Blinking textures



Anyone have this problem?
Textures blinking all the way, I can't play the game.
Radeon 9800 Pro
do u mean rainbow textures? yeh i gt sometimes whenit freezes for a while and some of the textures are werid
Take the side off your case, buy a cheap fan from wallmart point it at your computer. What your describing sort of sounds like teh ovrheat.
No, textures that flash when you move around, I think its a driver issue. I have it too.
I had odd texture issues with my 9600 until I bought a new power supply.
If you are referring to the rainbow colors in some textures this can be fixed temporarily by typing mat_reloadtextures in the console. It will fix the texture for the area you are currently but they may go bad again when a new area is loaded. If they do just type the same command in the console again.

It's a pain but it works.
No rainbow textures, but parts of scene flickering.
I have latest ATI drivers and it's not overheating problem (there's a cooler on my videocard)... No PSU problem too - Antec TrueControl.
Weird :(
I get the same thing when I put my setting all the way up, or (I think) when my case gets a bit hot. Certain textures (like the image of the head on the video screens the train station) are covered with rainbow squares that flicker. Same with a table top. Just random sometimes. No patten of occurence though, so difficult to pinpoint the source of the problem. I'll try mat_reloadtextures next time though.
Last night I turned my AGP multiplyer in the Smartgard property panel from 8x to 4x and not only did it fix the blinking textures it also greatly helped the audio stuttering so much so that I was able to play with High quality sound for the first time!

Best of all it was a very minimal fps hit.