Bill O'Reilly hit with multimillion $ sexual harassment suit! OMG gross.

Mechagodzilla said:
This would be a rather complex and inately personal scheme to only maybe get a few people to vote Kerry.

I can't see how you can call O'Reilly using a dildo to be impossible, and then immediately theorise about a big leftist conspiracy instead. Occam's razor.

And if it's difficult to come forwards, that would explain why she's waited so long to come forwards, correct?
It was just a theory, mate. :)

What I actually beleive is more probable is that she hates O"Reily with a passion and wants him to lose his job :) No matter if her accusations are true or not. Just by the extent of what she has told, really. But I have no idea.

And Mecha, where did I say that it was an impossibility that he did these things? I actually think he probably did, to some extent, but I really can't say. I don't know the guy and I don't know the evidence. What I was wondering was why she waited 4 months to say anything. And yes, it could be attributed to her being uncomfortable, but I happen to know quite a lot on this subject.

From how the people I know's minds would work, would be: If he stops, then I will just forget it. The worst thing to happen to them, in their own minds, is for this information to go public. It is humiliating and embarrassing - they use going public as a last resort. Basically, if they just stop, they are happy. And that is exactly what happened to someone I know. The person stopped. She no longer cares.
Again, in your eyes a dildo is impossible, but a massive left-wing conspiracy is simple and commonplace?
I never said it was a 'massive left wing conspiracy'. I did say it was nuts, however. If you relate the two then I dont blame you.

Too bad you're not filing a 100-page lawsuit, you have a blatant and self-professed motive for this slander, you have never met Stern, he is not a co-worker, etc, etc.
You're saying I couldnt write 100 pages of that? My dad was in the Air Force Natl. Guard shortly after Bush. Im sure he could make a decent story about how he and Bush were friends and exchanged stories. Finally, who knows that this woman doesnt have a motive for this slander?
seinfeldrules said:
It seems you do your search for anti-O'Reilly stuff, but dont bother to do the opposing research

Why in the hell would I bother to research this? All I know is what was presented in this thread and what I've seen on CNN.

So far, O'reilly has not clearly said "I did not harass this woman" or anything of the sort. He has only opposed the fact that he has been presented with a lawsuit.

Media: Bill, did you harass this woman?
Bill: I do not enjoy being sued.
Seinfeldrules: Good enough for me!

Edit: Why am I even bothering to respond? With all this nonsense and steadfast refusal to do anything but whole-heartedly support O'Reilly, it's clear that even taped conversations would leave you speculating about how this is all a bid to slander O'Reilly for no reason.
seinfeldrules said:
That is such a wild, freaky thought it must be true! Man I just saw aliens land! Run to the Canadian Times stern, I have front page material. Definitely freaky enough (although no sex).

Ahhh Look at the Freaky Deaky AIDs Alien!

you're foaming at the mouth
Why in the hell would I bother to research this?
Well if you didnt even bother to check what O'Reilly said then dont post anything at all. Especially dont post that he didnt discredit this claim.

So far, O'reilly has not clearly said "I did not harass this woman" or anything of the sort. He has only opposed the fact that he has been presented with a lawsuit.
If I said that you had sex with your dad last night would you feel compelled to publically deny it? He asked the recorded tapes to be played publically.
CptStern said:
well she could have been consulting with lawyers. It can take months just to build a case, file charges and prepare for eventual court proceedings

refresh my memory, what was the question?
That is a good point, Stern, I'll give you that.

But you should all read my long post on sexually harrased people :)

And do you really need me to "refresh your memory" if it was asked in this thread? :P

blahblahblah said:
CptStern said:
he had a field day with Clinton's escapades, hopefully someone will give him what he dishes out
Curious, do you feel the same about left extremiest like Michael Moore?
I guess I'm more curious than he was :P
/me rubs hands in glee, waiting for seinfeldrule's comeuppance when it's finally revealed that O reilly is guilty and likes it up the bum bum while on the phone: Bill "Spank me and shove it where the sun dont shine" O Reilly
you're foaming at the mouth
If I am, it is because I'm laughing too hard at your idea "Anything too freaky must be true".

Please keep stuff like that coming, reminds me why I keep coming back.
Mechagodzilla said:
Edit: Why am I even bothering to respond? With all this nonsense and steadfast refusal to do anything but whole-heartedly support O'Reilly, it's clear that even taped conversations would leave you speculating about how this is all a bid to slander O'Reilly for no reason.
Are you referring to me?

seinfeldrules said:
You missed it. He called Moore a moderate. Go figure huh.
That really isn't answering the question... but I guess I'm going to drop it now, heh. :P
Edit: Why am I even bothering to respond? With all this nonsense and steadfast refusal to do anything but whole-heartedly support O'Reilly, it's clear that even taped conversations would leave you speculating about how this is all a bid to slander O'Reilly for no reason.

hahahaha yes because I am the only one taking sides in this debate right. You win a pity point from me. I can just feel the bias in this thread. I promise to accuse Bill of shoving a vibrator up his a** with much less questioning next time.

hahahha tonight really is liberal hilarity night. Poor mech I hope he enjoys his pity point. Heaven forbid somebody mention that it might not be true ;(
seinfeldrules said:
Well if you didnt even bother to check what O'Reilly said then dont post anything at all. Especially dont post that he didnt discredit this claim.

