Black Mesa Official Trailer Released

Where was that "quality assurance department" when Hl:Source was released?
HL:Source was quality assured when the game that constitutes it was quality assured. Any problems people have with this game, (which was ultimately just a bonus for special edition buyers and a brief demo of Source's modability) do not come under the domain of "Quality Assurance".

The effects of disappointment via exposure to Half-Life: Source can be countered with 'getting a f***ing clue', or so I hear. I've yet to understand how you can get disappointed with something you are under no obligation to purchase, that must have taken zero resources from the development of more important projects and advertises its minimal feature-improvements openly via screenshots.
HL:Source was basically an automated conversion with a few bits fixed manually. Anyone expecting more was operating under a self-delusion, not least because Valve had been forward about what it consisted of in advance.
Does it need a source game to play? (i'm guessing that's why its a mod) :p
Ah Halflife:Source, the only game where you can kill an apache helicopter with two clips of a pistol.
Actually, it seems that I misunderstand. Whilst they've upgraded to the Orange Box version of the Source Engine, this doesn't mean that you actually need to own the Orange Box to play. In their words:
we've dropped Counter-Strike: Source as a requirement for Black Mesa, and from now on, the only thing you'll need to play the mod is a Steam account with any Source engine game installed! Black Mesa is now running completely off of our own content and base Source shared content, and we felt the vastly increased user base more then justified creating all the extra assets needed to make this switch.