Bill Gates Donates $10 billion for vaccines


Jun 21, 2006
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Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his wife Melinda have said they will donate $10bn (£6.2bn) over the next 10 years to develop and deliver new vaccines.

Mr Gates, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, said the aim was to see 90% of children in developing countries immunised.

Over the past 10 years, the couple's charity has committed $4.5bn (£2.78bn) to the development of vaccines.

The World Health Organization called the commitment "unprecedented".

Mr Gates said that by increasing immunisation coverage in poorer countries to 90% it should be possible to save the lives of 7.6 million children under five between 2010 and 2019.

'Incredible impact'

"We must make this the decade of vaccines," he said in a statement.

"Vaccines already save and improve millions of lives in developing countries. Innovation will make it possible to save more children than ever before."

He said money was needed to make the most of new vaccines now becoming available, including ones against severe diarrhoea and pneumonia.

Melinda Gates added: "Vaccines are a miracle. With just a few doses, they can prevent deadly diseases for a lifetime.

"We've made vaccines our number one priority at the Gates Foundation because we have seen first hand their incredible impact on children's lives."

Margaret Chan, head of the World Health Organization, said it was an unprecedented contribution and urged governments and private donors to add to the initiative.

"An additional two million deaths in children under five years could be prevented by 2015 through widespread use of new vaccines and a 10% increase in global vaccination coverage," she said.
Saw Bill Gates talking with John Stewart on the Daily Show the other day. Gates says he's pretty much retired from managing Microsoft, and is now working full time on his charity work. Very cool person.
I saw that too. I have tons of respect for him.
That's pretty sweet, vaccines are useful...but are they as useful as...

90% of the children.

Would be cool if other companies would match him however much they could so it could be 100% and then far more in reserves so there aren't anymore kids suffering from easily treatable diseases.
He's simply doing what anyone should with that kind of cash. If all of the richest people in the world donated 1% of their annual income, once, it would fix something. Regardless though, he did good.
This is obviously a carefully planned marketing ploy: he's going to make that $10 billion back plus interest over the next 10 years because people will buy more Microsoft products after hearing what he's doing.
This is obviously a carefully planned marketing ploy: he's going to make that $10 billion back plus interest over the next 10 years because people will buy more Microsoft products after hearing what he's doing.

Which allows him to make further philanthropic donations.

The charity dollar!
/bill hicks

Anyway, this is really cool of course. I'd like to see a mac commercial respond to it!

To further the marketing ploy theory, did you notice the timing of this? Right after apple announces their new product? This is microsoft's direct competition to that product.
I'd rather worship Bill Gates than Jesus at this point. hes saving so many lives its ridiculous. I will support Microsoft even more now and I'm willing to bet Apple will hurt big time with both the stupid and useless iPad and shit products this year.
See, listen to what the consumer, Warped, is saying. Follows perfectly with my theory. Exactly what Bill Gates wants.
See, listen to what the consumer, Warped, is saying. Follows perfectly with my theory. Exactly what Bill Gates wants.

I hear it all the time though, 'Apple is better....blah blah blah" but now i can say that my hard earned money is going to save children, it almost brings a tear to your eye(s)
Bill Gates' hard earned money is going to save children.

Your hard earned money is going to buy you a new Microsoft product.
As an atheist Bill Gates can't possibly be doing something altruistic and worthy of praise and respect. He must be trying to give those 8 million kids autism or something...
What else do you do with assloads of money? I mean personally I'm not one of excess and even if I had the virtual unlimited funds of Willy Gates, I wouldn't live in some massive mansion on a mountaintop with 400 cars. I'd pay my taxes, and help out a bunch of people who can't manage things they need. He's basically just doing what I'd do so I can't give him too much credit... I mean if he like... gave away every dollar and lived on the street then maybe I'd give some credit... lol
What else do you do with assloads of money? I mean personally I'm not one of excess and even if I had the virtual unlimited funds of Willy Gates, I wouldn't live in some massive mansion on a mountaintop with 400 cars. I'd pay my taxes, and help out a bunch of people who can't manage things they need. He's basically just doing what I'd do so I can't give him too much credit... I mean if he like... gave away every dollar and lived on the street then maybe I'd give some credit... lol

Easy to say that when it's not your money. If I gave you 10 billion dollars right now, how much of that would you give to charity? D:

He's filthy rich, and it's a major tax break, but some people create off-shore accounts and all kinds of dodgy shit. Has any other major corporation donated 10 billion dollars to charity? Or even a measly million?

I commend the Gates for this. But despite who is doing it, I'm just glad for the children. I remember reading about African children where their mouth gets a massive a hole in the side, simply from malnutrition.

Not so grotesque version:

Easy to say that when it's not your money. If I gave you 10 billion dollars right now, how much of that would you give to charity? D:

He's filthy rich, and it's a major tax break, but some people create off-shore accounts and all kinds of dodgy shit. Has any other major corporation donated 10 billion dollars to charity? Or even a measly million?

I commend the Gates for this. But despite who is doing it, I'm just glad for the children. I remember reading about African children where their mouth gets a massive a hole in the side, simply from malnutrition.

Not so grotesque version:

Man, that's terrible.

