Big, fat, hairy


May 14, 2003
Reaction score

I am a uni stoodent now (obvious mis-spelling for you not in the know ;)) and I am having a whale (yes a big mammal) of a time. It is fecking awesome, to quote father ted (the fecking bit).

Anyway, I have unfortunately become attracted to a rather gorgeous girl called Ivana, but........I can tell that she really likes my new 'best' friend at uni, dan, he is such a ledgend! Anyway, this is not another "zomg (see mr badger, i have held off using zomg till now :p) what shall i do to get her!" cos I know he is right for her. Just an expression of my disappointment (as she is quite possibly the person I would love to spend every day with!)

Anyway. Uni is f ing sweet. Except the 9 o clock lectures. And I have one in 6 hours and 25 mins. And I am very very drunk, and not tired. But yes, I will go to bed and dream of 'her' but it's all gravy, she is a very nice lady and one to stay friends with forever and ever amen. Unless she kills my mum, then she will end up dead, with a million kazillion holes ine her head.

What a dreadful thought. Night night, pip pip and 5 stars for sure, or whatever that crazy guy said.

I say night night, I mean I will hang around till quarter to (10 mins) then I will get some sleep.

You are very very drunk, yet you can type so well, DAMN!
Um.. Congratulations, I guess. :)

They gave you any shrooms over there?
yeah, college was awesome. just one thing to remember about college: after all is said and done, you only regret the things you didn't do, if you catch my drift..
No drugs (like weed or whatever), only drugs I have taken are alcohol and some asthma shite. And headache pills.

Freshers ball next week. Hopefully I will get a dance with the one I 'love' (black tie, AND chesney hawkes (whatever) will be there!)

I AM THE ONE AND ONLY!!!1111oneoneoneone!!111
Adrien C said:
Ivana, she sounds big.

On the contrary (wtf, I hope that is spelt right!), she is so frigging beautiful! Honestly, she is just what I could ever want in a person, not a big heffalump :p, she is just so great! Sounds weird talking about her.....I have spoke to her about 4 times, she is just amazing!

/me yearns (?) some more...
This guy's post can be living proof for all those retards who come on forums and say "I'M DRUNKKKKKK WOJJFDLSDSGQW"O WOMOMG OWOW THIS FDASMFASDF F!!!!!!!!!!ELEVEN11111ONE!!!!"

This guy is incredibly drunk, but great grammar still.
glad to hear you're enjoying uni matey :D :thumbs:

i remember freshers week...ahh the memories of getting mullered every night in the student's union, and ending up in some random girls bedroom the morning after..good times.

make the most of it! like timmy said, you won't get another chance.

Yeah, he has the award for it. Best Grammar while being pist.
Must....stop.....self....from making....Austin....Powers joke.....
Christ on a bike, it was pissing it down tonight, the chips and cheese were awesome, as per usual from Jayne's


She is so cool! She gives me and Dan so much chips and cheese for 2 quid, it is ace! But the loo doesn't like it too much......

As for missing out, I'm not a big drugs fan :( weed has never appealed to me, but it smells like tea to me for some strange reason. Perhaps someone has been ripped off by their 'dealer'

/me makes a westside sign and does a drive-by on a granny
qckbeam said:
Make it baby, make it! is her last name Humpalot by chance?

Phew, it was good to get that one out. Things like that just have to be said or else the world would implode. Thanks for helping save the world qckbeam.
Neutrino said: is her last name Humpalot by chance?

Phew, it was good to get that one out. Thanks for the support Qckbeam.

No it's not :p although it would be extremely comical if it was! She has gone to another college for another piss-up, so I won't see her for a while waaaahhhhh ;( ;)

I got attacked by a scally with scissors today, I asked for a quick trim of the old hair...stuff and she took just about all of it off! Pfff she probably needs a new clown pendant the daft bint :p

Woo woo, Durham is so cool, small, but perfectly formed :p
Edit: Hes doped? How do you know? :O

Murray_H is quite clearly drunk :LOL: Its amazing that someone posting with such good language can probably not stand up...or sit down even.
(I realise this has been mentioned)

You let a scally cut your hair? Was it a random scally? :O or a real hairdresser?
Adrien C said:
UPDATE: He ain't ' pissed, he is doped.

