Bill Gates Donates $10 billion for vaccines

I guess nearly eliminating so many childhood diseases over the years is a terrible. Ever met anyone in America with Polio? Prolly a good thing. I don't know if I could take much information from a source called "Natural News" either. I just try not to trust things that sound crazy.

Eat your bananas and tofu and you won't get polio!

"Why Are We Vaccinating Against Childhood Diseases?

This is the multi-billion dollar question. Parents usually have their children vaccinated because the idea of not doing it simply doesn't occur. We have been thoroughly indoctrinated with the concept of "deadly" childhood diseases. Yet, there is no documentation showing that death rates from these diseases have been improved by vaccinations. As the data from the AMA itself shows, there is every reason to believe that these vaccinations are not effective, that we need to look to other reasons for the decrease in these disease deaths.

Even more significantly, the AMA's own data shows a possible link between an increase in death coinciding with vaccinations. Whether this is a cause-and-effect link is not proven at this time. However, with the AMA's record of not looking into the effects of vaccinations - of not even requiring that after-effects be reported - it's clear that the allopathic (standard) medical system is not going to sort this out. That leaves us with no option but to assume the worst - that childhood vaccinations not only do little or no good, but they may be doing great harm.

The question, of course, is "Why?" As with any corporate-controlled business (and make no mistake, the medical industry is big business) the answer always goes back to the same thing: money. Filthy lucre. There are millions and billions of dollars, pounds, euros, and other currencies to be made by both the pharmaceutical firms and the doctors themselves."
I move that this guy should have to defend his ludicrous idea or be banned for trolling. This will be amusing.
I move that this guy should have to defend his ludicrous idea or be banned for trolling. This will be amusing.

Solaris has reading comprehension problems? WHO KNEW?!
I move that this guy should have to defend his ludicrous idea or be banned for trolling. This will be amusing.

I wouldn't even bother trying on this site, you guys are so far up the path of government/big companies are completely black and white, fair and ethical any differing opinions/possibilities would not even penetrate your skulls...
Oh yeah, this forum really is in cahoots with big business.

You should check out our super-secret subforum where we blow CEOs and company execs all day.
I wouldn't even bother trying on this site, you guys are so far up the path of government/big companies are completely black and white, fair and ethical any differing opinions/possibilities would not even penetrate your skulls...

Ok, I laughed.

What is fairness? What is ethics? Those are non-human entities that you're talking about, even if everyone did the ethical thing (which would be considerably varied) the groups which they make up wouldn't be so 'ethical' as you put it. But who are you, or we, to discuss what is ethical? Corporations make money, and they work hard for it. Governments govern, and generally work hard to do so.

I mean, if you want to see real evil corporations, think IG Farben from the Nazi era. Or give me control of Microsoft.

Also, you sound like all the other "FIGHT THE BIG MAN" guys on this forum. They were more polite though.