The disease, I mean.
TBH it would've been better to do it anonymously. Now he will get tons of admiration, whereas otherwise it would have been truly selfless.
That's true monkey, but when you think about it, why does it matter? Giving to charity isn't about seeing how selfless you can be, it's about giving the money, straight up. The charities or the people in need couldn't give a shit if it was selfless or not. If he wants to 'cash in' on the advantages of publicly donating such a large sum, why not? What's the harm?
That's true monkey, but when you think about it, why does it matter? Giving to charity isn't about seeing how selfless you can be, it's about giving the money, straight up. The charities or the people in need couldn't give a shit if it was selfless or not. If he wants to 'cash in' on the advantages of publicly donating such a large sum, why not? What's the harm?
Oh, it's no doubt that these money will do a lot of good, I just don't think we should all consider him a huge altruist because of this, when we're not sure that his intentions were all that noble. But as you said, the people receiving the vaccines probably don't give a shit about that.
10 billion is such a huge amount, it's obvious he'll never get all of them back. And by doing in non-anonymously, he avoids suspicions, that he just sits on all of the money. So, no matter how he did, we still blame him. Or some do.
TBH it would've been better to do it anonymously. Now he will get tons of admiration, whereas otherwise it would have been truly selfless.

Yes, letting people know about the Gates foundation, and how he is devoting all his time to charity work is bad.

Its better this way because the Gates Foundation will become a better known organization, encouraging more donations from other people besides himself, and his actions will inspire others to take an active part in charities. Doing it anonymously limits the impact to only what he himself could provide.
Kinda hard to call out for "the decade of the vaccine" when no body knows who you are...

To be fair, Monkey, I see your point that many celebrities just want to appear altruistic so they write a cheque and brag about it. This isn't the same though Gates puts the money and the work in, he is genuinely altruistic and as a leader it doesn't make sense he should do it quietly.
...Has any other major corporation donated 10 billion dollars to charity? Or even a measly million?...

What? Corporations give money away all the time. The motivation may be tax breaks, but they could spend it on Corporate jets or 'Entertaining' and get the same breaks (in the UK at least).

CBA: Top 10 generous companies - Wallmart is number 1, gave $157m in 2005 - 1.5% of net income.

Also, Warren Buffet gave $31bn to the Bill and Miranda Gates foundation.
What? Corporations give money away all the time.

CBA: Top 10 generous companies - Wallmart is number 1, gave $157m in 2005 - 1.5% of net income.

157 million, what's that compared to 10 billion? Almost nothing. Like I said.

Warren Edward Buffett (born August 30, 1930) is an American investor, businessman, and philanthropist. He is one of the most successful investors in history, the primary shareholder and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.[4]

Buffett is called the "Oracle of Omaha"[5] or the "Sage of Omaha"[6] and is noted for his adherence to the value investing philosophy and for his personal frugality despite his immense wealth.[7] Buffett is also a notable philanthropist, having pledged to give away 85 percent of his fortune to the Gates Foundation. He also serves as a member of the board of trustees at Grinnell College.[8]
Good man.
Well, you can't really say anything bad about Bill Gates now without looking like a complete douchebag.
He's probably going to start manufacturing syringes.
Oh, it's no doubt that these money will do a lot of good, I just don't think we should all consider him a huge altruist because of this, when we're not sure that his intentions were all that noble. But as you said, the people receiving the vaccines probably don't give a shit about that.

But he is altruistic. He is known for his philanthropy just as much as he is for Microsoft.

He's a full on rapist dude... a full on rapist. And for this he should be commended.
I adhere to the belief that intentions are crap compared to consequences. If someone saves my life for reasons not so noble, I am not going to care. It was an act that had positive influences.
I pick answer D: All of the above.

It's probable that Bill Gates gave aid with sincere intentions while knowing full well it would him a little PR bump. I don't see a reason for him to hide himself. He's allowed to leave a legacy that doesn't just include Microsoft.
Bill Gates AND HIS WIFE - ya ok, she didn't do shit, Bill Gates is the one with that money.

It is cool though, most guys like him donate like 1 million, it's awesome he donated that much money.

Better not have been for god damn H1N1 vaccines though or I'll rage like there's no tomorrow.
I pick answer D: All of the above.

It's probable that Bill Gates gave aid with sincere intentions while knowing full well it would him a little PR bump. I don't see a reason for him to hide himself. He's allowed to leave a legacy that doesn't just include Microsoft.


Nobody helps other people just for the sake of helping other people. There are no such thing as noble intentions in the twisted world of humanity. Even those who give money anonymously do it because it makes them feel better. That said, however, we still should be able to appreciate the outcome of humanity's own selfish selflessness.

Nobody helps other people just for the sake of helping other people. There are no such thing as noble intentions in the twisted world of humanity. Even those who give money anonymously do it because it makes them feel better. That said, however, we still should be able to appreciate the outcome of humanity's own selfish selflessness.

Denying one's selfishness is really just deluding yourself. Selfishness is probably what gives us joy. How much of it....that's open to interpretation.
ITT: jverne proves again that he knows nothing.
Denying one's selfishness is really just deluding yourself. Selfishness is probably what gives us joy. How much of it....that's open to interpretation.

I take it that you were agreeing with me?

Then as a matter of continuity, I must disagree with Danimal.