Bill O'Reilly rant on Gamers/technology


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
conservative kneejerk reactionist and all around boob Bill O'Reilly spotlighted games and gamers recently on his radio show for morons "radio factor"

here's what the guy who repeatedly makes a fool of himself for reporting false information had to say about gamers:

Bill O'Reilly said:
American society is changing for the worse because of the machines … In the past to flee the real world people usually chose drugs or alcohol… now you don’t have to do that, Now all you have to do is have enough money to buy a machine…

Basically what you have is a large portion of the population, mostly younger people under the age of 45, who don’t deal with reality - ever. So they don’t know what day it is; they don’t know temperature it is; they don’t know what their neighbor looks like. They don’t know anything… because they are constantly diverted by a machine. Now what this does is it takes a person away from reality because they’ve created their own reality…


The newest thing is the PlayStation 3. Now this is a machine that allows you to play games in hi-def and all this other stuff… It’s the newest state of the art system from Sony…. It has a video game console, plays DVDs, connects you to the Internet, tells you how handsome you are. It’s six-hundred bucks. Now people lined up for hours to get this thing. Hours!


The problem with this stuff is that some people can deal with it constructively… but other people get addicted to it, just like opium, just like drugs and alcohol… So this is a big, big problem. It’s going to change every single thing in this country.


The have-nots are growing. Why are they growing? Because the skill set that is necessary to earn a decent living is being deemphasized in a fantasy world of football games and shooting zombies and all that…. Now you have the “knows” and the “know-nots”, because if you spend all your youth being prisoners of machines….. you’re not going to know anything…. You’re gonna fail.


I don’t own an iPod. I would never wear an iPod… If this is your primary focus in life - the machines… it’s going to have a staggeringly negative effect, all of this, for America… did you ever talk to these computer geeks? I mean, can you carry on a conversation with them? …I really fear for the United States because, believe me, the jihadists? They’re not playing the video games. They’re killing real people over there.

lol I cant believe he compared jihadists with gamers almost as if he's saying that instead of america's youth playing video games they should be training for the war on terror ..he's advocating that every gamer become a soldier ..he has 2 kids I'd be willing to bet they'll never see military duty ...put your money where your mouth is Bill you hypocritical jackass
Wow. He compares gamers to drug addicts and alcoholism....thats weak.

But, I never even listen to AM...its worthless crap. I dont give a damn what the gossip on capitol hill is...

Bill can shove a PS3 up his ass sideways for all I care!
bill o'reilly is most famous for his Fox"news" show "No Spin Zone" ...kinda ironic title dotcha think?
does anyone even take this guy seriously besides stupid old people from the midwest?

I say let him say whatever he wants. No one even listens to him so he's just constantly making a bigger fool of himself everytime he opens his mouth.
I'm not too bothered by it... mostly just amused, because anyone with temporal lobes and a wernicke's area can tell he has no idea what he's talking about.
In the past to flee the real world people usually chose drugs or alcohol
Or Books, or TV, or films, or radio, or telling stories...

they don’t know temperature it is
Great grammar :rolleyes:

The newest thing is the PlayStation 3. Now this is a machine that allows you to play games in hi-def and all this other stuff… It’s the newest state of the art system from Sony…. It has a video game console, plays DVDs, connects you to the Internet, tells you how handsome you are. It’s six-hundred bucks. Now people lined up for hours to get this thing. Hours!
This guy should do his homework.

The have-nots are growing. Why are they growing? Because the skill set that is necessary to earn a decent living is being deemphasized in a fantasy world of football games and shooting zombies and all that…. Now you have the “knows” and the “know-nots”, because if you spend all your youth being prisoners of machines….. you’re not going to know anything…. You’re gonna fail.
In my class at school, I would wager I am in the top 5 for number of hours playing a computer game/on a compter. I would also say I am one of the most intellegent and knowledgable in it. This is not vanity, it is fact.

I don’t own an iPod. I would never wear an iPod… If this is your primary focus in life - the machines…
Yeah, like radios.
He's afraid of a terrorist...HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

Car crashes kill more people!! Hell even lightning strikes kill more people.

If you fear terrorists you probably fear everything else too.

(and I mean no disrespect to the people who died during 9/11. But on the other hand, if we don't move forward will be stuck on that forever)
riomhaire, there's no need to refute what he's saying, I highly doubt there's any local contention that he's a moron
Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly.

