Bioshock: Infinite

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No, it wasn't.

Eurogamer has alot of coverage on this new game.

Thought the trailer was fantastic. Previews sound great, too.

Haters gona hate etc.
Well, it sounds like it's moving further away from the 'shock' formula if one reads the GameSpot preview, with several instances of you being rushed by a ton of enemies and using some super-amazing powers to kill'em all instantly.
Apparently this a spiritual successor. Why use the Bioshock name though if it does not take place in the same universe? This will just confuse people and cause a backlash from the less informed.

It's for marketing purposes. The Bioshock series has become quite popular in recent years. So having the name "Bioshock" in there will catch the casual gamers' attention.
I actually had trouble believing this announcement actually happened when I woke up today. I've had dreams before where games were announced that took a crazy fantastical new direction for an established series, and my sleepy brain always gives them really rubbish names too.
I had something to say about the title, but Kupo swore and now I feel there's nothing I could say on the subject that would communicate just how Shit it is than this breach of character.
... I don't swear? :(
I hate this game so much. For so many reasons. I despise Bioshock, that's bad enough. But airships? Floating cities? THESE ARE MY FAVORITE THINGS. Irrational will ruin my favorite things for me. And for christsake Icarus? Why do they always call these things ****ing Icarus? ICARUS CRASHED INTO THE OCEAN AND DROWNED. Ignoring how that further throws possible Rapture prequelness (calling airships Icarus is so cliche that it's probably meaningless), couldn't they just call it Daedalus? Hell, that would be so awesome it would make me interested.
I hate this game so much. For so many reasons. I despise Bioshock, that's bad enough. But airships? Floating cities? THESE ARE MY FAVORITE THINGS. Irrational will ruin my favorite things for me. And for christsake Icarus? Why do they always call these things ****ing Icarus? ICARUS CRASHED INTO THE OCEAN AND DROWNED. Ignoring how that further throws possible Rapture prequelness (calling airships Icarus is so cliche that it's probably meaningless), couldn't they just call it Daedalus? Hell, that would be so awesome it would make me interested.

Most people list their favorite things as a type of food or a feeling they get from a certain activity. Airships and floating cities is definitely a new one. :P

And I honestly doubt using a certain Greek name is going to make any difference to the game overall.
Most people list their favorite things as a type of food or a feeling they get from a certain activity. Airships and floating cities is definitely a new one. :P
This. Who are you, Hayao Miyazaki?
actually pretty impressed by that gameplay reveal
it feels like scripted events done right
Looks interesting. However just by seeing this gameplay video I can tell that...

Yeah, that fov is ****ing batshit insane. Do developers even realize this? I mean, i cant even fathom how they can sit down and play their own game and not go "wait..something is wrong here". Its like eating pasta while someone is shitting on it and not notice...HOW DO YOU NOT NOTICE IT?!?!?

Anyways, everything else looked freaking awesome.
That looks... visually pleasing, but how is that supposed to be gameplay? Aiming definitely looked like something done with a pad, but the rest looked more like a ride on rails (literally sometimes) - more scripts than player action.
Anyways, everything else looked freaking awesome.

Yes, it does. My only hope is that someone finds a way to tweak the fov after release.

Also I'm really surprised that development is moving so fast. I expected this to be maybe 2 years away.
Wow, I'm really impressed.
Looks like a blast.
But ... it basically still is Bioshock in the clouds. Different aesthetics, same mechanics. The only thing that is slightly different is the AI co-op partner. Still, impressive video.
Not sure I like the main character talking but I guess he has to if he's working with Elizabeth.

Wonder where these new plasmids come from. It seems that taking a sip from a bottle lets you play God with nature.
Good presentation but this looks way too scripted for my liking. I saw more scripted events in that footage than actual gameplay.
Is DeWitt's voice actor Stephen Russell? That first line sounds so much like Garrett, but the rest sound a lot less so... but then, Garrett never delivered anything but deadpan.

Really hope I'm right. Thief has probably the only worthwhile talking protagonist in any FPS ever.

First reveal trailer of a game that won't be finished for at least two years contains no actual gameplay? Who cares?
I like popcorn.

I like the scriptedness of it. Makes it seem more fluid, and the ongoing dialogue (especially that of the player) keeps that feeling.

