Blair vs Chavs

kirovman said:
They should wear the blue overalls from 1984 too... they'd probably find them fashionable.
They certainly would after some <Ahem> "re-education". Quick! Someone get the Thought Police!
You know you're in Kent when every 5th person you see is a charver. I was on the trains today and a group of chav kids smashed a window in the train station, the guard could do nothing but stand there. The older ones had run off and there was just 2 12 year old kids sitting there... they cant be arrested for criminal damage....

And walking home i saw two 14year old chavs starting on one another, well, one was starting on the other (obviously showing off infront of the girl chavs) and the other was protesting that he didnt want a fight lol... i just left them to it! Silly buggers.

Everyone is pissed off with these underclass wastes of space... i wish Tony would administer the Smackdown, instead of prancing around the issue that one of his cabinet ministers was doing on question time yesterday. (Boris Johnson was on the show, classic :D)
oldagerocker said:
You know you're in Kent when every 5th person you see is a charver. I was on the trains today and a group of chav kids smashed a window in the train station, the guard could do nothing but stand there. The older ones had run off and there was just 2 12 year old kids sitting there... they cant be arrested for criminal damage....

And walking home i saw two 14year old chavs starting on one another, well, one was starting on the other (obviously showing off infront of the girl chavs) and the other was protesting that he didnt want a fight lol... i just left them to it! Silly buggers.

Everyone is pissed off with these underclass wastes of space... i wish Tony would administer the Smackdown, instead of prancing around the issue that one of his cabinet ministers was doing on question time yesterday. (Boris Johnson was on the show, classic :D)

I'm not really into totalitarianism or anything...but can't we send these trouble makers off into forced labour re-education camps? It's not against international law anyway. It probably goes against everything in our moral standards as a nation, but times have changed: the new threat is the yob menace! They don't respect fellow human beings, so why should we respect them. They need a hard lesson in something.
Gan on Tony, administer the smackdown.
Some people want national service back.. but ofcourse no professional soldier is going to want a chav watching his back should we be in a war situation again....Blair hit the nail on the head though, it is coming from poor discipline at home but the benefits for not working dont help, its possible to live now without a job...
oldagerocker said:
Some people want national service back.. but ofcourse no professional soldier is going to want a chav watching his back should we be in a war situation again....Blair hit the nail on the head though, it is coming from poor discipline at home but the benefits for not working dont help, its possible to live now without a job...
Seriously oar, there are few people who live on benefit because they CHOOSE to. Benefit really isn't THAT great, although some "journalists" seem to be adamant that that's not the case and actually it can get you some bountiful existence. Just the same way that prisons are like luxury holiday camps.
If they're so f*cking good, why don't they just quit their f*cking jobs and live a life of decadence on the state and then go for a holiday in jail. Get arrested so you can live well. Morons.
Well, Young Offender's Institutes are just pathetic cop-out kiddy prisons which are more like sleepover arcades than anything else. Wish I'd know, I'd have killed a few people when I was 14 if it meant I got near a NES.

But if anyone genuinely thinks an actual adult jail is "a holiday camp", I look forward to seeing them book a place there.

I personally think the benefits system is well and truly ****ed up. Did you know that if you have enough children the profit/loss margin vanishes and the state gives you enough money to comfortably support your family of leeches? Chances are you do; it's the most well known and overly publicised flaw in the welfare system- that's right world, eveybody on benefits is like this!

Although it is massively unfair to throw money at a pair of lazy bastards merely because they've got a couple of shit-factories sleeping in their house- even when they refuse to work outright.

And yet someone who's genuinely looking for employment is expected to live on a pittance while the government organisations won't offer any significant aid (or rather can't offer) to help them back into work.

Hell, criminals have one up on them again! They can just beat someone up and do Community Service, that's kind of a job!

/me resolves to father thirteen kids and mug two OAPs

But in all seriousness, the system needs drastic restructuring.
Edcrab said:
Well, Young Offender's Institutes are just pathetic cop-out kiddy prisons which are more like sleepover arcades than anything else. Wish I'd know, I'd have killed a few people when I was 14 if it meant I got near a NES.

But if anyone genuinely thinks an actual adult jail is "a holiday camp", I look forward to seeing them book a place there.

I personally think the benefits system is well and truly ****ed up. Did you know that if you have enough children the profit/loss margin vanishes and the state gives you enough money to comfortably support your family of leeches? Chances are you do; it's the most well known and overly publicised flaw in the welfare system- that's right world, eveybody on benefits is like this!