If I said that you had sex with your dad last night would you feel compelled to publically deny it? He asked the recorded tapes to be played publically.

Of course I'd deny it, dumbass. All your points are only 'valid' if you immediately assume that the woman is a liar for no reason.

Obviously O'Rielly is confident that he wasn't taped. Whether he said those things or not is still up in the air.

No wait, I'm making too much sense! Maybe I was hired by the Kerry campaign and the liberal media just to publicly assume you are being a dumbass? CNN, here I come!
Erestheux said:
That is a good point, Stern, I'll give you that.

But you should all read my long post on sexually harrased people :)

And do you really need me to "refresh your memory" if it was asked in this thread? :P

I guess I'm more curious than he was :P

yah too lazy, thanks for doing the legwork ;)

would I want Moore to get as good as he gets? sure I would, if he's done anything wrong, which he hasnt's not like anyones charging him with talking about sticking things up the pooper-shooter la la
Obviously O'Rielly is confident that he wasn't taped. Whether he said those things or not is still up in the air.

If he wasnt taped, then what is the evidence?!

All your points are only 'valid' if you immediately assume that the woman is a liar for no reason
60 million dollars is quite a reason to me. Heh, maybe that changes from person to person. Seems like 60 million big reasons staring me in the face.
seinfeldrules said:
If he wasnt taped, then what is the evidence?!

60 million dollars is quite a reason to me. Heh, maybe that changes from person to person. Seems like 60 million big reasons staring me in the face.

that'll come down substantially by the time it goes to court. She's lucky if she sees 1/10 of that

Mechagodzilla said:
Of course I'd deny it, dumbass. All your points are only 'valid' if you immediately assume that the woman is a liar for no reason.

Obviously O'Rielly is confident that he wasn't taped. Whether he said those things or not is still up in the air.

No wait, I'm making too much sense! Maybe I was hired by the Kerry campaign and the liberal media just to publicly assume you are being a dumbass? CNN, here I come!
Did you ignore my last two posts, Mecha? I said that was a funneh little theory. :|

CptStern said:
would I want Moore to get as good as he gets? sure I would, if he's done anything wrong, which he hasnt's not like anyones charging him with talking about sticking things up the pooper-shooter la la
I think Moore has done a lot wrong, but I won't get into all of it. For one, have you heard about how he is bribing college students? I can't say I read the full article, but I got the jist of it :)

CptStern said:
that'll come down substantially by the time it goes to court. She's lucky if she sees 1/10 of that

fudge packer Bill hehhehehhehehehheehheeh
1/10 of that is 6 million dollars... that is a lot :o
I don't really know much about Bill O'reilly. Only heard his show once or twice, seen him on the daily show with jon stewart once or twice. Seems like an alright guy, a bit extreme in his views.

I still don't think what was slated about him is true, until I see some hard facts. As stated by other members of these forums, anyone can write anything about anyone and go in depth and with length about it, but that doesn't equal fact. Some of you want this to be true, simply because you don't like the guy, but I pity anyone who wishes ill fortune and slander to someones character simply because they don't like them. The guy may be an extreme in his political views but how in the hell does that equate to being capable of doing those things?
that'll come down substantially by the time it goes to court. She's lucky if she sees 1/10 of that
I believe a third would go to her lawyer, the second third to the DNC (JUST KIDDING) and the last third to herself. Honestly though, she would come out of this set for life if she convinced the jury her story was true.
Erestheux said:
I think Moore has done a lot wrong, but I won't get into all of it. For one, have you heard about how he is bribing college students? I can't say I read the full article, but I got the jist of it :)

1/10 of that is 6 million dollars... that is a lot :o

lawyers will take a fair chunk of that, and taxes will take some more
Oh and by the way, has anyone heard word of a criminal case, or only a civil one?
CptStern said:
lawyers will take a fair chunk of that, and taxes will take some more
Let's say she gets about 20%

A million+ :)

I'd like a million dollars!
60 million dollars is quite a reason to me. Heh, maybe that changes from person to person. Seems like 60 million big reasons staring me in the face.

So you are absolutely certain that this accusation is false because...

