Black Mesa Official Trailer Released

Not Gordon? I only noticed that there the guy is different when Barney starts and ends talking. The person at the start has no glasses. But Barney adresses 'Dr.Freeman' or he doesn't?
Adam foster created one of the most original mods out there. By himself.

He was hired because his great level designs and development practices.

The story wasn't much to shout about, unless I missed something.
Not Gordon? I only noticed that there the guy is different when Barney starts and ends talking. The person at the start has no glasses. But Barney adresses 'Dr.Freeman' or he doesn't?
Practically the same line is in the game. That's just a scientist model. Considering that the facial textures are based on a fan or developer's actual face, you probably shouldn't be so vocal about how un-freemanly sexy he isn't. :p
If this mod was sold on Steam people would bitch about it being a mod and that all mods are free so I really think that people claiming, "This game looks so good I'd pay for it!", need to screw their goddamn heads on.
If this mod was sold on Steam people would bitch about it being a mod and that all mods are free so I really think that people claiming, "This game looks so good I'd pay for it!", need to screw their goddamn heads on.

Thats why :)
Not Gordon? I only noticed that there the guy is different when Barney starts and ends talking. The person at the start has no glasses. But Barney adresses 'Dr.Freeman' or he doesn't?
You double posted on this page and the previous one, cut it out. Edit your previous post.

Also, I would pay for BMS because it's better than HLSS. Yes I'm just trying to hurt you now Samon. Larvley jarbley.
It is a massive stretch - the very idea of it is completely illogical and foolish. It has nothing to do with Half-life Source, but rather to do with Half-life, a game Valve made, the Golden Oldie. Black Mesa will never replace Half-life from a financial stand point. Valve simply would not let that happen and it simply isn't marketable..."Here's a mod remake of our game - accept it as canon!" If Valve wanted to remake Half-life, they would, and they would remake it in their own vision, through their own team, because Half-life belongs to Valve. If I had made something, and someone went ahead and remade it so many years later, would I replace it with that? Absolutely not. The idea is completely insane. They do not deserve money and they will not get money.

What is more, whilst there's clearly some talent on the team, remaking Half-life is purely a skill from the technical standpoint. You cannot escape the fact that you are remaking other peoples work. From a creative standpoint it means absolutely nothing. If they were making an original mod, with new gameplay elements that started from a basis of absolutely nothing but their own imagination, maybe then we could entertain the thought. But for this? A remake? Don't make me laugh.

I think that argument isn't as strong as it initially sounds. Of course BM won't sell more than HL did, but it sure is marketable. What does it matter if it's a mod remake? "Mod" merely means created by someone other than the developer, using a set of construction tools. Hell, Opposing Force is practically a mod, as it wasn't made by Valve, it's just that Gearbox were contracted to build the game. Keep in mind that Black Mesa is a very faithful recreation of HL. Same levels, same enemies, same weapons, and this faithfulness includes not adding stuff that wasn't there. This is basically bringing the 1998 HL up to 2008 standards in terms of visuals, physics, etc.

You're also greatly underestimating the creative difficulty of a remake. It's not taking Half-Life maps and putting them into the Source engine with prettier textures. Half-Life: Source has no creativity because it's a direct port, BM has a fair amount of creativity to it. Even imagine the small things, such as new visual elements throughout the Black Mesa facility, stuff seen on monitors, written on announcement boards, etc. Recreating something isn't much easier than creating it in the first place. Coming up with level layouts is the only thing that the BM team didn't have to do, that's a big thing for sure, but it still has plenty of design decisions, which is very creative stuff.

And for the financial perspective, I think Valve have something to gain even as it is now from this because BM requires the Source engine, so there may well be players who'll buy a Source game to play BM. That has certainly happened with mods like Insurgency.
How long has this been developed? Four years?

Doesn't look like it will disappoint though.
If this starts turning into another "fanboys vs haters" thread, you know where it's going to go.

Porn Folder?

Has anyone heard/seen anything about the Vorts? Know what texture they are using?
I have no words for this... OMG...

