Beyond Black Mesa - The Short Movie


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
The final 12-minute cut of Half-Life 2 fan film Beyond Black Mesa[/b] is now live. You can watch the short film in the trailer below and you can find out more about the film <a href="]here[/url].[br]​
Might want to have a look at that code for the forum.
There is a new embed code for youtube now which allows for mobile devices to play videos a bit more easily. We need to update the YT plugin for VB to display videos in the forum it seems. I could opt to go back to the old code but I just edited the thread for now...which is cheating really. More info -

Enjoyed the short movie, I wasn't expecting a bafta winning performance.
Well it just seems no effort was put into anything but the effects (which were, for the most part, very good). The actors don't do anything to get across emotion or the gravity of the situation other than running and the voice-over is bad. The plot is dreadful and it contains a guy getting shot at by soldiers with assault rifles who miss every shot and then he just puts the gun over his shoulder and shoots it and hits one of the soldiers right between the eyes. It's completely ridiculous and takes willing suspension of disbelieve and smashes it over the head with a brick.
The combine missing every shot is pretty accurate to the game at least. Its the ****ing katana and martial arts that makes me not like it even a little bit.
Why has the same video been released three times?

I had to stop watching the video at that point, I was really expecting a Tank and a Witch to Burst through the door.

However, that would have been a perfect time to crossover and have Bill run through with an Pulse Rifle and save the day...
good, but have seen better

it's also very out of canon with the half-life series.
Effects were pretty good but the plot and acting was pretty bad. I had a sigh moment at the kung fu slow motion airbender ninja fight scene.
Glenn if you're interested in data my mobile (Nokia N97 I think) displays the video as all white in this thread and all black on the front page. When I clicked on it in this thread it just zoomed in to the white screen (took me a while to figure that out, I thought my browser was frozen) and on the front page when I clicked on the black space it just sent me to youtube where the video did actually play, which was the first time I've tried to load a video on this phone.
It's a really nice fan movie, but it doesn't fit HL very well... The ending was quite dull, but the overall quality is impressive.
The chubby chinky kid didnt look right in it , the other 2 actors were good.