Billy Mays dead at 50

"but I got a hard head"

Apparently not.

Really ****ing loud, it was a laugh that I had never made before.

Someone else's laugh?
Take that peeler and shove it up May's rotting asshole, or better yet peel your own hairless member until there's nothing left but veiny pulpy mounds of flesh.

Tell that to his toddler daughter, you ****!
Quoted from facebook, so don't shoot the messenger.

Funny/sad quote of the day: "They say celebs die in threes. Leave it to Billy Mays to throw in one extra, COMPLETELY FREE!"
I guess we know who got the last laugh.


couldnt death have picked someone more deserving like a shoe slaesman or one of those guys who shill those shitty products on late night tv .......oh wait

care = < 0 ...mind = blown
At least MJ gave is Thriller, all this guy did is bug the shit out of me.
replace michael, he's the only person in that pic that did something substantial. if not for the fact they're dead they're "C" celebrities at best
replace michael, he's the only person in that pic that did something substantial. if not for the fact they're dead they're "C" celebrities at best

Farah Fawcett did something very substantial for about every boy maturing into manhood during the 70's. You of all people should know this.
Farah Fawcett did something very substantial for about every boy maturing into manhood during the 70's. You of all people should know this.

she's dead to me!!! she died when left Steve Austin for that O Neal guy! Also Bo Derek ftw
Reports as saying Mays most likely died of heart disease, not brain trauma.

Billy Mays likely died of a heart attack, said Hillsborough County Medical Examiner Vernard Adams on June 29. The pitchman suffered from hypertensive heart disease. The wall of his left ventricle and the wall of one of his arteries was enlarged. Adams said sudden death fits with Mays' type of heart disease.

Further tests to come in the following weeks.
This is my spray-tag on CS:S.


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It was revealed that cocaine use may have contributed to Billy Mays death.

But god damn, I can't imagine Billy Mays using cocaine at all.

As I said just now in steam chat, I more imagine him snorting Oxyclean, not cocaine.
hmmmmm cocaine makes you overly energetic, bright eyed and you can talk for hours Billy Mays Hayes doesnt look like he does coke siree