Big release suprise!!!???

The big surprise is that Valve is going to make you log-on before you do anything. When you wake up, you have to log-on before you can eat breakfast. In other words Valve is taking over your life!!!!! :LOL: :devil:
Gabe is coming out of the closet.

He wanted to wait until after he ate as much turkey as he could.

Gaybe Newell is gonna be his new name.
Well, it wouldn't be a surprise if we knew, would it now? ;)
Heh... if its just some CS:S Gimmicks, im gonna prepare to fart in their general direction.
CS:S is a gimme.

And if we could guess the suprise then it wouldn't be a 'Suprise'.
The suprise is that XSI will be avalable on steam for download.

On the XSI website in shows that it will be avalable through steam soon.

Thats my guess.
A CS:S update technically wouldnt be a suprise because we know that there is an update planned for dec. Although what we wouldnt know is maybe some new CS content as i believe that has been planned but nothing mentioned on it atm. I would personnally prefer some HLMP or DoD:S release
pk1209 said:
dod:s... gotta be

I remember reading somewhere that they were going to wait a while before releasing DoD:S because they were wanting a little more than a port of a mod (Like CS:S)

I don't think it will be an extra chapter to HL2 or even any type of announcement of an expansion or HL3.

I also don't think it would be a Source-ready SDK because valve already said it was going to be comming out soon.

I'm not too sure about a HL2DM unless it was in the terms of making HL2 completely multiplay capable... Something like that would be somewhat of a suprise.

I'm thinking that the suprise is going to be a little bigger and not as likely as everybody is predicting...
No, they're from the game. It's just a matter of text file editing and some shift+function buttons to get them.
There is a hl2 multiplayer with that gui, but its certainly NOT official.
man such a tease if that was photo shopped!!! i mean WOW i would so love that soooo much :(
Guys, what if they announce an entirely new IP, something that isn't Half Life or TF2?
hope its TF2, been so long since 1999 :'(
If people knew would it be a suprise? Ughhhghgh!
apparently from the new news release it will possibly be a HL2: DM. Which is fine in my book.....not to say that I wouldn't of appreciated DOD:S better......just saying....... :|
Those screens arent photoshopped at all.

At hl2 world a guy wrote a tutorial on how to create a multiplayer gui in source, those are screens from it.
nagual678 said:
that doesnt absolutely mean those screens weren't photoshopped
that doesnt absolutely mean i said those screens were photoshopped