You assume that this woman just woke up one day and said 'You know what? I think I'll slander Bill O'Reilly! I'll just write up a hundred page document, hire a lawyer and call national attention to myself. For no reason! No, wait... For money!

Yes, obviously this is all the best scheme in the world to get cash.

Wait? You say her case isn't solid at all? Well then she will likely lose money!

Sure seems like an awful lot to gamble! She either loses many tens of thousands of dollars, or she manages to make up a lie solid enough to trick twelve people, a judge and the entire american public into just handing her 60 million dollars of another man's cash.

Can't you see that what you are saying is insane?
Erestheux said:
Let's say she gets about 20%

A million+ :)

I'd like a million dollars!

would you listen to Bill O Reilly as he vibrated his way to anal extacy :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Why is no one arguing with me?!?!

No more seindfeldrules vs. all!! :( :( :(

Screw it, I'm going to bed :P

CptStern said:
would you listen to Bill O Reilly as he vibrated his way to anal extacy :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
For a million dollars, yes of course :) I'm a capitalist!
Can't you see that what you are saying is insane?

I could say the same for you.

You are so hopelessly biased that any further debate is a waste of any sane man's time. You accuse O'Reilly of these things based on a woman who has shown no evidence so far to back up her claim. O'Reilly called for her to publically release any incriminating evidence she may of had against him. You seem to think that he needs to prove his innocence, when it is infact she who needs to provide this. How do you know that her lawyer didnt agree to defend her and he would take a cut if he won, and none if he lost? Again, I can make up any wild story, but unless there is proof it is useless. You are obviously so blinded with hate that you are willing to jump upon even the most pointless, outrageous claims thrown out across the internet.
CptStern said:
would you listen to Bill O Reilly as he vibrated his way to anal extacy :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

If I've told you once Stern, I've told you a million times, leave the monkey business in Africa.

Cpt "Lets get it on Monkey" Stern


No more seindfeldrules vs. all!!

Screw it, I'm going to bed

Yeah I agree, I have better things to do than argue with people who believe that anything freaky must be true. Maybe next debate guys :cheers: :thumbs:
seinfeldrules said:
If I've told you once Stern, I've told you a million times, leave the monkey business in Africa.

you're implying a bigoted stereotype, must be the dumbass in you
seinfeldrules said:
Remember, I already am the bigoted dumbass for supporting Civil Unions. Oh man this is priceless.

dat be true :cheers:

oh before you go to bed .DID YOU KNOW O REILLY LIKES IT UP THE BUM BUM?!!??
no offense (actually, some offense, sure) but this forum would improve a great deal if both stern and seinfeldrules took a little 2-week ban. just, my opinion.

seriously, could you both please stfu with the flaming and uninformed partisanship? that'd be great.
Lil' Timmy said:
no offense (actually, some offense, sure) but this forum would improve a great deal if both stern and seinfeldrules took a little 2-week ban. just, my opinion.

seriously, could you both please stfu with the flaming and uninformed partisanship? that'd be great.
It was just one, little topic. Honestly though, this is the first time I have done something offensive or in any way name calling. If I'm not mistaken you've (no offense) well yes offense, have spammed a few threads out of existence. Did I call for your ban?
what can I say, ....he pushes my buttons mr-I-havent-been-here-in-a-long-time-and-all-of-the-sudden-I'm-mr-smartypants!!
CptStern said:
what can I say, ....he pushes my buttons mr-I-havent-been-here-in-a-long-time-and-all-of-the-sudden-I'm-mr-smartypants!!
Well it seems that we can agree. :laugh:
seinfeldrules said:
It was just one, little topic. Honestly though, this is the first time I have done something offensive or in any way name calling. If I'm not mistaken you've (no offense) well yes offense, have spammed a few threads out of existence. Did I call for your ban?
oh sure... this is the first time you've flamed :rolleyes:. just take some constructive criticsm like a good boy. i'm out of this thread if you have more concerns, raise them in a pm. thx.

edit: goes for you too stern.
CptStern said:
what can I say, ....he pushes my buttons mr-I-havent-been-here-in-a-long-time-and-all-of-the-sudden-I'm-mr-smartypants!!

He pushes your buttons so hardcore too!
oh sure... this is the first time you've flamed . just take some constructive criticsm like a good boy. i'm out of this thread if you have more concerns, raise them in a pm. thx.

Well if you wanted to discuss this then you could have easily PMed me as well. I invite you to find other examples if you wish to make the claim. I find it funny when people make claims like this then tell the people they blindly accused to refer back by PM. Its just a call for attention.
CptStern said:
what can I say, ....he pushes my buttons mr-I-havent-been-here-in-a-long-time-and-all-of-the-sudden-I'm-mr-smartypants!!

But stern I thought I was the only one who could push your buttons