Bioshock demo on Live

I'm waiting for a PC demo before I buy this, mainly to see how my computer runs it.
Im trying to decide to go with a gts8800 320mb or a x1950pro 256mb. If the x1950pro can pull off bioshock on maximum settings Il go for that. Any advice on this?

Current rig: asus p5k, e4400(2.8ghz), 2gb 6400 ram.

I'm preloading it off steam right now, just gotta wait like however many more days...
My graphics card runs it, but I wonder if my 3.5 GHZ Processor and 1 GB RAM will do it :|
Ugh, I need a little help connecting to Live. My system doesn't seem to get a connection when I plug the cable into my laptop.
The gameplay vids don't do much for me, but I'm rather looking forward to it.
I just played the demo at a friends house (i aint gots no 360) and it was good. I still dont see whats so revolutionary about it though. It looks like a damn great game that has incorporated features that we have already seen.
I guess we'll find out soon enough. Alot seems to hinge on how much the game makes Rapture feel like a real place - which is what Ken Levine keeps going on about in interviews.
I just finished playing it...its ****ing sweet!
recap of reviews to help the wait? (not really but make it harder) to the demo, and more importantly the game.

OXM UK - 10/10
Alternative Press - 5/5
Game Informer - 10/10 - 10/10
Playboy (take it for what it's worth) - 4/4 Bunnies
GamesRadar - 10/10
PC Gamer UK - 9.5/10
Xbox World - 9.4/10
Eurogamer - 10/10
PC Zone - 96%
Gamers - 98%
1up -10/10
gamespy 5/5
Console Gameworld - 99%
Ign - 9.7
Teamxbox - 9.5
Gamepro - 10/10
GameArena 5/5
Gametap: 10/10
Under Ground Online (UGO): A+
X-360: 10/10

Seems people love it.
Just watched the 'official' vid again. For those who have already played - is there an option to switch off those nasty healthbars above everyone's heads?
Just watched the 'official' vid again. For those who have already played - is there an option to switch off those nasty healthbars above everyone's heads?

Aye, I hope they can be.

Anyway, just back from playing the demo for a third time. I'm literally gobsmacked by it all. Everything. It's just... awesome. There are one or two things that have struck me as odd, such as the ragdolls of dead enemies who always seem to crumble over dead completly straight legged and rigid. And I'd like to see the blood actually making an impact on the environment, like splashes and stuff, but that's my desire for gore speaking.

Other than those, this is really quite something. The atmosphere and eerieness of it all is top notch, from slowly walking down empty, darkened corridors to stumbling across a bloody and barricaded, corpse ridden airlock or door.

I must of spent a good deal of the game actually walking slowly, just soaking (heh heh) everything up, and then literally jumping up from my chair at even the smallest of sounds, which I'll tell you now, there's a helluva lot of atmospheric/ambient background noise. Glass cracking underfoot from some unseen foe, the gentle drip-drip of a leaky pipe, footsteps and crazed cackles front, left and centre, the pressurized strain of the ocean against the underwater walkways, objects being knocked over. At one point, as I entered the Kashmir restuarant, I was seriously creeped out by all the noises. I probably spent a good minute just standing in the middle of the room, pistol raised, literally revolving on the spot frantically to see where the noises were coming from. I myself as standing on a pile of rubble and broken glass, natch, but even after relocating still the sounds of others present followed me around the room, eventually ending in me being rushed from behind by a crazed Splicer with a lead pipe, but he was swiftly electrocuted.

It's a short demo, but I'll be damned if it's not the best demo I've played in a while. I can't WAIT to get my hands on the real thing. After hearing one or two recorded blogs from former citizens of Rapture, and finding non-mutated humans mangaled in a gorey mess throughout the corridors, aswell as actually seeing what I presumed was a survivor, banging on a closed doorway with a torch in his hand, I've never been more eager to get into a game and uncover it's secrets and story.
i just recently saw a bioshock commercial and it said the demo is available on
(its the new bioshock main website)
well its not released yet, but that means that it will possibly be released tonight or tomorrow.

edit:ive read on the 2k forums that they have been receiving messages of it being put up for download on monday.
oh no the almighty word of the sony defence force :O beware their bad reviews for bioshock, halo 3 and the holy gospel of an inevitable 10/10 for lair.
His only problem with Bioshock was apparently it not being on Blu-Ray. :hmph:
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

He doesn't even go onto to explain in detail any of the glitches he's found. I didn't even spot any glitches in the demo, save for the shaking-hand animation that Warbie also noted. Christ, what should I of really expected from a website called 'Sony Defence Force', though? Title says it all really. Ignorance is bliss, supporting one singular console ftw, yak yak yak...
theres actually a website called sony defense force, actually scrap that, theres actually websites like this in general, so much fail, jesus.
all reviews are WOW.

just wait for the final gamespot Review
For what it's worth: got the demo reserved on FP and the download manager would check every 24 hours. Just now that changed to every 2 hours. :D
Still, 2K said their working to have the demo out on Monday
**** that, I'm going to the beach for a ****in week on monday, the ****ers.
Still, 2K said their working to have the demo out on Monday

Yeah, I don't see them releasing it on the weekend. Actually, I don't see them releasing it before the 21st either.

Hmm, I seem to be getting more and more pessimistic as the days go on...
I went to gamestop by my house to reserve a copy. The guy looked in his inventory, said there were only 2 pc copies and one was reserved. So I said I wanted the other one, he said "no can do." Now I gotta be the first asshole on release day in the store.
Haha... All the reviews of the review are hate. And he thinks it's coming to the PS3.
Yeah I think 2K went with the two logical money makers that are not a pain in the arse to develop for.
just wait for the final gamespot Review

Gamespot have had really dodgy reviews in the past two or so years. Giving scores in the mid 80's to games that deserve 90's, and giving 90's to games that deserve 80's.
Meh. I'll try the PC demo, but the gameplay vids made this game look like garbage.