Blade III is on the way. :)

I liked blade II blade I as ok.
I like underworld the best!!
Blade 1 was near classic. Blade 2 was total teenage appeal crap. Blade: Trinity - judging by the name it will probably feature Matrix-style scenes that will ruin the whole thing...
Just check out the previews...

Summary written by Anonymous said:
Just check out the previews...
As an apocalyptic event takes place that could shift the control of the planet Earth from the hands of humanity to the claws of vampires, the Daywalker, Blade (Snipes) is the only person who can turn the tide of the crisis against the undead blood suckers and prevent the world from becoming a "Planet of the Vampires". To make things a lot harder for Blade, the vampire leadership launches a public relations "smear campaign" against Blade, letting the world of humans know that he exists, so that the police start hunting him down, thinking he is some sort of horrible monster...

Summary written by Anonymous said:
The storyline for the third film finds Blade joining forces with two vampire hunters, part of a group called the Nightstalkers, as they tackle the powerful and ruthless villain Danica Talos. After harvesting the superior blood of the ancestor of all modern vampires, Talos has resurrected the man now known as "Drake" (notice the modernization of the Dracula name) from a century-long sleep in the hopes of finally getting world control for all vampires. Blade, along with the Nightstalkers must unleash a virus that will kill all vamps-- but only are given one chance to make it work.

Summary written by [email said:
[email protected][/email]]

Wesley Snipes returns as the day-walking vampire hunter in the explosive third and final film in the Blade franchise, Blade: Trinity. When the Vampire Nation hatches a plan to frame Blade in a series of brutal killings, he must join forces with the Nightstalkers, a clan of human vampire hunters, in an extreme battle in which the trail of blood leads directly to the notorious vampire legend, Dracula. Written and directed by David S. Goyer, Blade: Trinity also stars Jessica Biel as Abigail, the daughter of Whistler (Kris Kristofferson), who inherits the vampire-slaying duties that once belonged to Blade (Wesley Snipes); and Ryan Reynolds (National Lampoon's Van Wilder) as Hannibal King, one of the Nightstalkers.
blade 1 was the best....blade 3 will be better than blade 2.

Just like the matrix....

and every other tril.
The Blade movies roXorz my boXorz!
And I wuved the techno soundtrack:)
Cant wait but I wont set my expectations too high though... I liked both movies though ... Havent seen Underworld yet I have it though... will do soon :)
Brian Damage said:
Underworld was better than the Blade rip-off I expected it to be...

Underworld was quite possibly the worst movie i have ever seen (worse then Gods and Generals), if it werent for Kate in tight leather all the time, it wouldnt have even been released.
i havent seen any blades. are they any good? and dont say they r0xors. i know that allready.
I know I saw Blade 2... I can't remember it, though. Blade 1 was alright, I guess... at least I can still remember it...
i bet you guys dont like it because theres a black guy starring.

i have a dream... where little black boys and little white boys can slay vampires TOGETHER.
i saw blade, didnt even bother with blade 2.

but blade was pretty good, but unbelievbly gory. like people exploding and that junk.

but man o man is that a cool sword he has... "hey i found his sword... *shwang!!!*"
i loved the first Blade movie.. second one was "mehhhh" it was still better than the other stuff i saw around that time i think..

guess i'll see number 3 as well :)
Snipes kicks put, (im a white guy) I liked all the blades but i think blade 2 was better than 1.
Original Blade had a great opening fight scene.
The Blade opening scene has already been selected as a «cult scene».
It's THAT great.