I think it's wrong to use technology to distribute a warped perception of reality.

his fearmongering use of the term "the machines" is meant to appeal to the dimwitted technophobes who believe technology is resposible for the downfall of morality in america ..the same group that believes hollywood pushes a homosexual agenda or that the media has a purposeful liberal agenda of rejecting religious/moral principles
I just like picking arguements apart. It's what the SP section (and Politics I suppose) does to you.
I just can't help but be amused since his entire living is based on EVIL MACHINE RAYS BEAMING THROUGH YOUR GOD-FORSAKEN TV SET.
Yay for Fox TV. If Fox controlled the world, Oprah would be a slave.

But seriously....It's just another media asshole (The biggest media asshole around), putting his opinion out into the his opinion matters....on anything.
Yay for Fox TV. If Fox controlled the world, Oprah would be a slave.

But seriously....It's just another media asshole (The biggest media asshole around), putting his opinion out into the his opinion matters....on anything.

Oprah sucks just as much as Fox.
im not saying hes right by any means necessary. All im going to say is WoW. Just like most things, if you let it get out of hand, it can become an addictive habit and ruin your life. But then Bill has to realize that the way that he makes his precious money can have the same exact effect on people.

I personally don't deny that people can be addicted to gaming. Of course, you need to discern between those with genuine addictions and those who simply have nothing better to do. But it's not like there's some new scourge plaguing the nation.

Let's face it. Hardcore gamers are a minority, and in that minority is an even smaller percentage that don't get along fine. Addiction is nothing new, be it to television, interactive entertainment, drugs, or what have you. This is just another bit on a long list of his fear mongering.
Ya. Because FOX is racist..that's what probably would happen if they control the world.

If any one group controlled the world, you'd have a whole bunch of vice.

I seriously doubt Fox would resort to slavery. That's just stupid talk. You need to stay away from going on lambasting crusades about things you think about people... and stick with what you know about them to be facts. And saying Fox is Racist and wants black slaves is retarded, and without factual basis.

Where is he getting his facts from?
Haha, that almost sounds like an excerpt from the Colbert Report!
The peop;e doing all the violence aren;t gamers...they are OG's that want to sell the PS3 so they can buy crack.
If any one group controlled the world, you'd have a whole bunch of vice.

I seriously doubt Fox would resort to slavery. That's just stupid talk. You need to stay away from going on lambasting crusades about things you think about people... and stick with what you know about them to be facts. And saying Fox is Racist and wants black slaves is retarded, and without factual basis.

You know I wasn't serious right?? If you thought I was serious, I should have made it more clear that it was a joke. I can't believe you thought I was serious :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Razaair, I have the facts right here in this dossier. But I've signed a non-disclosure agreement, you'll not be allowed to see them until it's too late.
Scratch up another "politician" (political comentator) on the moron list. Just a wannabe Limbaugh; at least Limbaugh is smart, whether you do or don't agree with him. O'Reilley just gives "conservatives" a bad name.

Oh well, enough of politics; politics make baby jesus cry!
Limbaugh isn't really that intelligent either, but he certainly looks that way next to O'Reilly
You know I wasn't serious right?? If you thought I was serious, I should have made it more clear that it was a joke. I can't believe you thought I was serious :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You never can tell with people sometimes.
Like Jack Thompson, only the Right listen to him.
if he say that tv is bad,did he forget he hav a tv show? (right?)
I love how he compares gaming to drugs and alchohol as a means of escape, when a more accurate comparison is to reading a book.
"I really fear for the United States because, believe me, the jihadists? They’re not playing the video games. They’re killing real people over there."

:laugh: maybe if the "jihadists" had more video games to play they wouldnt be killing people :D
I love how he compares gaming to drugs and alchohol as a means of escape, when a more accurate comparison is to reading a book.

What the hell has literature done for mankind? Kept us slaves of our own imaginations!
LOL did he SERIOUSLY compare a video game console addiction to an opium addiction?

Yea... I can totally imagine it... some 13 yr old out on the streets begging for money for 'just one more minute of gameplay'. riiiiight.

And whats his problem with iPods? Thats like saying music is teh devil...

****ing idiot, is all i have to say about him.
I love how he compares gaming to drugs and alchohol as a means of escape, when a more accurate comparison is to reading a book.

Oh, don't get him started on reading! You think his rant on video games was bad? Guess what he thinks about reading things!