Big Daddies

I accidently got into a fight with 1.I set him on fire then he came with the rivote gun , i used lighting shells then it killed me so i went back and finished him with 2 lightinging round.
When Cohen finally showed his ass up, somereason a big daddy came running down the stairs around/through him (glitcharama style with the super jerking) and he cornered me into the wall and I couldn't move (he wasn't even attacking). I loaded again cuz i was lucky i saved right when i finished the masterpiece, turns out he was trying to run to some room, looks at a dead body and goes back to walking
I hate it when an enemy melees me when I'm near a Big Daddy, like in a cramped corridor or something, because I have the electric shockwave defence on me. It sucks when a Big Daddy without a Little Sister attacks me.
I like controling them. I wonder if I could control 2 big daddys at once?

OR what I do is freeze them and run away to see how far they will go to kill me.:E
I hate it when an enemy melees me when I'm near a Big Daddy, like in a cramped corridor or something, because I have the electric shockwave defence on me. It sucks when a Big Daddy without a Little Sister attacks me.

I had that problem a few times. It seems when you control them they aren't affected by the shockwave. Could have also been dumb luck for me, though.
Did anyone else really want to be able to use the rivet gun? I was hoping and praying for that when --

-- you had to become one at the end.
you should be a ****load more specific on that spoiler ffs. Don't click if you haven't beaten the me.
I'm just pretending that Bad^Hat was joking.
Tip: if it's in a spoiler tag, it's probably a spoiler.

But uhh, you can disregard it anyway. It's not 100% true, atleast :)
Yeah, the ending, figured it was for you're first encounter on that gun though :(.
That is at the very end.. And it isn't incredibly important, anyway. And I thoguht it would be hella more epic than that.. I thought every step I took would make the ground shake, and when I go into combat my vision turns red.. aww. Need more fun.
Okay, if you're really bothered about it, stop freakin talking about it outside of spoiler tags. Admittedly it was a bad choice wording it the way I did, but I assumed anyone who hadn't finished the game would be a little more careful about that kind of thing (also, too late to edit it now).

And as I said, it doesn't happen exactly the way I put it, I just worded it assuming the only ones reading it would be those who'd already done it and would fill in the blanks themselves.

(Don't read unless finished plzthx) -

I was pretty dissapointed about how putting on the suit doesn't do anything to your hands. Looked a little dumb walking around with the helmet, assuming you were wearing the full body suit, but you were still wielding all your weapons bare-handed like usual =/

Also, no rivet gun! Pooooooos. Although drill arm would have been downright hardcore...
haha they are hard to kill. they sound so ****ing cool. :D
When you see them wandering around alone you almost feel sorry for them, they sound distressed :(
Once I got the bolt thrower it became pretty easy.


I just used the electric bolts, set up 3 right next to each other and mid-level. Then took 1 pot shot at the bigdaddy, he'd rush to me, rush through the 3 bolts, and be dead immediately. It was funny to because his momentum would send his dead body flying in the direction he was running and i'd chase it down and loot.
Somehow it ignores any additional ones if he does the tackle, you have to stay out of sight or he'll negate them. Takes about 8 on hard, I added variations like proxy mines and a shotgun to the head at the end of the line :D
Yeah traps bolts are always fun. I love it when they come blundering through them and right at the last one you just arm yourself with exploding buck and put the barrel right next to his helmet. Awesome.

It's also fun just putting trap bolts around the map and just waiting for the 'bzzzt!' and the screams of some dumbass that walked into them. That said, A.I. is a bit lacking when it comes to trap bolts.
Yeah traps bolts are always fun. I love it when they come blundering through them and right at the last one you just arm yourself with exploding buck and put the barrel right next to his helmet. Awesome.

It's also fun just putting trap bolts around the map and just waiting for the 'bzzzt!' and the screams of some dumbass that walked into them. That said, A.I. is a bit lacking when it comes to trap bolts.

Well of course. If they made the AI aware of them, then they'd be useless because they wouldn't walk into them.
But when a trap bolt is right in their face and they don't even notice it that is kind of stupid.

True enough though, if they noticed them every time it would be useless. :)
Oh yeah of course, but it should be been more subtle. They should not notice the ones that are right in their face, and instead only trip on the wires that are at ankle height or such.

Even so, it's really fun sticking a trap bolt actually in an enemy. They try to run away from it because they know in a few seconds it's going to 'ignite' and the wire is literally going to come from them. Funny - and satisfying - as hell.