BF2 Special Forces


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Since it is supposed to be out today:
Post all your screenshots of and experiences with BF2:SF here. I personally can't wait to play it.
i think its next week for europe 0.o
i'm waiting for the damn patch to be posted
It's supposedly out in the Netherlands, so I guess it's out in the whole of Europe, yeah.
are you guys gonna get it?
its more infantry focused which you guys like so its your kind of game...
me i prefer the armoured columns and jet dog fights so i might not
apparently there's a patch that will allow BF2:SF players play on regular BF2 servers ...they can even use their BF2:SF weapons ..I wonder if that includes zip lines and the other thingy
its meant to be out today but so far i havent seen it in the usual places 0.o
i posted the readme (which is quite confusing) in this forum
CptStern said:
...they can even use their BF2:SF weapons ..

If thats true, I'll just wait till I get my game next month before I touch BF2. That would be a killer thing to most people, the guns are probably better in SF than normal BF2.



Cool, they have new awards :)

Picking my copy up in like 2 hours after my class. I'll give impressions and more screens then too :D

Finally I'll be getting back into BF2.
I want this so bad! where are the 'rents? I need a ride to the nearest store ASAP...
Got it. Downloading the new patch now. Installing first, patching second, right?
could the people who're posting screens also include their specs and maybe even a general impression of how it runs in comparison to when BF2 was first released
Shakermaker said:
Got it. Downloading the new patch now. Installing first, patching second, right?

Doesn't the expansion itself patch to 1.1 to begin with? I thought the downloadable patch was just for retail users to update along with the SF users.

Installing mine right now and it said it was patching to 1.1 in the beginning.

EDIT: NM...1.12 patch on ea I see

EDIT2: GRRRR damn me for trying to multitask. Comp locked up during install of expansion because I was doing too much. Now my BF2 is screwed and I have to reinstall.

WTF EDIT: Reinstalled BF2, installed the expansion again. This time I didn't patch to 1.12. I started up the expansion and just looked at the new factions and whatnot. Obviously there were no servers so I quit and installed the patch.

I patch just fine (it took forever) and I go to start up the expansion and I get an error... and it can't start. Even when I go into BF2 and then change to the xpack, same thing.
Very good first impression.

Grappling hook ftw. It is so useful. I wouldn't have been able to make <this screenshot> without it. It would be great if it gets introduced to the regular BF2 maps. Oh, the possibilities ..... Combined with <the slide thingy> you can get very mobile squads.

Flashbangs and teargas are also a lot of fun. I've used to my advantage already. Firing at a couple of guys that have been flashbanged is like shooting fish in a barrel. The night-maps are really dark and you really need nightgoggles in some spots. Spotting enemies in the dark and surprising them is really sweet.

I played about four maps, mostly urban. The Iron Gator tho takes place on a <carrier> with a lot of CQB possibilities <inside>. Another map I played was on a sub-base (forgot the name). That's a great map for sneaking around in the dark.

The new verhicles are pretty cool. The new attack choppers look very sweet, esp. the Apache. I also like the <pick-up with a mounted machine gun>. The jetskis are fast but very vulnerable. And the Humvee's with TOW's can come in very handy.

It runs basically the same as BF2 right now. The only map that gave me a bit of lag was The Iron Gator, but only when flying a chopper. My specs:

Asus A8N SLI (w/ a new mobo fan, installed by yours truly; I am so proud of myself!)
AMD Athlon 64 3500+
4x 512 MB dual channel RAM
Club3D X850XT

EDIT btw, I got no less than 4 new unlocks for regular BF2. That's all the new unlocks there are. I esp. like my new medic and asault rifles. No ziplines, grapple hooks, teargas or flashbangs tho. Just the guns.
Thanks for the info, sound sweet :thumbs:

I wanted to wait for reviews etc. but since it's coming out on Friday here, I'll probably end up buying it and playing in the weekend :P

EDIT: Oh yeah, how much was the expansion and how big is it (on the HDD)?
Oh my god, this is such bullshit.

I can't believe that they're letting people with SF play with the SF weapons on normal BF2 servers.

That's the last straw. I haven't been having any fun since 1.03, and don't see any reason to continue playing.

Anyway, how is it :P
Can you swing around with grappling hooks? :D
I got it working and played a bit too. I played a map that had docks and a sub pen area. It's a night map and I can tell you you can't leave night vision on all the time. I don't have a screenshot example of it but people are invisible under streetlamps when you have the night vision on so there's obviously pros and cons of using it. Same goes for the gas mask, your field of vision is smaller but at least you wont be wandering around wasted (OR DRIVING). <---I drove into the side of a tank by accident when that happened :P

Anyways. I like the new weapons. I didn't get a chance to use the new unlocks but I'll try them soon.

You can't swing with grappling hooks I (at least I'm near positive).

I used the zipline to get to a faraway rooftop. I was picking people off with the new US spec-ops gun and then I saw a squad coming down my zipline :) I got all of them as they came down except one guy but I left him a present at the base of it. He lands on the rooftop. BEEP BOOM!!! C4'ed into the sky.

So far it's fun but I still wanna play with some people here to get some real teamwork going. The server I was on...people weren't really working in squads at all, everybody was just wandering around on their own to explore and whatnot.

BTW, is there a new sniper unlock?
Ok, I installed it, and then installed the patch, but there are only 2 servers showing up! And none whatsoever with regular BF2! I need help... I want to play with real people.

Game seems really fun so far, though.

EDIT: Shit! Now I have a ton of servers showing up, but they're all red. When I try to join, it says I'm running an older version of the game than the server...
wtf!? did they release a second patch over the 10 minutes I was downloading the first one?
Just got off a server. Damn I had fun even though NOBODY worked together at all and my team blew. I switched up kits quite a bit, the map was pretty much pure infantry battles which I found to be a blast. It's fun sneaking around at night catching troops off-guard. I scored 57..the next highest score was 12 :P
You dont happen to get another cd key with the expansion right? Because the 1.12 patch has decided that my cd key is invalid.
well, I repatched it, it works, and I must say...
damn that rules! I love the guns, the maps are excellent, every game I've played has had very tight teamwork, the whole thing. It's just great.

EDIT: yeah, you do. The Expansion CD-Key is on the upper back of the expansion pack instruction manual. Just like the original BF2 CD Key was.
ooo so maybe I will be able to play?? wewt!
I have to say, my average score has gone up to at least 60 points per game. Especially in the Navy Seal and SAS maps simply because the F2000 and the SCAR H/L are too good. This makes it so much easier for people because before, unless you were really good, you could only score such points by flying planes or helicopters. Being infantry now pays off well.
Maybe I'll wait a bit more after all, as people are complaining they're getting performance problems, while they ran BF2 fine. :/

I hope it's something that can be fixed by EA/DICE.
i dled the patch for my normal bf2 - and it has upped the level of my 9700 from low to medium :D and i can now play in 1280*800 :D:D
no problems here