Blair wins


Nov 16, 2003
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Blair has won the General Election, definately not a landslide this time but he is guarenteed to walk away with the victory.
They were doing a segment on THE HOUR today, about how dishonesty seems to be the way to go if you're a politician.

George Bush provided false information about invading Iraq, and the American public voted him back for a second term.

Tony Blair did the same thing, and even though he was bombarded with controversy during the last few weeks about whether or not he lied about Iraq, the people are voting him back in for a third term.

Canada is about to have an election soon due to the sponsership scandal, and it looks like Paul Martin of the Liberal party will get voted back in if the above trends stay true.

When did dishonesty and corruption become the way to win the general public?

Oh well. Good for Blair.

sorry I don't really know the man personally so I don't know if its good or bad!

good luck to you all either way!

I'd have preferred a Liberal Democrat government, if I gave a toss.
A True Canadian said:
When did dishonesty and corruption become the way to win the general public?

When the traditional opposition is even worse.

Hurrah! The Tories are completely screwed!
just saw it, damn the tories got pwnt, they need some young blood tbh, howard is too old school torie. i dont support them btw.
*throws up the horns*
Yay! US has an ally with jolly old England for the next...few years. Erm, how the hell long do you keep your guys in office?
superjuanchango said:
*throws up the horns*
Yay! US has an ally with jolly old England for the next...few years. Erm, how the hell long do you keep your guys in office?

I wouldn't be too sure of that. Blair may have recieved a bit of a wake up call as far as working with the US is concerned. The backlash against him has been rather large. Plus with a reduced majority its highly likely the acts, laws and anything else he wants to push will be denied.
superjuanchango said:
*throws up the horns*
Yay! US has an ally with jolly old England for the next...few years. Erm, how the hell long do you keep your guys in office?

Until we want a civil war.
oh well, weve had them for over 8 years, so theres no change. lets face it, lib dems and tories wudnt have done much better..
Good to see the Lib Dems maknig some headway. 62 seats :D
You shouldn't oversimplify the result. Yes Blair got back in, but the opinions of countless millions of people don't just change on a dime. The significant thing last night was the cut in majority for Labour, down to 66 seats. It means that where Blair could ride roughshod and do whatever the hell he liked in parliament before, now the 50-odd rebels in the party can cause real problems for him.

The Tories weren't totally pwnt either, they did better than everyone expected. The LibDems did okay, but they only made gains on Labour seats - wherever they challenged a Tory seat they didn't manage to get anything. And it makes me wonder about what's to come for the LibDems...Iraq is going to become less and less important, Blair is going to go, and so where is the LibDem ammo going to come from? I wonder if everyone might forget about their novelty all over again.

And what about George Galloway in Bethnal Green & Bow? Big turn-up...unfortunately my tactical vote for Respect didn't help me where I was in East Ham :P But Blair is going to hate having Galloway in the House of Commons slinging swear words at him every week.
Razor said:
Blair has won the General Election, definately not a landslide this time but he is guarenteed to walk away with the victory.

doh! :(
I have a question; what kind of a Labour-party would have an alliance with US? The Labour Patry here would never do that. The Labour-party should fight for the workers, not the capitalists.
Let's face it, we all knew Labour would win. Certainly the lesser of two evils when you look at the blues, but there was still really nothing to choose from. Labour has been slowly looking more and more like the right, and most people don't notice and just vote them because that's what their daily tit-mag "The Sun" or "The Mirror" tells them to. For those who don't live in the UK these are the two biggest selling papers and the headlines yesturday were "Come on You Reds!" and "Vote Labour."
I have a question; what kind of a Labour-party would have an alliance with US? The Labour Patry here would never do that. The Labour-party should fight for the workers, not the capitalists.

Both the party in power and the main opposition over here are well right of centre in everything they can get away with. The Labour party used to be the type of party you speak of but then years of failure made them realise that it would be easier to get in power and stay there by reinventing themselves - as "New Labour". Loads of people in and outside of the party hated the idea and aren't comfortable with it still. Now there is very little practical difference between Labour and the Conservatives. Say what you like about the Conservatives but at least they are supposed to be stuffy right-wing arseholes.

The LibDems now occupy the political position to the Left of Labour. But noone has ever voted for them traditionally, so the chances of them ever getting to power are slim. Perhaps they will become the "New Liberals" in an attempt to gain power. The shitty thing about our supposed democracy is that parties try to close the gap by turning into clones of eachother.
Laivasse said:
Both the party in power and the main opposition over here are well right of centre in everything they can get away with. The Labour party used to be the type of party you speak of but then years of failure made them realise that it would be easier to get in power and stay there by reinventing themselves - as "New Labour". Loads of people in and outside of the party hated the idea and aren't comfortable with it still. Now there is very little practical difference between Labour and the Conservatives. Say what you like about the Conservatives but at least they are supposed to be stuffy right-wing arseholes.

The LibDems now occupy the political position to the Left of Labour. But noone has ever voted for them traditionally, so the chances of them ever getting to power are slim. Perhaps they will become the "New Liberals" in an attempt to gain power. The shitty thing about our supposed democracy is that parties try to close the gap by turning into clones of eachother.

Lol, here it's the exact opposite. The biggest of the four opposition parties in Sweden, Moderaterna, and the most right-wing, now calls itself a Labour Party to attract votes. They'rs still liberal, though.
burner69 said:
And to think I laughed at it then.... my God they were right all along...

