, for instance whisky. Of course again that can end up in more pain, but at least you will be drunk so you wont care :)

You could if you really want to, get a paracetamol or ibuprofen tablet, grind it up, tip your head back and sprinkle it into your throat. Trust me, that works although it makes you cough for a minute. I'm not sure, but i think strepsils and things like that, are basically paracetamol with a nice taste.

Try to avoid eating something that will only agitate it. The methods people suggest to do with cold things, basically numb the area until your body can heal it. (I think :))
Originally posted by Loshadka
Warm(not hot, about 42C) tea with lots of lemon and a halfspoon of sugar. BWT, drinking hot tea or any other bavarages hot while you have soar throat can harm your vocal hords.

Or you can take 4 egg yolks, mix them with sugar(2 tea spoons of sugar per yolk) and add 25 ml of vodka. Stir it untill the sugar is completely dissolved. And of cource drink it.

Loshadka you ignored my pm to you! Tak, Drastvooy! Ya panyimayo nimnoshka parusski, putamooshta mya zhyena iz Russiya. Ana iz Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan Republic. Paka!
Drink a whole bottle of Nyquil and sleep for the next 3 weeks*

*do not try this at home
Find some intensely strong mouthwash, gargle with that until your mouth and throat burn so much that they become numb. Don't listen to that stupid salt water shit, there is no reason to use salt water when we have powerful chemicals!

....also drink hot tea.
Originally posted by Thadius Dean
ice cream. it tastes good, and you get a major dose of calcium. :D

Erm icecream when you have a soar throught? Erm okay, Last time I heard, dairy products were kinda bad for when you are sick. And Ice-cream hurts my throat even more when I'm sick./
Yeah, it seems counterintuitive, but it works. Only in the early stages though. If you've been sick for 2 days or more don't do it.
Ice cream is cold and smooth (thus the name Ice Cream) It helps your throat, its what I always do. Only vanilla though, dont want any chunks of anything in there.
If you can catch the sore throat early, I find eating half a lemon does wonders. Obviously there's no need to eat the rind but chew away on the flesh until your face can manage no more.

The hit of vitamin C is real good for fighting the problem and the sharpness takes away some of that soreness. Even if it is too late, I find suck a slice of lemon helps to ease the sore feeling.

Furthermore, whisky and honey (assuming these haven't been mentioned) mixed together are supposed to work wonders.

Either of these methods are best accompanied by masses of water. About 6-8 pints a day.
Originally posted by XtAkm4p

reverse osmosis by hypotonic solutions own sore-throat-causing bacteria almost as much as i own you.

Just seems like normal osmosis to me...
For me the most consistent cure for sore throat/allergies/cold/flu are as follows:

Tea with honey and rum or brandi.:cheers:

Cigar, something light and smoky, Ashton, Davidoff, Pedron. No dark Cuban cigars. :smoking:

Plenty of sleep and masturbation. :sleep: :naughty:

You're welcome. :bounce:
Oh wait! I thought you said sore throat.

Soar throat? Is your throat airborne?

Sorry I don't think I can help you.