Black Mesa: Source Update

When they get most of the models done they should make the intro of half-life on the train and release a demo or somthing (or any part of HL).
I think it all looks great. I don't really like the hand grenade texture though - doesn't quite look right to me. I love the satchel charge - i think the textures for the material look great and the shape of the cloth is good too - my only complaint is that the side pocket with the aerial coming out of it just looks like it's kinda cut and pasted onto the side - otherwise i think it's great and i love the stitching too. The weapons look great and so does the garg ... which i would love to see in action - bet it's pretty scary :D Keep up the good work guys - looks great!
DrkBlueXG said:
what's even better, which I think they are shooting for, is if this mod becomes a hit then hopefully valve will recognize their talents and hire them on to work for them. Maybe even hire them before release of the mod so they can sell it in stores.

Maybe Valve could later release this mod as THE Half-Life: Source. That'd get them more sales.
If they get far enough, Valve better buy this project.
Pritty good, but the models need a lot of structure work. You can tell by the shape of the mesh that its not quite done right. Although its not wrong, it could be done better making it more firm and well... look better. Good work though, I might follow this mod. But I will have to see a little more before I do.
This stuff looks nuts, but it had take ages for them to produce it, I wonder how long it will take for this mod to be released.
I am so excited about this mod.
That's about as good a compliment as I can give to the BM:S team; to tell them that I am excited and anticipating each new update on their progress.
Best of luck guys! :cheers:

Oh, and the satchel looks great in my opinion. I like the texture.
Heh, most of the models that you are seeing rolled off the assembly line long ago, but the Gargantua was started soon after the first media release. For four months, we are making some very serious progress and things are beginning to pick up.

We are still seeking Texture Artists though: without them, we cannot show you the level progress we have made.
I am very impressed.
Love the website by the way.
Good luck and i hope to see this released very soon. :)
Will this have props? Because it will be interesting to be able to get to places that you couldn't before via prop flying.
Kalashnikov said:
Heh, most of the models that you are seeing rolled off the assembly line long ago, but the Gargantua was started soon after the first media release. For four months, we are making some very serious progress and things are beginning to pick up.

We are still seeking Texture Artists though: without them, we cannot show you the level progress we have made.

Sweet...... Maybe I should do some texturing research, and actually get good. I'm very good with photoshop, but I've only textured one model in my life, and it was a simple cylinder.

I'm impressed by this mod. Very impressed.

By the way, Kalashnikov... The link to Black Mesa: Source in your sig is outdated... Just to let you know. Also... I like your username... hah
Betelgeuze said:
It looks really good but people remember that the garg has to be low poly ingame and wont look as good as in the render.

Good luck Black Mesa team!

The high poly model will be used for a normal map, unfortunately Source cannot cope with a couple million poly model :rolleyes:

Defrag - Nice to hear word from you, some of the team members agreed with your statement though. Will see what we can do.

Ichi - Care to elaborate? We love constructive criticism

Props - We are creating a tonne of props, the community at our forums are also making us some (by request) which we greatly appreciate. We want to make the levels feel busy and like they really were lived / worked in.
Whoa! That Garg is freaky having the two arms so close to it's private areas! And whats with his mouth?
IchI said:
I might follow this mod. But I will have to see a little more before I do.

Because remember - the highest praise you could possibly have is Ichi following your mod...
It looks pretty cool! I wonder how the We've got Hostiles part will work out. And I hope that Xen will be somewhat better this time, because that was the most boring part in HL
Pi Mu Rho said:
Because remember - the highest praise you could possibly have is Ichi following your mod...

LOL! whats that suposed to mean :p

About the models, its quite hard to explain and understand but if you have modelled before its easy to see. The best way you can describe it would be not having the best structure for what you want to achieve. I am not saying its bad, its definatly a good model. but it could be done better, but I supose you could say that with all things.
The models all look fine to me. I agree with what someone said earlier about the texture on the grenade being a bit too stonelike.
I don't see anything wrong with the structure - only the artist creating the model would know what they wanted to achieve.
Ok cheers, much appreciated.

As I said, we'll look into the grenade skin.
I have to say - BM:S and Eternal Silence are the only two HL2 mods that I would ever have considered working for (not that it's likely...)
Pi Mu Rho said:
I have to say - BM:S and Eternal Silence are the only two HL2 mods that I would ever have considered working for (not that it's likely...)

Because remember - the highest praise you could possibly have is Pi Mu Rho considering working on your mod...


It'll be very interesting to see how they've interpreted Xen!

Now, on to the next issue......Quincey/Grand National coverage/Royal Wedding :dork:
Murray_H said:
Because remember - the highest praise you could possibly have is Pi Mu Rho considering working on your mod...

Yeah, it seems like that dude is getting cockier every day.....
Jheaddon's I was thinking about this eariler yesturday. But your mod is going to be remaking a lot of the hl1 models and so is Sven Coop. Not implying anything. but if anything ever happens or you need something may be you can contact Sven, it would be nice to work cloesly with other mods which are doing similer projects, although its not my area to say.
Pi Mu Rho said:
"that dude"?

Yeah, no offense man but you just seem to be a little cocky at times.

I mean, I know you're a big time game designer working on some amazingly revolutionary game, but sometimes it seems like you kind lord that over everyone.

Sorry, didn't mean to come off as an asshole.
Sure hope Opposing source will work with the black mesa source team, it would greatly reduce the work load...
I like the original BM:S garg with the mariachi hat, boxing gloves and pink bunny slippers.
DarkStar said:
Yeah, no offense man but you just seem to be a little cocky at times.

I mean, I know you're a big time game designer working on some amazingly revolutionary game, but sometimes it seems like you kind lord that over everyone.

Sorry, didn't mean to come off as an asshole.

:eek: I was being sarcastic!
Ichi - We have thought about working with SC, and I recently mailed Sven. Will see what turns up.

Opposing Source may well collaborate with BM:S :)

MarcoPolo - So do a few strange people :)
I'll be working on the Coop side of things for the next few weeks, see what things we can get up.