Bill O'Reilly rant on Gamers/technology

Puttin the spin on a spinmaster isn't the best way to go about it. OR IS IT?

I can see it now: The O RLY factor...
SHUT UP!!! CUT HIS MIC!!! (read. "I'm too f*cking stupid to make a good case against this guy and I look like an idiot. Cut his mic so he can no longer make me look stupid."
"The Machines" - LOL.

I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.
This is exactly why Censorship is good. When done by me.
I found it funny on the site Stern gave that it mentioned how O'Reilly has his own podcast, yet "I don’t own an iPod. I would never wear an iPod… If this is your primary focus in life - the machines… it’s going to have a staggeringly negative effect"

This guy sucks
The have-nots are growing. Why are they growing? Because the skill set that is necessary to earn a decent living is being deemphasized in a fantasy world of football games and shooting zombies and all that…. Now you have the “knows” and the “know-nots”, because if you spend all your youth being prisoners of machines….. you’re not going to know anything…. You’re gonna fail.
Perfect! The growth of "the have-nots" is due to video-games! It's so obvious now!
And here was me thinking it was something to do with rampant exploitative commercialism and corrupt governments which specifically look out for their own rather than the electorate who voted them into power.

I've met a lot of very intelligent people who never play computer games, but by the same token I've met some astoundingly stupid people who never play computer games, and vice versa.
Stupid people who play computer games are not evidence of some debilitating effect caused by gaming, in the same way that stupid people who don't play computer games are not evidence of some debilitating effect caused by not gaming.
This is not cause and effect Mr. O'Reilly, this is merely the way of the world.
Bill got tea-bagged once and it soured him on gaming
Him and Hillary Clinton are perfect for eachother
Oh dear lord. How is the surnames of game characters genuine topical journalism?
And how can they criticise Nintendo for doing well in a capitalist system? Unless of course they're filthy reds...
heh ya that's from an interview with a canadian journalist where she insisted Canada sent troops to fight in the vietnam war (they didnt)
Machines, series of tubes... What is this world coming to? D:
its mostly true to an extent, he just uses a lot of hyperbole
ann coulter is a vicious, raging whorebitch, but i would do her
"did you ever talk to these computer geeks? I mean, can you carry on a conversation with them? …I really fear for the United States because, believe me, the jihadists? They’re not playing the video games. They’re killing real people over there."

This part cracked me up. Is he saying we should be killing people instead? It sounds like hes saying he is jealous of them because USA has gamers while others have terrorists.
lol @ ann coulter...

"I think they did... *big pause*... they didn't? *pause* I think they did. I'll get back to you on that..."

its much easier to admit to confusing historical events and move on with your point than to try to argue that the crap you are spitting out might actually be correct.

hell its even easier to just keep your mouth shut unless you know what you're talking about :)
"did you ever talk to these computer geeks? I mean, can you carry on a conversation with them? …I really fear for the United States because, believe me, the jihadists? They’re not playing the video games. They’re killing real people over there."

This part cracked me up. Is he saying we should be killing people instead? It sounds like hes saying he is jealous of them because USA has gamers while others have terrorists.

infact in that sentece he is saying that having people that play videogames is worse that having terrorist?

"omfg he is playing whit a game boy RUN!!!!"
Is anyone else sick of this addiction is fatal crap? Yes games are addictive, mentally. However, so is anything else that is pleasurable. Thats what addiction is, a compultion to do something, usually born of the fact that you enjoy it. Heroin is physically addictive, and the compultion is born of the bodys need for the chemical.

The other problem is that people like this fail to reliase that addiction has a scale. Heroin is addictive. So are video games. So are cigarettes. I smoke and play video games, and you know what, I could give up either before they ruined my life/cost me my job/partner etc. Now look at a heroin addict. Think he can stop? Well he can't. Theres the difference, so stfu.
Is anyone else sick of this addiction is fatal crap? Yes games are addictive, mentally. However, so is anything else that is pleasurable. Thats what addiction is, a compultion to do something, usually born of the fact that you enjoy it. Heroin is physically addictive, and the compultion is born of the bodys need for the chemical.

The other problem is that people like this fail to reliase that addiction has a scale. Heroin is addictive. So are video games. So are cigarettes. I smoke and play video games, and you know what, I could give up either before they ruined my life/cost me my job/partner etc. Now look at a heroin addict. Think he can stop? Well he can't. Theres the difference, so stfu.

Well I agree with all of your points, but that last part I sort of disagree with. Heroin addicts could stop if they wanted to, just like you can with cigarettes. The only difference is (like you mentioned) the level of addiction and also how fast the addiction starts.

None the less, your point is correct, just like I said in a previous post: Its not like you're going to see some kid out on the streets begging for money so he can play video games.
I can quit any time I want, Bill, you ****wad.
ann coulter is a vicious, raging whorebitch
It's always sad to see a self hating transsexual. :laugh:
What an appalling journalist. How on Earth did he ever get his own TV show? In fact, how did he ever get anywhere in journalism at all.
If you're interviewing someone and you need them to shut up, you outwit them, you don't shout them down.
Agreed. It reminded me of that Family Guy episode where Peter was running for the school board. Very immature, like a 2nd grader arguing.
What an appalling journalist. How on Earth did he ever get his own TV show? In fact, how did he ever get anywhere in journalism at all.
If you're interviewing someone and you need them to shut up, you outwit them, you don't shout them down.

heh he got his start on the tabloid tv show Inside Edition: there's your answer right there :)

lol after reading a bit about his career I came upon this:

wikipedia said:
He later left CBS over, amongst other tensions, a dispute concerning the uncredited use in a report by Bob Schieffer of riot footage shot by O'Reilly's crew in Buenos Aires during the Falklands conflict. (A 1998 novel by O'Reilly, Those Who Trespass: A Novel of Television and Murder, depicts a television reporter who has a similar dispute over a Falklands War report. The character proceeds to exact his revenge on network staff in a series of graphically described violent ritualistic murders

what a hypocrite :laugh: O'Reilly is pushing violence in print :O WONT SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!
I bet he's thinking of the children... *wink wink nudge nudge*