

Jul 4, 2006
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Birthright is defined as a right, privilege, or possession, such as property, to which one is entitled by birth. In his article "Taking Luck Seriously" Matt Miller suggests that birthright results in the "inherited package of wealth, health, genes, looks, brains, talents and family." Approximately two-thirds {or more} of all wealth in the United States is inherited by birthright. In a recent study conducted at Ohio State University's Center for Human Resource Research, author Jay Zagorsky stated "Intelligence is not a factor for explaining wealth." Therefore, one may draw the conclusion that most business and political leaders are not intelligent. They did not earn their way into powerful positions but rather were manipulated into them because of birthright. This further begs the question: then why are they in charge? Why is it that our country is not run by the best and brightest? Does the merit system stop when one graduates from school? While intelligence is certainly not the only factor in determining who is most fit to lead our society, it is certainly a better measure than birthright. In over two hundred years the United States has failed at overcoming one of the biggest barriers to a just society. We refuse to find a way to limit the benefits of birthright and therefore make for a fairer {and better managed} society.

"A Decade of Executive Excess,'' the sixth annual survey of executive compensation by the Institute for Policy Studies and United for a Fair Economy, finds the ratio of top executive to factory worker pay has exploded this decade from 42 to 1 in 1980 to 419 to 1 last year. Why are we paying these people so much more if they don't have the intelligence and will to act in our best interest? What tangible proof is there that top executives contribute that much more to the successful attainment of corporate goals? Why aren't these executives {Enron} given longer prison terms than car thieves? If intelligence determined corporate leadership rather than birthright, the compensation ratio would be much lower because smart leaders would recognize it as the right thing to do whereas those that are there by birthright simply don't know any better {or care}. It is this ignorance perpetuated by birthright that is leading this country to collapse. Perhaps someday our society will be lead by intelligent people who see their own best interest as having promoted society's best interest.
The Technocracy already rules your thoughts, Numbers.
Solaris detector tingling, I estimate pro-communism posts will appear in the next 12 hours.

Scientists should be in government.

What are dem lawyers doing, making the laws?

They are incompetent, foo.

I read an article in the economist (I think). It compared China with Britain. China's politburo has about 70% scientists/engineers, whilst Britain's parliament only has about 2% scientist/engineers. And a great many tree-top rats.

The future is bright for China, as they recognise the importance of science and technology in a country. Technocrats will rule the day.

Tony Blair is a bit of a technophobe. I guess a lot of the parliamentarians are the same.
Scientists should be in government.

What are dem lawyers doing, making the laws?

They are incompetent, foo.

I read an article in the economist (I think). It compared China with Britain. China's politburo has about 70% scientists/engineers, whilst Britain's parliament only has about 2% scientist/engineers. And a great many tree-top rats.

The future is bright for China, as they recognise the importance of science and technology in a country. Technocrats will rule the day.

Tony Blair is a bit of a technophobe. I guess a lot of the parliamentarians are the same.

that is one point i agree with so much!

most politicians are people who passed some easy school or courses. the only thing with politics is that you have to spend a lot of time sucking up to people, attending some pointless meetings. stuff that anyone could do but they rather spend time for something better.

edit: china would be so much better if it changed this commie-capitalistic bullshit, spend less on weapons and investing more in culturally and technically advancing their society.
All get together and find our most intelligent people in specific subject areas you say? put them in control of their field you say?, rational society you say? not on this planet. On this planet rich often ruthless idiots rule the roost.
All get together and find our most intelligent people in specific subject areas you say? put them in control of their field you say?, rational society you say? not on this planet. On this planet rich often ruthless idiots rule the roost.

that is why the world is such a crappy hell hole (on average).

first we need to abolish religion,
then we need to revamp the systems where somebody is richer that a small country, but still promote innovation, and so forth.

i was thinking once...what if we employ some sort of "individual citizen reputation score". an example what i mean:

if somebody is hardworking, goes to school, does public service jobs, does care for his health and the health of others, makes something that helps the community, and so forth.... he gets a higher score and thus allowing him more rights like: being able to vote, get government jobs, obtain better accommodation, transport vehicle, more luxurious food.
there should be also some psychological analysis of the person, like how good are his children performing in school, his mental state,...

in not being a "good" citizen you won't be punished directly unless you do some crime, but you get less and less privileges and eventually get exiled from society for not contributing anything.

ok i know this theory has holes big as the moon craters and is technically impossible to apply nowadays. but when people get more connected trough an internet type of thing, when computers would be able to take the role of judges for some of the more technical aspects of your life. it might actually work. until then i'll dream on.
I was thinking along the same lines about a 'contribution vs. privileges' structured society, jverne, but wherein the ultimate privilege is to breed. It goes a bit further than that, but it was the most appealing aspect to me. The wastrels wont stop breeding and the rest of us must suffer through news broadcasts about their plight? Please!
sounds like a meritocracy in that case, and as long as you have to earn your rewards, i'm all for it.

as for abolishing religion, eeeh, i disagree. I'm not particularly religious by any stretch of the imagination mind you, but if you are gonna have free people you can't have thought police enforcing a belief system or a lack of one.