Nope, I be pissed;

3 JD's & coke
1 double JD & coke
2 double vodkas and coke
1 bottle of some crazy shit I got free
A sip of some 'Old Speckled Hen' (not a huge beer fan :p)

But NO weed!!!!!

I don't smoke anything, bloody monthly occurance (period :p)

Time to read some HHGTTG (;/) over the hole which leads to the sewers!
Neutrino said: is her last name Humpalot by chance?

Phew, it was good to get that one out. Things like that just have to be said or else the world would implode. Thanks for helping save the world qckbeam.

Just doing my civic duty sir
By god, this may just be one of the greatest threads I've ever stumbled across. It's like a soap opera, I could come back religiously to read his stories. Although, I can't seem to stop picturing him as the pirate guy from the simpsons. :cheers:
Murray_H said:
Christ on a bike, it was pissing it down tonight, the chips and cheese were awesome, as per usual from Jayne's


She is so cool! She gives me and Dan so much chips and cheese for 2 quid, it is ace! But the loo doesn't like it too much......

As for missing out, I'm not a big drugs fan :( weed has never appealed to me, but it smells like tea to me for some strange reason. Perhaps someone has been ripped off by their 'dealer' /me makes a westside sign and does a drive-by on a granny

There, I told you
Farrowlesparrow said:
Edit: Hes doped? How do you know? :O

Murray_H is quite clearly drunk :LOL: Its amazing that someone posting with such good language can probably not stand up...or sit down even.
(I realise this has been mentioned)

You let a scally cut your hair? Was it a random scally? :O or a real hairdresser?

Real hairdresser, but I didn't know where to go in Durham for a decent one ;(

She probably just heard "burberry, burberry, clown, argos, cider, pissed, middle finger, SHORT" when I said (quite elequently (sp)) "I would like a nice trim, not too short but enough to keep the scraggly ends away, pip pip what what"

Bloody bugger, my hair looks seriously shit now. Not going to that shit-hole again!
Sometimes, when I'm reading this forum, strange little people come down from space and tell me to do things.
qckbeam said:
Sometimes, when I'm reading this forum, strange little people come down from space and tell me to do things.
Pffttt, I enslaved them.
Neutrino said: is her last name Humpalot by chance?
My last name is Humpalot. Hubert Humpalot.

Is there something wrong with that name? :|

You guys have no manners.
qckbeam said:
Sometimes, when I'm reading this forum, strange little people come down from space and tell me to do things.

Hahaha....uh...Is someone keeping an eye on this guy?...haha. Interesting stuff from Qckbeam there.

I know a guy called Backhouse actually...fortunately I managed not the laugh when I realised he was in fact sat in the room.

Good chap...
Adrien C said:
Am Ithe only one who hasen't posted while drinking ?

I've never posted drunk

Edit: nor have I posted high for those who may be wondering.
Adrien C said:
Am i the only one who hasen't posted while drinking ?

Go to a birdbath and have a sip and then post at the same time, then you will join the ranks!

Or you could get a glass of water!

Oh shit, better type quieter, I hear movement......

(prepare for a bad quote, and I mean shit...)

sentry a...60%

name the film (piece o' piss) and have a milkybar on me!
i did once too, my spelling was impeccable =)
Will you be sending that by mail order, or personal delivery?

My spelling wasn't so be fair, I had drunk rather a lot more than most people do. Still, I believe it was rather good all things considered :D
Farrowlesparrow said:
Will you be sending that by mail order, or personal delivery?

I will send a penguin to fly it over.....shite :/

I will send an ostrich....shite :/

I will send a dodo.....shite

Cannon it is then!
Erestheux said:
Me neither :D

omg we must be brothers omg

Sorry, I don't know if I can be associated with someone whose name is Humpalot.