Bird flu found in the UK

BIG UPDATE!!!= The flu strain that has been found in this country is not the lethal strain that everbody is worked up about

Aww.. how boring... that's it folks, go back to you homes, we're not gonna die after all :( :P
RakuraiTenjin said:
Hooray for having a gigantic ocean seperating this continent!

Bleh... You guys regularly have cases of bird flu as do many places in the world. Truth be told, bird flu has always been around and it's just now that the fear whoring has started.
koondrad said:
it's just now that the fear whoring has started.
Lol that sounds so silly :D

"Omg don't hog all the fear I want some 2 :frown:"
AFAIK China has never been forthcoming about the scale of their problem with SARS.

And why did I know it would be a Parrot to bring the disease :D