Bioshock demo on Live

Very cool demo.

Everything looks lovely, weighty, the combat was better than I expected and the atmosphere top notch. I can't wait to have a proper explore :)
How the hell do you hack the security bot? It's near impossible.
I just shot them a few times with the pistol and they blew up. If the timer starts to count down, just kill the security bot then run to the other side of the toilets. Keep shooting the bad guys, and looting them.

Great demo, really pretty scary :D

Playing it at 1am in the pitch black with a 40" hdtv and 5.1 surround sound really makes it scary :O
I'd be pissed right now if I gave so much a crap for the game, but it's one less thing I have to relieve my boredom right now is all :p
Dammit....why must my Xbawks be at my fathers house when I'm at my moms?
I'd be pissed right now if I gave so much a crap for the game, but it's one less thing I have to relieve my boredom right now is all :p

Thats so true
Should i get this for the pc or 360?

I was thinking of getting it for the 360 so when i finish it i can get some cash back on the trade in.
Wait, can't you just get a full refund?

I don't know where you live, but here in the UK you can take any game / DVD / CD back to a large store within 1 month (providing you keep the receipt) and get a full refund, no questions asked.

Which basically means you can just rent games for free. I've kinda grown out of it though, as now I only spend my money on things I definitely want to keep in the first place. Last game I returned was Bully for the PS2 I think, just because I needed the money.

Regardless, I can't see why you'd want to take Bioshock back. If it's as good as the reviewers are making it out to be, you'll probably want to frame it and hang it on your wall.
How the hell do you hack the security bot? It's near impossible.

It took me a few seconds to get the whole revealing tiles and swapping thing down pretty good, but once you have your general path started its pretty easy >_>
How the hell do you hack the security bot? It's near impossible.

I thought it was painfully easy. I'd just blast one with lightning, start the mini-game and revealing/swapping a bunch of pipes around as fast as i could right away. I always had plenty of time. I'm sure it'll get tougher in the full version.
I really don't think this game is worth $ looks like a fun rental but I'm sure its one of the those games that are done after 12 hours -_-

System Shock 2 took me 12 hours to finish, when i played it in 2003.

Even though it looked like complete and utter crap, it was still (and still is) one of the best games i've ever played.
It took me forever but I've finally got to play the demo and all I can say is :O amazing!
Wait, can't you just get a full refund?

I don't know where you live, but here in the UK you can take any game / DVD / CD back to a large store within 1 month (providing you keep the receipt) and get a full refund, no questions asked.

Which basically means you can just rent games for free. I've kinda grown out of it though, as now I only spend my money on things I definitely want to keep in the first place. Last game I returned was Bully for the PS2 I think, just because I needed the money.

Regardless, I can't see why you'd want to take Bioshock back. If it's as good as the reviewers are making it out to be, you'll probably want to frame it and hang it on your wall.

In the U.S. you can't return a game if it's been opened. It may be different in some places in the states, but 99% of companies employ this policy.
In the U.S. you can't return a game if it's been opened. It may be different in some places in the states, but 99% of companies employ this policy.

The same happens over here. Ran into this problem many times with Tesco. "Yeah but the game itself doesn't work." "I'm sorry but you have opened the plastic seal!" "No, listen, the disc, the game." "I'm sorry sir but it's opened!" "Die in a fire."
Solution: don't buy games from Tesco.
Tesco :O

Why for the love of god why!

Everyone should know that supermarkets will rip you off when it comes to returning things

The same happens over here. Ran into this problem many times with Tesco. "Yeah but the game itself doesn't work." "I'm sorry but you have opened the plastic seal!" "No, listen, the disc, the game." "I'm sorry sir but it's opened!" "Die in a fire."

