Best Zombie

Best Zombie!

  • Zombie

    Votes: 16 12.3%
  • Fast Zombie

    Votes: 34 26.2%
  • Poison Zombie

    Votes: 14 10.8%
  • Zombine

    Votes: 66 50.8%

  • Total voters
I like Fast Zombie's because of the noises they make, and in ravenholm they scary as hell, they're range & speed make them formitable. I like them also because they climb builings.

I thought during that part in ravenholm, when You get in the cart and you have to wait a while to get in it, and there's Fast Zombie's climbing the building in all directions.....the anticipation was scary
I love the Zombine. It holds the grenade over it's head but doesn't quit realize what the grenade does. It's funny and scary at the same time. Plus the noise it makes is distilled genius.
Wrong section, this forum is about the story. Anyway, zombine.
Singleplayer Mythology. Technically, the Zombies are part of the mythology. So that means it isn't in the wrong section.
That's like saying that a crashing glitch is in the correct section in the Half-Life 2 general forum because it is about HL2 when clearly it should be in the Help & Support section.
Well, he was asking about creatures that span both hl2 and AM (Zombine) so it doesn't necessarily qualify to go in the HL2 section, nor EP1 forum. So, which section should it be in, then?
I'd have put it in HL2 but either one I suppose :P
(I usualy take the HL2 section as all the HL games anyway :P)
Yeah, I would say it is middle ground for the more "muddled" topics that don't necessarily have clear boundaries between one game and another. Better get used to it, with EP2 there will be more comparisons drawn out.
You left out Gonome Samon, you must have been devastated to realise that, given how much you love all things OpFor!
I like the zombine the best. Because it is cool how it attacks, sounds, and looks.
I just noticed this thread here. I'm a big fan of zombies in games, movies, even books I guess.

I don't remember all of the zombies in HL-2. Can anyone post a picture of Zombine? I looked, there isn't any images named Zombine on the net in the entire world!

Nevermind, OK I found the zombine at the bottom of this page.

OK, the Poison Zombie is pretty fun. I particularly like making them explode and their headcrab flaps and flops to the ground.

The fast zombie is maybe too ... fast. It looks awesome, but isn't as fun to kill as the poison zombie. It's actually the only zombie that I remember actually giving me any trouble at one point. A good challenge, so I like it.

I think I'd go with Poison Zombie, or maybe Zombine.
Yesterday, at the end of Nova Prospekt, I pushed the zombie in the valley of the wreckage and Combine machine-walls off the edge of the small pile of junk and into the stomping-ground of the first part of the wall that comes crashing down. :D It was a satisfying watch.
'best zombie' is somewhat of an oxymoron.

Or at least i think it is.
Of course none of them compare to X-com crysalid zombies in scare factor.
Vanilla zombie. I love their moaning and cries of pain, for me it's associated with a feeling of relief. Relief that it's not a fast or poison zombie.
victor said:
Vanilla zombie. I love their moaning and cries of pain, for me it's associated with a feeling of relief. Relief that it's not a fast or poison zombie.

That just lulls you into a false sense of security.
i'm going to have to go with zombine

I'd give it to the fasties if they were actually a threat. Sure they are loud fast and annoying, but once you realize they only do 5 damage per slap fight, they sort of lose their danger. 5 damage, that means that at full health with full suit power it would take 40 fast zombie attacks to kill you. 40! Zombine on the other hand are about half as fast but regularly pull grenades on you that can easily kill you outright.
Angry Lawyer said:
You are a legend.

-Angry Lawyer
lol, yep.

But really, nothing in a game has ever scared me as much as starting a night-time terror mission in X-com and hearing/glimpsing a crysalid. And I don't think anything ever will. :eek:
i am intrigued by your description, but i've never played any x-com games. What exactly is a crysalid zombie? can you post a picture?
I looked it up on wikipedia after they mentioned it. There was no pics of the zombies but basicaly there are aliens that will turn humans into zombies when they attack them (and they also destroy tanks with 1 hit). The zombies are resistant to all forms of attack but incendary and when they die (which they do after a certain amout of time) they spawn an alien ready to make more zombies.
ríomhaire said:
I looked it up on wikipedia after they mentioned it. There was no pics of the zombies but basicaly there are aliens that will turn humans into zombies when they attack them (and they also destroy tanks with 1 hit). The zombies are resistant to all forms of attack but incendary and when they die (which they do after a certain amout of time) they spawn an alien ready to make more zombies.

Pretty much. And they can move long distances in a single turn. Which means at night you can easily have soldiers attacked and turned before even seeing the buggers.

They look goddamn evil too.
Im actually going to have to say just a normal Zombie. Theyre classic, and theyre fun to burn!
The fast zombies scare seven shades of shit out of me, so that's great, but I think they're disproportionately touch, when balanced against their speed (in gameplay terms that is)
The zombine looks awesome, but is very annoying.But there's a lot of satisfaction in either killing it before it 'nades you or making sure it blows up itself rather than you. This involves fleeing of the highest order.

true to hell watch my noobish friend get killed by one because of a box pissed me off. "close the $@$#doors"
My favourite Zombie sadly isn't on that list. It was the Soldier Zombie from OP4. But from that list I'd have to say the fast zombie.
My favourite Zombie sadly isn't on that list. It was the Soldier Zombie from OP4. But from that list I'd have to say the fast zombie.

