Bioshock 2 crashes...


Space Core
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
So. I just bought and installed bioshock 2 from the sale on steam going on. I installed it just fine with no problems. It started up then installed a couple patches through GFWL (which sucks, btw).

I toyed with the controls and, just like in Bioshock 1, noticed that the graphics properties showed an obvious skimpy console to pc port - no AA, no FOV, no real settings other than off/on.

I started the game. I watched the opening sequence, which was awesome, and heard my character breathing. The screen was black.

Then it wasn't black. There was a window that we all know. The "this executable has crashed for an unknown reason" screen.

"well, ****." I thought. I started up the game again and the same thing happened. "nononono, not this again!"

I wen't on to the internet and found that this problem was EVERYWHERE! Hundreds of people experiencing crashes, freezes, and BSoDses. There were dozens of threads and reports, all having different solutions and problems back in February and March.

I discovered that the reason it crashes there on Steam is because the game runs on DirectX 10, and everyone was saying that you have to type in -dx9 to fix it (I know how to do that). I read that that fixed the problem for many people, but I also read that it decreased quality as well, with some graphical glitches for some people.

After trying some other solutions that I read, I finally gave in and used the "-dx9" approach. To my semi-surprise, it worked! My big daddy body got up and looked at his reflection in the puddle.

I saved the game and quit. Then, I removed the -dx9 thing and ran it normally, thinking that that first little cinematic was what was crashing the game. The game started up and was fine, until I turned around to look at the puddle I got up in at the very beginning. Just as I turned, the game crashed.

I assume that that area, either the puddle or something near it, causes the engine to bug out in dx10, which is stupid, because that's how the game starts for EVERYONE.

I played the game for a few minutes begrudgingly in dx9 until my mom had a meeting in the computer room. I left the computer and came back to play after a bit. I started the game up (in dx9) and loaded my save. The first thing I noticed was the obvious lack in detail as the textures loaded on the models. While it did that, I decided to turn and apparently look across the large lobby, and BAM, the game froze.

It sat there for a bit and went black. "god damnit, what the hell!" I thought. Then, just after that, a familiar large blue screen, filled with white text came in to view. "Oh ****! Come on!!!" I thought, and laughed aloud, for some reason, surprised that the game actually BSoD'd.

The computor sloooooooooooooowly restarted (which was part of the crash, too. The desktop was a light-blue for a while, as the background processes loaded. Then my desktop and the icons showed up.)

Then I came here to tell my story. And that's how this day's been.

What do I do?! help!
yay! I did the windows update thing (15 updates!) and verified Bioshock 2's cache file. Turns out, there were 130 MBs of files the install "forgot" to install.

Did all that and the game started up fine! Still some weird shimmering when bloom is in reflections in water, but no biggie, it doesn't happen often.
Grats. I'm glad I could help.

Next time you have a BSOD, simply Google the file that caused the crash. Your screenshot of the BSOD listed gv3.sys; so I looked on Google and found that it was an old system file that was faulty or something, and it was replaced in a service pack.
Grats. I'm glad I could help.

Next time you have a BSOD, simply Google the file that caused the crash. Your screenshot of the BSOD listed gv3.sys; so I looked on Google and found that it was an old system file that was faulty or something, and it was replaced in a service pack.

lol, sorry, but I just searched "bsod" on google images then used that image in the image dump. but somehow your post led me to windows update so whatever. lol