They are required by law to take back faulty products. I'm not a law expert but I've seen it written in a number of places like this sticky on the X3 support forums . . .
The primary solution to this is to return your game to the retailer you bought it from for a replacement. Note that retailers in most countries, including the US, are legally obliged to replace or refund for faulty goods, and you should not accept "store policy" as an argument against this.
Here are some of the artwork posted on the interwebs: ****ing impressive..






Sui edit: Added spoiler tags.
Erm, couldnt you just have posted links instead of the actual images? Because that's sorta spoily because theres many monsters there we havent seen in the demo..

Anyway, I'm so happy I pre-ordered the LE version because I think this game will be a true masterpiece(Which we haven't had for a LONG time in gaming), and the fact that I'll get the Soundtrack CD with the LE makes me orgasm.
The same happens over here. Ran into this problem many times with Tesco. "Yeah but the game itself doesn't work." "I'm sorry but you have opened the plastic seal!" "No, listen, the disc, the game." "I'm sorry sir but it's opened!" "Die in a fire."

Uh sorry but that's complete bullshit right there. I suggest you learn your consumer rights and throw them in any stores face that dares try say otherwise. I have gotten full refunds and apologies by doing so. Down here for example it's something like a full refund if the product is faulty and returned within 7 days. Of course the damn box is going to be open how else do you know the product is faulty? It's retarded logic and those trying to enforce it should be slapped in the face.

Art books for those interested, Aussie mirror. - High res. - Low res.

Regarding that quote you'll find many store policies are against the law and are there to trick those unaware.
Erm, couldnt you just have posted links instead of the actual images? Because that's sorta spoily because theres many monsters there we havent seen in the demo..

Anyway, I'm so happy I pre-ordered the LE version because I think this game will be a true masterpiece(Which we haven't had for a LONG time in gaming), and the fact that I'll get the Soundtrack CD with the LE makes me orgasm.

I have more artwork from an ebook. I think the game got between 20-35 characters.

as you mentioned (A TRUE MASTERpeice) :thumbs:
Uh sorry but that's complete bullshit right there. I suggest you learn your consumer rights and throw them in any stores face that dares try say otherwise.

I'm afraid I don't carry the consumers rights handbook around with me, otherwise I would have. :p

I suppose that's what you have to expect when Tesco employs kids coming out of school/college for the summer.
The demo was amazing, I'll give it a rental for sure but other than the single-player I can't see a reason to buy it

Some versions come with a toy - that's another reason.
Some? I think only the Limited Editions come with a 'toy' and it isn't a 'toy' per se, seeing as(atleast the ones with the Limited Edition, dunno if there are some with random normal editions) are HAND-PAINTED HARD-RESIN 14 CM large models of ingame characters/figures, which IMO is pretty impressive, i.e. this is not something they've churned out of a factory on a rail, but something someone has spent time to paint and model properly.
I know mate - my copy is coming with the toy :)

pow, pow, boom, take that master chief!, oh no it's ryu, argh, hadouken!
Man, just finished playing it... that was absolutely brilliant. I'm not quite sure how, but I found it to be a refreshing experience.

It all looks and plays amazingly, this is a definite purchase.

One thing:

What's up with that room with the security countdown and the drones? I tried hacking them but could never do it, I assume you've to hack one to prevent the system from activating?

Other than that little frustration there (plus the guys never stopped pouring in on me after that bit) I can't flaw it.
I've heard that you can modify weapons into whatever you want. They took out that option, did they?
Nope, you're still supposed to be able to modify weapons etc to your liking(Its done via purchases which you make with dollars, thus limiting you to how you spend your money).
Just played the demo and its really good. Im interested in the story more then anything else.
Me too. 2k have been very cever in setting the scene so well and making what happened in Rapture a mystery. Intrigue and curiosity - rare things in a video game.
So apparently some Toys R Us's here in NJ and NYC (and some other places) got their bioshock shipments yesterday but with no actual literature on when to put it on the shelves. Some guy posted this before on another forum :

So yeah im going to a Toys R us near me tommorow to see if this is all true >_>