Black Mesa: Source Media Update


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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Ah, Half-Life. Remember when you found yourself inside that moving tram car in the beginning, waiting a solid thousand or so minutes before you could get out to stretch your legs? Back then, 10 minutes of admiring the graphics of the HL engine was golden… Today, not so much, but it still has its “Ooo’s“ and “Ahhh’s“ of course. What’s the solution to make it as mesmerizing again? You use the Source engine to render it in all of its glory.[br]The team working on Black Mesa: Source is attempting to do just that. For their late December media update, they have released a few screenshots of the tram car sequence they are recreating using Source technology, as well as a new model render and in-game teaser. Oh yeah, they even have sample sound files from the chapter "We've Got Hostiles" at their website! [br]

[br]You can find previous news and media releases of Black Mesa: Source at their official website. The progress of this mod is slow (fast?) and steady, a new media update will be released early January.[br]Stay tuned!
Bloody amazing. This is my number one anticipated mod.
The music sample sounds wicked too! Can't find the in-game teaser though :/
Murray_H said:
The music sample sounds wicked too! Can't find the in-game teaser though :/

The headcrab pic is what I considered an "in-game teaser" - It's new, is in-game, and is 1st person with their latest version of the HUD.
-smash- said:
The headcrab pic is what I considered an "in-game teaser" - It's new, is in-game, and is 1st person with their latest version of the HUD.

Oh right, sorry I just assumed it would be a video :p
We'll most likely be working on an ingame video for the upcoming year (And by that I mean over the next year, not for our January 1st birthday.) Keep an eye out ;]
It looks beautiful as usual but still a little dark like many of their screens. The original tram ride was never that dark.
Pro anyone? These guys are amazing.
The third screenshot is pure genius. A tram schedule kiosk? It's perfect. God, it almost looks like an airport.
Actually, we did model both that console box and the seating units off of a real-world airport environment =] - Both the modellers and skinners utilized this picture as reference.
Looks great! I really love those digital signs, I hope they blink and stuff (maybe even make that clock one go to the next minute or something when the tram drives by... its all the small details that make it great).

Also in the office shot that brick texture and floor texture look way out of place (that brick texture is an outdoor one, and looks bad indoors. Some of those larger indoor bricks from CS:S would look pretty nice). But I'm guessing you guys are probably using lots of placeholder textures until you get to the time to remake the ones from HL :).

Hope you get a lot of work done this coming year for the game and you get my vote for moddb.

PS: Can you pretty please make comparison shots? I've played the game through many times but don't recognize where the areas are. :D
Love that HUD! :thumbs: Fantastic pictures! :E You guys are gods. :cool:
Ummm... you guys stole's Exclusive screenshot...
that looks pretty hot, if they plan on doing that sort of detail for the whole mod then it's going to take them a long time to complete it :)
lighting seems rather bland to me. needs some atmosphere. still, looking good though. keep working hard. but faster please. :imu:
I still would like to put in a vote to have the tram sequence done early as kind of a teaser of things to come.
This mod is going to be phucking awesome! Hell yeah! Very nice work!
Cypher19 said:
I still would like to put in a vote to have the tram sequence done early as kind of a teaser of things to come.

Hell yes!

But then the wait for the whole thing would be even worse :(
WhiteZero said:
Ummm... you guys stole's Exclusive screenshot...

They didn't, actually. These four screenshots were released to everyone while the one that HLF posted was their exclusive. If you look, you'll notice it's different.
I like the air port feeling, I can't wait to play it. I'll most probably spend tons of time just looking around the peaceful setting.
Holy. ****ing. Shit.

Excuse the language, but this is so amazingly superb. You guys are really REALLY excellent. I'm in shock, this is just too good to be true. I now know it's going to be WELL worth the wait. This is almost as good as waiting for HL2. Not even exxagerating.

Keep up the outstanding work.
I was kinda hoping this wouldn't be "reimagining HL1" but more "we're remaking HL1... with sexy results". Oh well, I'll get over it. Looks good, anyhoo.
Moving Half-Life to the Source enginge will take sevral years, but the wait will be worth it.
With Kangy's comments, we need to do a bit of both. As we found with Power Up, we simply cannot do a close to the original run over with all of our chapters. "We've Got Hostiles' has strong foundations in the original, alongside Office Complex, Blast Pit, Forget About Freeman, Apprehension and Surface Tension. Chapters that are stepping outside of the realm of the originals look are Inbound and Anomalous Materials.

We can't take a straight original HL approach to this. We not only need to re-make Half-Life, but we must also re-invision. We need to look at what the area was, what the area felt and meant, and then what Source can achieve. With Inbound, we pushed the pedal to the floor on the meaning of it. Inbound was meant to wow the player, bring them into a world of mystery and stellar graphics: and we're doing just that.

We really want to hear comments on the direction we've taken with Inbound. We'd greatly appreciate comments on our forums:
Samon said:
The map shots look great, but I'm not to fond of the kiosk area.

What are you talking about? It looks ****ing ace. Beautiful details. I think I'm in love.
CrazyHarij said:
What are you talking about? It looks ****ing ace. Beautiful details. I think I'm in love.

I'm on about the kiosk, I don't like it :p
I hope those clocks update in realtime.
This looks fabulous, but I don't know. I look at this and think they're remaking some other mod's take on hidden sections of the Tram network. No matter how much it is changed for the new engine, the tram ride still needs to have certain key locations pop up. Obviously, that's out of the scope of a few teaser screenshots, but I still want to see a Helipad, a rocket, a toxic spill and enough bits to make me feel like i'm still in Black Mesa, traveling to Anomalous Materials and not like I've chosen instead to take the alternative High-Definition line into work...

Pi Mu Rho said:
I hope those clocks update in realtime.
Realtime as in the count the minutes accurately, or Realtime as in they show the time as it is the moment you play? The former is needed, yes, but the later would be horrid and so stupid that I can only assume that you meant the former :p
Gawd damnit, BMS peoples, get your new models in game already!

-Angry Lawyer