The soldier zombie from OP4 is basically a reskinned zombie as far as I know.
The soldier zombie from OP4 is basically a reskinned zombie as far as I know. it isn't?
The millatary zombie is a completely different model from the normal has different attacks aswell.
The soldier zombie from OP4 is basically a reskinned zombie as far as I know.


All new enemies in OP4 use HL AI anyway. For example, the Pit drone the Bullsquid, or the Shock troops the marines.
I almost pissed myself first time i saw a fast zombie.. but zombines :P Holy crap!
I looked it up on wikipedia after they mentioned it. There was no pics of the zombies but basicaly there are aliens that will turn humans into zombies when they attack them (and they also destroy tanks with 1 hit). The zombies are resistant to all forms of attack but incendary and when they die (which they do after a certain amout of time) they spawn an alien ready to make more zombies.
Sounds like they took a page from The Things book. I'm gonna go with Zombines.
I'm going to find out my favorite by giving out points. The points are broken down into the following categories:

Appearence - What the zombie looks like.
Strength - How strong the zombie is.
Speed - How fast the zombie is.
Sound - What the zombie sounds like.
Damage - How much punishment this zombie dishes out.
Death - How satisfying the zombie's death is with all of the above considered.


Appearence: 10
Strength: 4
Speed: 4
Sound: 8
Damage: 5
Death: 8
Total: 39

The Zombie gets big points for its classic look and the various ways you can kill them (fire, paint, decapitation, etc.). The Zombie also has many sounds from the gurgle when it notices you to the scream when it's on fire. It would have gotten lower points for its attack if it didn't throw objects at you. It's strength and speed are below average. The Zombie ranks fourth overall.


Fast Zombie
Appearence: 9
Strength: 4
Speed: 10
Sound: 9
Damage: 4
Death: 5
Total: 41

The Fast Zombie's greatest asset is its speed, making it by far the fastest of the zombies. The howl it makes is terrifying enough to nearly get full marks as well. The look of a deceased corpse running and jumping all over the place also helps to rank it high. Like the Zombie, the Fast Zombie is relatively weak and the damage it dishes out is the lowest of the bunch. Its death isn't particularly satisfying either. Still, near perfection in 3 categories helps the Fast Zombie climb up the ranks. The Fast Zombie ranks second overall.


Poison Zombie
Appearence: 7
Strength: 10
Speed: 1
Sound: 7
Damage: 9
Death: 6
Total: 40

Unquestionably, the Poison Zombie is the strongest of the zombie family. But while it takes a lot of ammo before going down, it is very slow. The poison headcrabs it throws at you makes its attack one of the strongest, and it also has a unique look and sound. It's death is particularly satisfying mainly because of the moaning noise it makes. If the Poison Zombie was just a little faster, it would reign supreme among all zombies, but as it stands now it barely escapes last place. The Poison Zombie ranks third overall.


Appearence: 8
Strength: 7
Speed: 6
Sound: 9
Damage: 8
Death: 5
Total: 43

The distorted zombie noises through the Combine suit ties the Zombine with the Fast Zombie for best sound. The look of the Zombine standing still isn't too much to get excited about, but it gets extra points for the way it moves. The damage that it can dish out means that the Zombine should be one of the first things you target in a firefight, especially before it gets a chance to whip out one of its grenades. The Combine armor means its strength is also high, but the Poison Zombie is still the strongest opponent. The Zombine ranks second for speed, but ties the Fast Zombie for last place in the death department. The fact that the Zombine ranks at least average or better in all of the categories is what ultimately gives it the edge. The Zombine ranks first overall.

Fast zombie, without a doubt. I messed my pants everytime I had to fight them! Not only that, but the fast headcrabs also creep me out. They remind me of Wolf Spiders, which are scary enough by themselves. But their speed and agility gives me nightmares, so Fast Zombie is the ultimate zombie, IMHO.

Zombie gets no.2 for the classic look, the very scary sounds (particularly when on fire) and the death gargle.

Poison Zombie ranks third for me, as its really more of a nuisance than a threat. It takes an ungodly amount of ammo to kill him, and the most fiersome thing about it is that it can throw the poison headcrabs at you, which, are also a nuisance, but not a real threat since the suit saves you...

Zombine ranks last. Its slow, stupid, and suicidal. While it is fun to watch them blow themselves up, they feel rather incomplete to me (especially the complete lack of a head once the headcrab has been removed).
First fast zombie fight in HL2 scared me so much, I literally jumped out of my chair, it's just that it popped out really fast, anyways, I ended up cutting him in half, after lighting him on fire..
For me it's a tie between the Regular and Poison zombies. The Regular zombies are what I think zombies should be; slow, funny, easy to kill. Basically a lot of fun to fight. Poison zombies are fun too in the same way Regular zombies are, but I like the fact that you can blast away at them with anything and they just keep coming...great fun.

Fast zombies just scare the hell out of me. Hate 'em.