(hey that's a pun... cool)
burner dear boy! Haven't seen you here in a while :)
To be honest, New Labour were far better than Old Tories and the "New" Tories (for new, read stagnant and reactionary).

PainLord said:
Good to see the Lib Dems maknig some headway. 62 seats :D
Aaaah! It's a positive post in this thread - I'm scared and confused... It's all so unfamiliar! Run away!
el Chi said:
burner dear boy! Haven't seen you here in a while :)
To be honest, New Labour were far better than Old Tories and the "New" Tories (for new, read stagnant and reactionary).

Yeah good to see everyones still stayin political on, my i-nets been down for ages n I've been pretty busy havin crazy fun. Nice to see you're still here too mate.

But yeah New Labour are better than the Tories, but not as good as they should be - it's especially annoying when the only representation of the left is the lib dems who can't even become elected leaders... hmph
burner69 said:
Yeah good to see everyones still stayin political on, my i-nets been down for ages n I've been pretty busy havin crazy fun. Nice to see you're still here too mate.

But yeah New Labour are better than the Tories, but not as good as they should be - it's especially annoying when the only representation of the left is the lib dems who can't even become elected leaders... hmph
everyone has a mate called burner dont they? :)
Wow howard looks younger than 63... whats his secret? drinking blood?! :eek:

Anne Widecombe for leader! :laugh:
The_Monkey said:
I have a question; what kind of a Labour-party would have an alliance with US? The Labour Patry here would never do that. The Labour-party should fight for the workers, not the capitalists.

The Labour party gave up socialist ideology whe Thatcher came to power

el Chi said:
Pffft... Boris Johnson all the way :)
A True Canadian said:
They were doing a segment on THE HOUR today, about how dishonesty seems to be the way to go if you're a politician.

George Bush provided false information about invading Iraq, and the American public voted him back for a second term.

Tony Blair did the same thing, and even though he was bombarded with controversy during the last few weeks about whether or not he lied about Iraq, the people are voting him back in for a third term.

Canada is about to have an election soon due to the sponsership scandal, and it looks like Paul Martin of the Liberal party will get voted back in if the above trends stay true.

When did dishonesty and corruption become the way to win the general public?

Oh well. Good for Blair.

Well the war in Iraq is a huge issue but at least the people that have the brains to vote for someone over the issues; not their religious beliefs. I am just an arrogant American so I know little about British politics but I at least respect Blair as he would directly stand up to his opposition; not hide behinded screened reporters; a lot more than you could say about our 'leader'. Oh well, I'm going back to watching American news for now, maybe I will hear what is actually going on in this world. Ah shit, they are talking about Michael Jackson and American Idol, ah well. :flame: :flame: :flame:
So wait, let me get this straight. You people have three solid parties, each with a chance to win. One to the left, one to the right, and one in the middle. The middle one won and you are bitching? Sweet-Zombie-Jesus! If we had a moderate win we would be dancing in the streets in America!
superjuanchango said:
So wait, let me get this straight. You people have three solid parties, each with a chance to win. One to the left, one to the right, and one in the middle. The middle one won and you are bitching? Sweet-Zombie-Jesus! If we had a moderate win we would be dancing in the streets in America!

No, we have three major parties. The Labour Party. The Conservatives. And The Liberal Democrats.

Now, the Lib Dems at the moment cannot get into power even if they got loadsa votes, there's not enough of them.
Conservatives are currently telling everyone what they want to hear about illegal immigrants (and dare I say it, drugs) which is getting almost to the point of racism.
Labour has moved over to the right - so we have a realistic choice between the right and the right. It sucks, trust me.
burner69 said:
No, we have three major parties. The Labour Party. The Conservatives. And The Liberal Democrats.

Now, the Lib Dems at the moment cannot get into power even if they got loadsa votes, there's not enough of them.
Conservatives are currently telling everyone what they want to hear about illegal immigrants (and dare I say it, drugs) which is getting almost to the point of racism.
Labour has moved over to the right - so we have a realistic choice between the right and the right. It sucks, trust me.

Well at least the other parties get the chance to speak in the Houses of Parliment, confronting the government regularly.

The only things you generally hear out of the opposition party (NB not plural) in the states is when they are running their election campaigns.

We're (kind of) reflecting public opinion. Although there are times when that breaks down.
The_Monkey said:
I have a question; what kind of a Labour-party would have an alliance with US? The Labour Patry here would never do that. The Labour-party should fight for the workers, not the capitalists.
Most workers here are capitalists. It wouldn't be logical or in their favor otherwise, why would we fight a free market system that we use to live in relative comfort, lest we be taxed to death, as in the 70's, when the income tax rate for some brackets reached up towards 75% (and that wasn't for just the very rich)

People would get raises and then make less a year then they did before the raise due to the unfair tax bracket setup for socialist programs.
I'm not overjoyed with the result; would have preferred a Lib Dem win. But I am happy that the BNP didn't win a single seat and neither did Veritas. I'm also very happy that the Torys didn't win either.

As I see it, the Lib Dems are much more concerned about civil rights than the other parties. As for being left, they're difficult to categorise - some of their policies are centre-left and some aren't. At least it's better than being just right of Genghis Khan like the Torys. Charles Kennedy seems to me like a straight-talking politician whereas I've never seen a Tory one that could answer a straight question (Blair isn't too bad in this regard but still not good enough)