Although it is massively unfair to throw money at a pair of lazy bastards merely because they've got a couple of shit-factories sleeping in their house- even when they refuse to work outright.

And yet someone who's genuinely looking for employment is expected to live on a pittance while the government organisations won't offer any significant aid (or rather can't offer) to help them back into work.

Hell, criminals have one up on them again! They can just beat someone up and do Community Service, that's kind of a job!

* Edcrab resolves to father thirteen kids and mug two OAPs

But in all seriousness, the system needs drastic restructuring.

Of course "political correctness" and "fairness" makes such annoyances a reality.
Short Recoil, I sometimes think you're a little loopy :)

Heh, Chaddites (local term for the scumbuckets) eh? Bastards stole my bike, I've no sympathy if they're targetted en masse for arrestification. Bloody ingrates need a good set of parents who know how to control their shitty youths.
Nah, if the the officials won't do anyhthing, then its vigilante time.

Chav crackdown, were gonna bash some scum.
I'm gonna start leaving full packets of ciggarettes laced with cyanide around chav estates......with a clear edited message (normally the black and white doctors warning) "if you smoke 1 of these you WILL die"
Chavs pick them up, ignore the warning and die, problem solved.

(this is a joke if anyone thinks i'm actually gonna do it)
did anyone see that programme yesterday where youths were randomly attacking people (slapping and punching) and recording it on thier video phones...

how pathetic. if i saw someone punching a defencless person while recording it, id go over there knock him out, and shove his phone up his arse..

dirty, filthy chav scum.

(no offence 'chav':D)
lol you brits sure dislike the chavs, quite funny(or should that be scary) the level of dislike for them.
KoreBolteR said:
did anyone see that programme yesterday where youths were randomly attacking people (slapping and punching) and recording it on thier video phones...

how pathetic. if i saw someone punching a defencless person while recording it, id go over there knock him out, and shove his phone up his arse..

dirty, filthy chav scum.

(no offence 'chav':D)

i saw the story about the 2 lads that set that bloke on fire who fell asleep near a bus shelter after a drinking binge...and they thought it was hilarious the fact that they could've killed him

if that guy called chav on this forum is actually a chav, i f*cking hate you and every thread you post in, i will be there to haunt you

jimbo118 said:
lol you brits sure dislike the chavs, quite funny(or should that be scary) the level of dislike for them.

you have no idea....try living where i do for 2 month and ....just seeing them about makes me angry....they should burn like that poor bloke did and it would just make this country smell less of venerial disease and pig fat and improve general quality of life for everyone
Doppelgofer said:
if that guy called chav on this forum is actually a chav, i f*cking hate you and every thread you post in, i will be there to haunt you
Don't be an idiot, chavs can't use PC's......just about get away using their xbox playing nfsu2, although chav xbox's break down after a few weeks from being used as an ashtray and being used in domestic violence incidents as a weapon.
Doppelgofer said:
i saw the story about the 2 lads that set that bloke on fire who fell asleep near a bus shelter after a drinking binge...and they thought it was hilarious the fact that they could've killed him

if that guy called chav on this forum is actually a chav, i f*cking hate you and every thread you post in, i will be there to haunt you

you have no idea....try living where i do for 2 month and ....just seeing them about makes me angry....they should burn like that poor bloke did and it would just make this country smell less of venerial disease and pig fat and improve general quality of life for everyone
nah 'chav' is from belgium and is taking the piss i think.
the only thing theyre good at is making a fools of themselves. enuff said
there is nothing funny about them in the slightest...they're an absolute disgrace and ...chavs and fash boys are my two biggest hates ever
Doppel where do you live? Because it sounds like you come from near me :laugh: although the problem is nationwide.

You're right Farrrow, the media hype up allot to keep there jobs... they have to rave on about something, but its an attitude of sitting around doing nothing.... you can just look at the road near me, any time of the day, there are school kids surrounded around some loser who'se the leader of this particular 'gang'. They have no jobs, no education and no reason to exist. Now these kids are ouside the shops, being pains, threatening and a nuisance to anyone attempting to get to the shop to buy their milk/bread.

Their parents are standing outside their houses, smoking over their babies and chatting in there awful estuary english! With no job... doing nothing. Just being fat, ugly and smelly and shouting and swearing at their kids...