And shit, the Garg seems a little bit nastier this time around :O
anyone know why the enterance is like that with the round table ect instead of the origional?
Looks really cool, the part with the giant tentacle is really like HL1.
Freeman is too ****ing ugly, man. Look the cover from hl2, he is supposed to be sexy as hell. He is no "ordinary guy who saves the world" he is "super handsome and sexy badass superhero". Re do that model. Even if you don't agree with my point of view, that gordon is simply too, ****ing, ugly.

i never saw a gordon model.....
I'm out of this thread but if I may, put in my last 2 cents, yes? This mod re-make looks better than the original and I doubt that many people will want to pay for HL when they can get it for free and it's better than the original. As in better I mean the entire upgrade of the engine and better level design layout and better puzzles such as XEN.
i think they're only doing the start that's why it's called black mesa. :hmph: :p
No it isn't just "Black Mesa," it has Xen included in it as well. Why would there be a concept shots of Alien Controllers? Besides, I've heard that they are keeping the Xen shots a surprise.
No it isn't just "Black Mesa," it has Xen included in it as well. Why would there not be a concept shots Alien Controllers and Nihilanth.

Was your sarcasm detector always useless, or did you have to work on it? ;)
Was your sarcasm detector always useless, or did you have to work on it? ;)

Sarcasm never translates well over the internet, and when it does it is usually over done and then not funny to anyone anymore.

I would love to play this, and hell i would even pay for this game regardless of whether or not it would ever be sold by valve, or with out valve. I think the quality is there, from what I've seen. Good job BM team.
When a mod surpasses the production value and quality of 90% of the games out there, YES it deserves money.

Not only is this an opinion, its an invalid one. Unless you're a play tester, how do you know? You'll make that judgement from a trailer? No doubt that this mod looks amazing, but it could be a total flop (this is highly inproabable considering its reallly a remake so we know what to expect). hell, they haven't talked a lot about AI and gameplay, so who knows what that will be like... But come on, paying for this? Why not have the 20 other EXTREMELY well done mods in the HL community become standalone too? In fact, there are plenty other mods that i would imagine more as a standalone than this. Why? Because this is simply a remake, not an original concept. Insurgency, Dystopia, Natural Selection are all original games, just using the engine of another game....
Actually NS2 will be using it's own engine as well. It will in fact be a fully fledged retail game, unlike it's predecssor.
No it isn't just "Black Mesa," it has Xen included in it as well. Why would there be a concept shots of Alien Controllers? Besides, I've heard that they are keeping the Xen shots a surprise.

So it's the whole HL1 game remade?
Was your sarcasm detector always useless, or did you have to work on it? ;)

It was actually mean't to be serious. To put it simply, I was pointing out that Black Mesa is every thing HL1 was and has, because the poster Reflex' questioned if Black Mesa is just the Black Mesa part of HL1.

Sarcasm never translates well over the internet, and when it does it is usually over done and then not funny to anyone anymore.

Moot point.

I would love to play this, and hell i would even pay for this game regardless of whether or not it would ever be sold by valve, or with out valve. I think the quality is there, from what I've seen. Good job BM team.

Not going to happen, because it will not be sold in any form. Sir.

So it's the whole HL1 game remade?

Pretty much.
The mod looks well made, but we have to take into account the quality assurance department. When a game is made by Valve, Valve is responsible for it, and I know they are professionals. When a game is made by volunteers... well... copying a concept doesn't give me any warrantee about gameplay and balance. Will the monsters move and act *exactly* like the original ones? If so, ok, it is HL. If not, hey, wait, this is not HL anymore and you are giving me something new which I might or might not like.
In the end, if I want to play HL for the first time, I will surely play the original HL1 first.
Got my point?
The mod looks well made, but we have to take into account the quality assurance department. When a game is made by Valve, Valve is responsible for it, and I know they are professionals. When a game is made by volunteers... well... copying a concept doesn't give me any warrantee about gameplay and balance. Will the monsters move and act *exactly* like the original ones? If so, ok, it is HL. If not, hey, wait, this is not HL anymore and you are giving me something new which I might or might not like.
In the end, if I want to play HL for the first time, I will surely play the original HL1 first.
Got my point?

Where was that "quality assurance department" when Hl:Source was released?

Well, that's one way to look at it.. Whereas one could point out that because Valve are professionals, they probably won't want to change anything and try to "appeal to a larger audience" and make the game effortlessly easy.

Anyway, still a year until the release...

Hope nothing goes wrong :| .