Also combining plasmids :cheese:

And yeah Kupocake I'm pretty sure that's Stephen Russell. I was just playing Theif: DS before watching the gameplay.
It looks a bit glorified, feels like the actual game wont look or play the same on release. Just showing it off as best as they can. Initially I thought it was just an in-game video they had tweaked so they could look around, and was surprised when the reticle appeared.

Looks ridiculously amazing though. If they can get it to play and look half like they did in the demo, it should be awesome.

Its not entirely scripted, but most of the best games ARE scripted. The Bioshock series has always been relatively scripted, and its one of the best series ever made as it is SO unique. Bioshock 2 kinda fell on its face a bit, mainly because we had 'seen it before' so the magic was lost, and the Big Daddy fights felt wrong (mini-bosses, and only a handful of them), but I felt good entering Rapture again.

Nice to see they have changed the setting. I love the floating architecture and general artistic design in this one. Just hope it actually ends up being as good as it looks at the moment.

A year seems a long wait away.
First reveal trailer of a game that won't be finished for at least two years contains no actual gameplay? Who cares?

The clip TwwIX was talking about is labeled as "gameplay". The first reveal trailer, which we are not talking about right now, indeed did not contain gameplay.
The clip TwwIX was talking about is labeled as "gameplay". The first reveal trailer, which we are not talking about right now, indeed did not contain gameplay.
So? If we're in 2010 and you're expecting reveal trailers of any kind to contain anything representative of actual gameplay, you're following the wrong industry.

And if you're in a Half-Life 2 forum expecting the same, you've failed at life.

edit: Sidestepping my own bile for a second, the trailer is erroneously labeled as originating from TGS by some dipshit third-party. This was the video shown to Journalists a month ago, hence 'reveal trailer'.
What a contrived looking game. Oh hey, sidenote, I like the fact that your girlfriend in the game is some disproportioned gothy Tim Burton chick with big tits and Force Unleashed powers, yeah this game is gunna be great.

its one of the best series ever made as it is SO unique.

Alright, back in the closet for you.
The only reason I liked the first Bioshock was because of the art direction. However the gameplay was mediocre at best.

This one might look good, but I'm concerned that it still will be lacking in every other department...
Definately sounds like Stephen Russell. Thrilled if it is him. Hope he's back for the new Thief game, too.
On the bright side, as much as Bioshock Infinite grinds my gears as a sloppy title, in this post Final Fantasy Dissidia 012 [Duodecim] world, it's hard to stay angry for very long.
I wish this was an adventure game or RPG.

I would love to interact with the denizens of Columbia other than through the business end of my boomstick. I loved the first five minutes of the newest trailer.
I wish this was an adventure game or RPG.

I would love to interact with the denizens of Columbia other than through the business end of my boomstick. I loved the first five minutes of the newest trailer.
Can't say I disagree. The original Bioshock always seemed to have had shooting mashed into its pretty face for no particularly good reason. They're currently talking up the bar sequence as indicating something more ambiguous in this new world, but it already looks like they've got some 'lol Andrew Ryan pheromone' excuse for people attacking you.

The artbooks for the Rapture titles are particularly depressing. They point out all these details about how splicers must be living and surviving day to day in a living, expansive city, and you just don't notice any of it. I love these games, but really, Rapture was a rotastak city of two-dimensional hamsters.
I cant believe we are slating Bioshock. Am I alone here? Is there anyone who appreciates games on this forum anymore?

Bioshock pushed the envelope in artistic design and story.
I cant believe we are slating Bioshock. Am I alone here? Is there anyone who appreciates games on this forum anymore?

Bioshock pushed the envelope in artistic design and story.

Indeed. Even though many here say it didn't live up to its full potential, it was still more unique than the "run-n-gun" Cod style games that seem to make up the bulk of FPS games today.
It might have been innovative if System Shock 2 didn't exist.
Halo invented the first person shooter genre.
I cant believe we are slating Bioshock. Am I alone here? Is there anyone who appreciates games on this forum anymore?

Bioshock pushed the envelope in artistic design and story.
Perhaps it's a bad attitude, but when I appreciate games, you're most likely to know because there's some specific element that lets it down. I did say I loved the games. They just could have been a lot better, something that Irrational themselves have repeatedly acknowledged.
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