Big Daddies

I've been trying to dodge, but when they clock me, the screen goes all shaky (I think they stomp their feet) which slows me right down, even jumping out of the way is difficult. Even if I do manage it, I haven't dodged far away enough to stop the thing from turning round and smacking me one.

Obviously I'm not pegging it at range with the shotgun. :p

Reall, really tearing my hair out.
You got problems if you can't kill a big daddy cause there soo easy to me. I killed the first one in 20 seconds. try and jump when he goes to stomp his feet.
Try being near a corner so it's harder for them to charge you.
Also if you got the chemical thrower, load up some electric gel or napalm and just **** em up. One canister should be enough.
The first Big Daddy I fought and won against was in Neptunes Bounty, on the lower wharf I think. The same place where there was an old video showing how you hack gun turrets. I hacked both turrets, waited for the Rosie to walk into the water in the middle of the room then zapped him with my electro plasmid. The gun turrets opened up on him, he was caught in the middle of the room and from there I just dodged and weaved around him, constantly keeping him pinned down with bolts of electricity and then pumping explosive shotgun rounds into him.

The second I fought, which was in the same place, was wandering around with a few Splicers near it, so I zapped them with the infuriate (is that it? I can't remember now, the plasmid that sends enemies crazy) so they started mindless attacking the Rosie then I hopped into the fight with my shotgun and did virtually the same. Unfortunatly, that Big Daddy wasn't with a Little Sister, so it was abit of a waste really.
I <3 Big Daddy's!

The way they interact with the Little Sisters, looking after them, guiding them and guarding them. Love it! Also the way they shove you out of the way if you block them shows how they won't get into a fight for no reason, only if actively provoked!

Also great when they are alone without a Little Sister, they seem so dejected and alone, you just empathise with them so much!

/blatant rip-off of Sui

I like makeing them under my control. That hypno plasmid is great if theres a bunch of splicers comeing at you and theres a big daddy near by. Its like total destruction.
Wow :O

Just saw one trudging along all alone in the water! I just gazed at him through the window :D
Whew. Finally finished off the BD in the medical pavillion.... just electro plasmid and a shit-load of electric buck seemed to pin it down enough to continuously pound it. A few armour-piercing rounds in between risky shotgun reloads too.

Bit of practise never done me much harm, I managed to rescue every little sister at Neptunes Bounty that are protected by "Rosies" (The rivet gun bastards).

NOW the game is really becoming excellent.
Your a big daddy killer I don't like you :frown: All they want to do is protect the little brats. Otherwise they are friendly and just shove you outta the way. I was just playing and I found one in farmers market winery basement. No little sister it was just there. SO i brought another big daddy down there and shot the one and had em fight each other. IT was funny they just whack each other with their guns over and over.
Is it really that hard to finish the game without getting all the little sisters? I just completed the dwarf level, and it constantly warned me about how I hadnt harvested all the little sisters and the game would be "SUBSTANTIALLY HARDER IF YOU DIDN'T OOOOH SCARY!!"
So I'm wondernig, is it really that hard or should I just ignore the warning?
Well if you like having new and more plasmids and tonics, then yeah you'd want it.
There was a time when I did feel sorry for a Big Daddy. It walked through the middle of a firefight I was having with about seven Thuggish/Houdini splicers and it caught ALOT of flak from myself them them. Bees everywhere, water being shocked left and right, fireballs being thrown here and there, grenades bouncing off the walls... it didn't even kill anyone, everyone just turned their attention to the Rosie and literally ripped it apart.
Guess I could always do it on a second playthrough eh.
Wow :O

Just saw one trudging along all alone in the water! I just gazed at him through the window :D

yeah i almost jumped when i saw one in the basement of mcdonagh's pub outside the window in the water trudging along...
I never went to McDonaghs pub :( Was too lazy.

you have to though no? for the research camera mission, that guy(cant remember his name) tasks you with getting pictures of the splicers that crawl on walls, one is located in the pub in apartment 5 or sumit, it was in a HINT i read saying that a splicer i have to research is located there...
All I did was open hte door in hte hub between the pub and that other room with the other creature, at the door was the spider, so I just photoed it and ran all the way back to the big room.:p
Whew. Finally finished off the BD in the medical pavillion.... just electro plasmid and a shit-load of electric buck seemed to pin it down enough to continuously pound it. A few armour-piercing rounds in between risky shotgun reloads too.
Electric Bucks should naturally stun the Big Daddy.

Use your environment people! If there's a pillar, strafe around the pillar making sure the Big Daddy is behind you, it'll make it harder for him to charge/shoot you.
And if they stomp you, you can still dodge them if you keep on moving in one direction. I've never got hit after they stomped, they'd always miss me by a hair.
Getting close i found is best. Bolt, shotgun, bolt, shotgun, bolt, shotgun, run as you eve up, rinse and repeat.

BDs with weapons are the most annoying as they just nail you no matter where you hide.
I just started again on hard mode, since hunting the 'daddies is really one of my favourite parts of this game, and it was just getting way too easy on normal. Once you can set up trap bolts and proximity mines, not even the elite ones pose much of a threat. Just lead em through a few of those then waste em with electric gel. All too simple.

