BF3 Who is Buying

Will you Buy?

  • Yes but on console to avoid Origin

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Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
Was just curious as to how people where feeling about this Origin stuff and if its putting them off the game. In particular how by installing origin you agree to allow EA to scan your computer or just having to have a second process running in the background of your machine etc... or just anything else that would be putting you off.

My current Stance is Maybe... I do want the game but Origin sounds very intrusive and annoying. I've had steam for years, it already has all my friends/libary and setting it all up again just sounds like a ball ache. Chances are the marketing and reviews will win me over and I'd end up buying retail out of protest. Also this hole lack of in game server browser is putting me off too.

I in no way blame Dice but EA seem to be screwing there die hard PC fan base and its such a shame to watch it happening.
No I'm too poor. What do I vote? That said my brother will be buying it and I'll be trying my hardest to play off his account.
No, it looks too much like a big BC2 expansion to be worth it for me, and bc2 didn't have the right 'feel' for an online FPS. I think it was seriously held back by the bad netcode(at least the shooting didn't seem right at all), and I hated the slow animations/controls which don't seem improved.
If I feel like buying a new online FPS and have money again I would probably go for RO2 instead.
Yes (already pre-ordered it at retail), Origin is completely irrelevant to me, it's existence doesn't change anything. I haven't heard anything about it that would change my mind enough to make me not want to play BF3.
Going to play the beta to see if my laptop can manage it. I'll probably end up buying it regardless so I get the Karkand expansion and don't have to pay for it later since I plan on using money I'm hoping to make from web design to go towards a new pc. The whole Origin thing doesn't really bother me to be honest. Nowadays I only really use Steam to launch BC2 and talk to one of my friends maybe once a week. Will probably buy it retail as well, not out of protest to Origin but simply because I want the box.
Thats another point thats quite frustrating.. They are charging for PC DLC? That must be annoying a fair few people. EA seem to be making a lot of bad decisions on this one.
Thats another point thats quite frustrating.. They are charging for PC DLC? That must be annoying a fair few people. EA seem to be making a lot of bad decisions on this one.

Well I assume all the advertisements that say "Preorder now and get the Back to Karkand expansion for no extra charge" means that after the game is released you'll have to pay for it.
Already have it preordered obviously.
I'm waiting a bit to preorder, but I'm not sure why. It's partly because I'm lazy, partly because I want to see how it plays on my machine, and partly because I don't want to spend $60.
Money's tight, so I'm not preordering until I play through a few rounds of Conquest in the beta. When it comes down to it, I don't really care about Origin. BF3 is the only game I will ever, ever buy on that service.
I would like to own a copy to actually display it and not have Origin. Gamestop currently offers everything from Origin pretty much except for the early beta. Pre-ordering through Origin gets you into the beta only? I do know that if you sign-up on Gun Club, you get a coupon for $15 off BF3.
I pre-ordered this for the xbox for just $47 so yes I bought it in full
When it comes down to it, I don't really care about Origin. BF3 is the only game I will ever, ever buy on that service.
Why is this better? If anything that makes it all the worse.
Vegeta's point is that you still have to download and use Origin, but all you're getting for your trouble is access to your one game. If you had multiple games, then it makes it more worth using Origin for.

And I voted no because I'm not interested. Too much other stuff more worth mah monies.
I pre-ordered it retail a few weeks ago, I'm not going to support Origin and will only download it to play the damn game, if EA wants to beat Modern Warfare however they're going to have to stop this stupid feud in order to get the real sales they want, instead of alienating alot of their PC fan base.
Already Pre-ordered. Personally I'd prefer it if EA hitched their wagon to Steam, but clearly they aren't going to. However albeit I'm a long time Steam user I'm not so precious about it that I'm going to miss out on a game that looks that good.
This thread is silly.
'I don't want to support origin!'
-download origin-
Genuinely uninterested, none of the gameplay trailers impressed me.
No. If this were a game I could just buy and install and play, then yes. It is, however, requiring a lot more than that so I am thinking I would rather just spend my money on other games that don't require such extra nonsense.
There aren't any TF2 hats for pre-ordering :(
Still on the fence. Not really keen on Origin, but I'd overlook that if the game was worth the hassle. Honestly though, there are so many games coming out in the next few months that are near-definite purchases for me, I don't think I'd miss it too terribly.
It's like 50 bucks retail so it's a ridiculously easy yes. Spend more on a night out, and I know BF3 will actually give me 100+ hours of entertainment. As for Origin, the minutiae issue of installing it and logging in, which is probably a total of perhaps 10 to 15 minutes initial set-up and some terribly insignificant details (well, in my opinion) isn't going to stop me from playing the game. I feel this somewhat (perhaps very) relevant:

I'll buy it at retail if Steam and EA don't manage to sort out their differences in time. Which I doubt they will.
Possibly. Hasn't followed the whole Origin controversy, but it doesn't sound too good.
An Origin sale is 100% profit for EA, but a sale to any other distributor incurs a loss through that distributor's cut of the sales, AFAIK.
I'm happy to not play it until it comes to Steam. If that is never, then so be it. Pre-ordered BC2 on Steam in support for the game and I would have done so with BF3 but unfortunately EA pulled support for my main purchasing avenue for games.

I'm interested to see what their analysts calculated in their decision. Evidently they worked out this to be a more profitable approach via Origin. If and by how much they miss that target post-release will hopefully twist their arm to re-evaluate. Analysts are always wrong anyway, bunch of yesmen with expensive programs, desperate to stay on the payroll with a job title which may as well be palm reader.
I'm guessing they estimate a lot of the profit will be long-term from people having to use Origin to play the game, and therefore being exposed to EA's store. Same deal with Valve and Steam, hence why they see them as direct competition.