Bill O'Reilly hit with multimillion $ sexual harassment suit! OMG gross.


Jul 11, 2003
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Some of this stuff is so gross, the mental images almost me vomit. Like the part where he has the girl on the phone and is using a vibrator on himself. Or when he's talking about his "huge cock." I don't know if I'll ever be able to have sex again after reading that. Good God I hope this is enough to bring the bastard down.
"OMG gross" sums it up rather concisely, I think. :x

And that Al franken stuff certainly sounds like something he'd say.
And Darkstar, "enough to bring the bastard down" is a little uncalled for, seeing as no one even knows if these allegations are true, and some of her previous actions cast doubt on it.

RakuraiTenjin said:
:OAnd Darkstar, "enough to bring the bastard down" is a little uncalled for, seeing as no one even knows if these allegations are true, and some of her previous actions cast doubt on it.

Whatever man. Bill O'Reilly is, always has, and will always be a weasel. He's a liar, a cheat, and apparently a pervert. The fact that the they have paragraphs of direct, disgusting quotations in the suit means that they have a bunch of this stuff on tape. They would not include that kind of stuff if they didn't have it recorded, at least I wouldn't.....and I'm in lawschool.

Bill O'Reilly is a bastard, plain and simple.
K e r b e r o s said:

How so? I said HOPEFULLY this will be enough to bring the bastard down, I never said it was enough.
What's with all these sexual harrassment scandals nowadays?
DarkStar said:
Whatever man. Bill O'Reilly is, always has, and will always be a weasel. He's a liar, a cheat, and apparently a pervert. The fact that the they have paragraphs of direct, disgusting quotations in the suit means that they have a bunch of this stuff on tape. They would not include that kind of stuff if they didn't have it recorded. The guy is a bastard, plain and simple.
You do not know any of this until it goes down in court. If it's true, I agree. If it's a false accusation, the plaintiff should be counter prosecuted and those who automatically assume guilt should feel a little ashamed.

Edit: Your last post confuses me and I don't want to quote you taking it out of context. Are you saying you are hoping this is true? X_X Or am I taking it wrong?
RakuraiTenjin said:
Edit: Your last post confuses me and I don't want to quote you taking it out of context. Are you saying you are hoping this is true? X_X Or am I taking it wrong?

To be perfectly honest, yes, I really hope the suit has merit. Because perhaps it will be enough to keep O'Reilly's shoddy, lazy, and out-right partisan brand of journalism from polluting the airwaves.
DarkStar said:
To be perfectly honest, yes, I really hope the suit has merit. Because perhaps it will be enough to get O'Reilly's brand of shoddy, lazy, and out-right partisan brand of journalism from polluting the airwaves.
I'm sorry but I find that completely just a wrong way of thinking. It's not right to HOPE something like this has happened. Disagreeing with someone on politics should have NOTHING to do with a criminal investigation or if you feel they should be criminally punished.

I could compare it with the Nazis. Everyone hated Hitler in the mid 40's when we were at war with them simply because he was an imperialist enemy , but no one WANTED the rumors of concentration camps to be true.
DarkStar said:

Some of this stuff is so gross, the mental images almost me vomit. Like the part where he has the girl on the phone and is using a vibrator on himself. Or when he's talking about his "huge cock." I don't know if I'll ever be able to have sex again after reading that. Good God I hope this is enough to bring the bastard down.

What are you 8 years old? jesus..get over it.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I'm sorry but I find that completely just a wrong way of thinking. It's not right to HOPE something like this has happened. Disagreeing with someone on politics should have NOTHING to do with a criminal investigation or if you feel they should be criminally punished.
lol.. let me rephrase for darkstar: 'while we certainly hope no one was sexually harrassed, if the accusations have merit, i will be glad to see o'rielly's shoddy, lazy, and out-right partisan brand of journalism gone from the airwaves.'
RakuraiTenjin said:
I'm sorry but I find that completely just a wrong way of thinking. It's not right to HOPE something like this has happened. Disagreeing with someone on politics should have NOTHING to do with a criminal investigation or if you feel they should be criminally punished.