Hard mode's a bit better so far. I'm already secretly hoping they'll come out with an expert mode or something though - am I the only one that never runs short of ammo unless I have to fight 2 or 3 daddies consecutively?
I usually do target dummy/electric buck/AP rifle combo, seems to work well for me. One time I lured one into a trio of friendly turrets, which made short work of it, with some help from me.
Yeah, I always hack turrets for these situations. Made REALLY short work of a Rosie in the security department in Neptunes Bounty with all those RPG turrets.

RPG 'im, keep it in place with a electro bolt whilst you get the chemical thrower out, dose him with electric gel for a bit then finish with the shotgun. Always finish with the shotgun just so I can go right up to his helmet and put the shotgun right up close.

The most coolest thing to happen though is when you're back peddling away down a corridor, the Bouncer is charging after you, you're bursting away with the tommy gun for dramatic effect, health at it's lowest, no medical packs, then suddenly... click click click click click. And then it lunges, and that's it.
Maybe it's just because I'm on normal, but getting right in their faces with a shotgun and Shock Bolt seems to take them down with ease.
I aim for their eyes or wutever. Very useful. Or i just use that freeze gel and shatter them.
You dont get loot from shattered enemies though, do you?
I got transported to the Vitachamber 8 times trying to kill the first Big Daddy at Neptune's Bounty. They're bloody impossible. Thankfully I found a gun turret underneath the wharf and hacked into it. It didn't do that much damage though so I ended up spending 15 minutes killing this Big Daddy and guess what? The little sister ran away. THANKS A ****ING LOT.
I am still in the beginning of the game, but I found it easiest to lead 'em to water and then just eletcroshock the bejeebus out of them. Took me about 8 or 9 jolts and then they're down.
Ya, i slowly realized that that best approach is to hack any nearby cameras and gun turrets....lead them in, and just open up on them while they are busy defending themselves.
Just finally got killed by a big daddy. :D Too many splicers and turrents at once for me to hold off. Its last move was it sent me flying across the room. I finally died for the first time in the game though :D
I really haven't found turrets to be effective in the least -- Against Rosies, anyway. To deal with the ones in Neptunes (Hard difficulty) without dying I brought up some oil cans and those larger exploding canisters and started chucking them, along with electrobolts and shotgun blasts. The smaller red cans are quite effective.

As well, maybe it was just the electric-self-defense thing that I might have had on, but I *think* bouncers can break electronics in the environment and hurt themselves... That's what it looked like anyway. I'll try it again in a better location.
I really haven't found turrets to be effective in the least -- Against Rosies, anyway. To deal with the ones in Neptunes (Hard difficulty) without dying I brought up some oil cans and those larger exploding canisters and started chucking them, along with electrobolts and shotgun blasts. The smaller red cans are quite effective.

That's how I finished the Rosies in Neptunes Bounty. Although, you have to be quick, because one shot from the rivet gun will blow the barrel up in your face. :eek:
My preferred methods for dropping Big Daddies:

Get two Big Daddies to fight each other. By the time they're done, the winner will usually go down with a blast from the shotgun.

Light them up with the security beacon. I actually had the choppers drop a Rosie with only two hits from the beacon.

Electric Gel: a full clip with the consumption reduction will drop them quick.

Prox grenades: drop six of them in a pile (maybe less?) and coax the Big Daddy through. That'll usually drop him in one blow.

I never froze them - way too much money and goodies on them to lose after that assault.
Here are my ways.

1 Beat the crap outa one for lik an hour until it dies from a wrench.

2 Use electric bolt tthen shot gun repeat.

3 Use grenade launcher over and over till it dies.

4 Use explodeing buck on it(very effective).

5 Lure it into water and fry it.

6 enrage splicers so they attk the big daddy do the same to big daddy.

Finally just freeze and and smash it. I just shotgun them to death with explodeing buck.
I'm on normal and having no trouble at all fighting them. I actually like fighting them. They're not too hard, but enough trouble so I actually have to plan before I strike.

Before attacking one I set my revolver and tommy gun to armor-piercing, see if there are any puddles of water or oil nearby for me to utilize, and check around for splicers nearby so I can lure them over to the BD and enrage them.
Just defeated normal diff today. The daddies pose no threat. Keep ice 3 on hand in case they charge, blast them with electric chemical. Takes about 1/4 clip if you moderate the flow. I also have completed research on them for +++ damage, and some electric weapon booster tonic. They fall in about 12 seconds. I haven't yet tried hard mode.
My failsafe is the security target ball of goo. Hack a camera (or don't if he's not in range), paint him, and have the bots just wittle it down.
Electric buck is effective, better if you have both weapon upgrades. Freeze them while reloading.
Sometimes I leave a trail of proxies and nail him from a distance and watch him mangle himself over them.

Your a big daddy killer I don't like you :frown: All they want to do is protect the little brats. Otherwise they are friendly and just shove you outta the way.

One of them was blocking some stairs and when I tried to go around he shoved me and I fell to my death. :/