Beta Version of Updated Steam Interface

Mountain Man said:
I don't understand why people keep criticizing it as "bulky". You can collapse the window down to something no larger than the current "My Games" menu.

It is bulky because of the fact that everything is larger than a normal programs interface, nevermind the fact it forces this theme on you (as in you cant have it fit in with all your other windows applications) Oh and I know the original Steam didn't either but it was more discreet and not so much of the in your face ultra bevelled uberl33t graphics.

Anyway though, they are my thoughts on the aesthetics, and I must say as far as its performance goes, it certainly seems to have improved in terms of responsiveness and speed in general.

Also I will reserve some judgement because I have noticed some slight annoyances in terms of text, general scruffyness that I am sure will be cleared up when it goes final, which I look forward to seeing.
I just really want to know where the actual graphics are. I doubt that they would make a SDK for customizable steam skins. Hopefully it wouldn't be too hard to hack up, but mainly since we could do it for the old interface, I'm sure we could eventually get it right on this one.

I don't frankly care how it looks, Im going to modify it like a homo when I can. And guess what, it recognizes opacity changes people, so we can get rid of like 60% of the bulky-ness and probably make w/e skin we wanted as small as we wanted.

Just chill the hell out, this is a beta that shouldn't even be out yet. Remeber how glitchy CSS was? Don't worry, I seriously doubt that Valve will **** this up.
Thatamos said:
I just really want to know where the actual graphics are.

I think you'll find the graphics are stored in the winui.gcf file in the SteamApps/ directory. You should be able to copy and modify parts of that to create a skin.

EDIT: skins appear to be not supported at the moment. (try to change to the grey skin included in the .gcf and you'll see the problem).
Here's what I want. Nothing more. Nothing less. (Its 2am, didnt bother to add the icons...must....sleep)

In its native habitat
Minerel said:
Some people will hate steam no matter what, just because there ignorant....
Just because they're ignorant. I had to.
Buveed said:
I figured they'd do this when half-life 2 came out, but they didn't, so it's just one huge cluster**** of games.
Just think of it as an orgy of games. Everybody likes orgies.
A.I. said:
Hehe, I'm getting an impression that some people here want the command line as the only interface for Steam, just to look more l33t.
Welcome to Steam! Please select a game to play or type 'help' for more commands.
Available games: cs, hl, tfc, dod, hlds
> cs
Preparing to play Counter-Strike...
lemonfridge said:
Here's what I want. Nothing more. Nothing less. (Its 2am, didnt bother to add the icons...must....sleep)

In its native habitat
Skin it. Now. Go!
I think its great

btw check out the steam store hundreds of new packages.

And Half Life Source by itself for £5
Snakebyte said:
Skin it. Now. Go!

I would, but don't know how!

(Also, I didnt make the background on example2.jpg, but I am indeed...1337*)

*but not 1337 enough to skin Steam obviously.
Orcone101 said:
They're not filters. It looks like it was drawn in Illustrator.
Can easily do that with a photo and flash.

About the beta interface, i love Steam and all it stands for, but i have to say this: fire those designers, now!
It really seems someone was having fun learning how to use filters in Photoshop... Remember kids, most of the times, simple is better.

Some of the examples from users here are a LOT better than that.

I work in webdesign and multimedia, if i ever come up with something like that for something that is not a CD for children, i would be fired on the spot.

And even worse than the look, it's eating up 84Mb of RAM :frown:
Thatamos said:
Niicely put. Couldn't have said it better myself. One thing I'm really worried about is the inability to create custom skins :(
Yes, if they are going to release something as ugly as this, at least let us make skins for it
That looks... quite superfluous, really.

Whatever. They've done worse.

And I don't use the GUI anyway. Is faster to start up everything directly.
Hellbound said:
Yes, if they are going to release something as ugly as this, at least let us make skins for it

No you guys should suffer.
DiSTuRbEd said:
No you guys should suffer.
Me suffer with little things like this? I've got better things to worry about, thank you.
I like it, and I'm sure it'll be possible to skin for it eventually.
Wtf are people on about "normal" programs taking up less room, unless im much mistaken "normal" programs take up the full screen?

And its not got too many filters, you are nitpicking
Hellbound said:
Me suffer with little things like this? I've got better things to worry about, thank you.

Well your previous statement tends to say you'll suffer if you can't skin it.
Dowie said:
Wtf are people on about "normal" programs taking up less room, unless im much mistaken "normal" programs take up the full screen?

And its not got too many filters, you are nitpicking

We're talking relative space here, not absolute. Andunless you're running 800x600, not every program runs in fullscreen...

Relative to other programs, the new Steam skin takes up more of your screen, simply because it's got these very beautiful curves and sexy shadows (anyone tasting my sarcasm?). Seriously... websites looked better 10 years ago...
ffs I wish people would stop whinging, IT'S A BETA PEOPLE!
Devvo said:
ffs I wish people would stop whinging, IT'S A BETA PEOPLE!

...Which is the PERFECT time to express our opinions about, as the developers have plenty of time making changes before releasin the final product. Follow me?
Nathaniel said:
...Which is the PERFECT time to express our opinions about, as the developers have plenty of time making changes before releasin the final product. Follow me?

Yeah, so long as people who go on and on, actually constructively add these "opinions" to the Wiki, not just forums. Get me?
Devvo said:
Yeah, so long as people who go on and on, actually constructively add these "opinions" to the Wiki, not just forums. Get me?

And they aren't? When I look at the wiki, I see lots and lots of great opinions.

This is a discussion forum, we discuss things. This particular thread happens to be about the new Steam skin. deal with it :)
They updated it u can now close off the lists. (like not installed games)
auscrow said:
They updated it u can now close off the lists. (like not installed games)

hmm...i installed other skins for Steam and they were not showing up in the interface menu.. so i switched back to the normal interface by getting rid of the extra "-clientbeta betaui" in the command line and suddenly the skins are available..

seems like Valve need to fix that.
Dr. Freeman said:
hmm...i installed other skins for Steam and they were not showing up in the interface menu.. so i switched back to the normal interface by getting rid of the extra "-clientbeta betaui" in the command line and suddenly the skins are available..

seems like Valve need to fix that.

I think you need to think a little harder on why those skins for the old interface don't work on the new one :E
Another update

Full changelog here:

Major changes (IMO!!):
* added mini-bandwidth monitor dialog, view->bandwidth usage (finally)
* removed ancient hard-coded layouts from serverbrowser, moved settings into server/internetgamespage.res and server/internetgamespage_filters.res (no idea what that is, but it looks importent :P)
* Added new steam://openurl/http://www.mod.url url handler, opens the given URL given the users default browser (for use in the storefront when opening mod homepages, rather than using target=_new and always getting IE) (not yet hooked up)
Hellbound said:
I think you need to think a little harder on why those skins for the old interface don't work on the new one :E

well i was hoping the old would be compatible with the new.
is that too much to ask? :|
Well the interface still sucks. Can't see any other problems so far.
*edit* Actually, there is a problem, I can't run any 3rd party mods anymore. And it seems I'm not alone.
[edit: ah, yes, there it is. I found the magical button that makes the interface... well, we'll call it acceptably small. It still looks ridiculous...]
anyone notice that the "monitor" option is missing from the menu?
i'd like to know what Steam is updating when it decides to suddenly download content :P
Dr. Freeman said:
anyone notice that the "monitor" option is missing from the menu?
i'd like to know what Steam is updating when it decides to suddenly download content :P
View > Bandwidth Monitor