Sounds like a stereotype of the chav familly, out of eastenders but its not.. its just typical of the people down the road. And other people down the road in towns across the country.
Doppelgofer said:
there is nothing funny about them in the slightest...they're an absolute disgrace and ...chavs and fash boys are my two biggest hates ever
fash boy? *scratches head*
oldagerocker said:
Doppel where do you live? Because it sounds like you come from near me :laugh: although the problem is nationwide.

Their parents are standing outside their houses, smoking over their babies and chatting in there awful estuary english! With no job... doing nothing. Just being fat, ugly and smelly and shouting and swearing at their kids...

its weird.. i dont see any of that around there i live..

meh i must be lucky.. anyone wanna come and live down ere in the 'chav-free' town? :P
KoreBolteR said:
its weird.. i dont see any of that around there i live..

They try to avoid you because you smell :P

Haha, j/k mate :cheers:
oldagerocker said:
Doppel where do you live? Because it sounds like you come from near me :laugh: although the problem is nationwide.

i live in rawtenstall which you'll not have heard of but its near burnley, blackburn and accrington...up towards manchester area....your like opposite end of the country to me ....just shows how wide the problem is

not too fussed though because i'll be living in york soon
If Blair can pull this off and totally change British society at the moment, I'll vote Labour for the next gajillion elections...
I don't see how it's even got so bad, yobs/chavs/kids-or-parents-who-are-generally-twats are a minority right? Can't we just sail them off to the Isle Of Man or something. :laugh:

Speaking of which, did anyone see that program about "happy-slapping"? Can't believe teens have sunk so low for entertainment...
I think all that Happy Slapping is just a south/london thing but thats awful... they have no respect whatsoever for anyone, even authority. They all need bending over someones knee and there bottoms giving a good hiding... but nobody is going to do it. Even the police are powerless because they cannot get enough evidence to prosecute or they just get given light sentences and let out again.
oldagerocker said:
I think all that Happy Slapping is just a south/london thing but thats awful... they have no respect whatsoever for anyone, even authority. They all need bending over someones knee and there bottoms giving a good hiding... but nobody is going to do it. Even the police are powerless because they cannot get enough evidence to prosecute or they just get given light sentences and let out again.

Which they'll probably brag about to their mates. *sigh* What a world...
They do brag about it to there mates, when the police do show up. They tell all there mates that they got 'arrested and handcuffed and went daawwn the nick bruv innit'. :(
This thread has given birth to some classics:

darren docu site said:
We interviewed this guy before we found Devvo, he was much scarier. We told him that he could have £5 if we interviewed him, but all he wanted was a big glass of water, so we gave him that. It took us a while to get rid of him from our kitchen because he kept demanding that we play some "bangin' choons"

short recoil said:
Don't be an idiot, chavs can't use PC's......just about get away using their xbox playing nfsu2, although chav xbox's break down after a few weeks from being used as an ashtray and being used in domestic violence incidents as a weapon.

short recoil again said:
I know a good solution to the problem, legally (and secretley) fit all second hand vauxhall novas with bombs that go off when a sound meter measures a certain level of bass

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Seriously though, if anyone thinks this Labour crap is going to make a difference, you need your head examined. Tough on the causes of crime eh - so a hoodie is some kind of cursed talisman that turns people into pricks is it? Take off the hoodie and maybe they'll turn into monocle-wearing teen philosophers who help old ladies across the road? BALLS. It goes much deeper. Telling them they can't wear hoodies in public is going to peev them and make them race around in the car park even faster.I have a hoodie myself. In fact hoodies are less specific to chavs than they are to random drug dealers and asian wannabe gangstas/ghetto supastars, at least in London.

The problem isn't hoodies, it probably isn't even the welfare system, it's just the fact that we've bred a generation of thick shitheads who hate everyone, and now we have to just deal with it by hating them back harder.
I agree Laiv but its something... gangs of youths coming up to you with hoodies on is intimidating and any CCTV around becomes useless. Labour arent going to get to the real cause i dont think; it'd mean getting rid of a fair few of there leading policies.
i don't think anything can fix this problem...but what they could do is bring in harsher penalties for crime. i think the death sentence would be a f*cking good start, i couldn't give a crap how barbaric people think it is, the point is it works and keeps people from going out and randomly murdering people at night

...and at schools...bring back the cain
I'm not sure about the cane but, i think teachers should be able to defend themselves, the law should pretect them from the children, not prosecuting them for defending themselves under physical attack... the teachers can do nothing at the moment.
yeah the teachers are like sitting ducks.

i think the cane should be brought back, but i fear if this happens the teachers would go over board... meh let the lil brats have it :D