I could compare it with the Nazis. Everyone hated Hitler in the mid 40's when we were at war with them simply because he was an imperialist enemy , but no one WANTED the rumors of concentration camps to be true.

OH C'MON. Have a little perspective. Sure, the poor woman might of had to endure some lewd phone calls. You're comparing that minor evil to the scale of the final solution and concentration camps?!? Sorry, but I just can't stand it when someone takes one thing and tries to compare it to something that is disproportionately on a different scale. Jesus.

And I didn't mean to say I HOPE this happened. I'm saying that if unfortunately this did happen, I HOPE it is enough to bring the bastard down.
Lil' Timmy said:
lol.. let me rephrase for darkstar: 'while we certainly hope no one was sexually harrassed, if the accusations have merit, i will be glad to see o'rielly's shoddy, lazy, and out-right partisan brand of journalism gone from the airwaves.'

Yes, that's basically what I meant. Thanks Tim.
How graphic is this video? Extremely violent or is it crazy-ass bleeding harcore porn graphic?
I hope he goes done. I'm sick and tired of extreme political partianship. Now we need to see Michael Moore exposed for doing something equally horrible.
blahblahblah said:
Now we need to see Michael Moore exposed for doing something equally horrible.
now that's an image no one needs to ponder :eek:
Lil' Timmy said:
now that's an image no one needs to ponder :eek:

lol michael moore and sex/sexuall should NEVER been mentioned in the same sentance.
Tredoslop said:
How graphic is this video? Extremely violent or is it crazy-ass bleeding harcore porn graphic?
Um, there's no video. Thank god...
Why does just about every single family values sermonizer always end up to be not just a hypocrite, but even worse than most of the people they spend their time criticizing?
I think the goofiest part is when he's basically promising that someone will show up at Al Franken's door, with the implication that it's going to be a hit or a kneecapping or something, and that his bosses at FoxNews are connected to the President and thus can kick everyone's ass. Hiding beneath the skirts of FoxNews: real classy.
Apos said:
I think the goofiest part is when he's basically promising that someone will show up at Al Franken's door, with the implication that it's going to be a hit or a kneecapping or something, and that his bosses at FoxNews are connected to the President and thus can kick everyone's ass. Hiding beneath the skirts of FoxNews: real classy.

Honest Question: Would you classify yourself as an extreme Democrat?
Apos said:
Why does just about every single family values sermonizer always end up to be not just a hypocrite, but even worse than most of the people they spend their time criticizing?
all you need to do is read a 1st-year psyche book ;) (they're self-hating!)

of course, be aware that generally, one would take more note of this if it involves a 'morality' squakbox, than other types of people.
Never liked the guy, personally I think hes an asshole, if you have seen outfoxed you would probably agree with me.
seinfeldrules said:
This isnt even a real link. Look at 81 on page 17.

Just because Bill might be one nasty son of a bitch that makes it not real?

If they mean he stuck a vibrator up his ass, touching the prostate does help to reach climax. Or maybe he just was rubbing his wee wee with it.

But some dudes sexual fetishes doesn't make something true or not. And I would be the first to say it's not true if there was any proof, and I'm not saying it's true either. But we don't know.
I'll let the courts decide this one...although I have to say I've always believed in innocent until proven guilty. So the thread author just wants Bill to die, and everyone else is all psyched because Bill's also a forums discusser with FoxNews.

Well im glad its the internet. Where men say they will do things, but in the heat of the moment, are just ranting to vent an anger they have no healthy outlet for. :D
The writing style of those accusations of what Oreily said makes me believe its utter bullshit.
Raziaar said:
The writing style of those accusations of what Oreily said makes me believe its utter bullshit.

Agreed, seems like an utterly ridiculous claim probably made up by liberal wack jobs that would do anything to get Bill out of the way. I cant wait for his 180 million dollar counterclaim.
KidRock said:
What are you 8 years old? jesus..get over it.
Well if it isn't the pot callin' the kettle black! Ha!

I say, if he lies and is found guilty we impeach him from fox...
LOL wtf!? every man with power is psycho..but ive read\seen far more disturbing things...