Blizzard Seeking RTS Designers


Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Offering fresh assurance is a recent job posting on Blizzard's site for a Level Designer used to working on RTS titles. The listing calls for someone with "experience creating levels in 3D RTS game toolset," listing Command & Conquer, Rise of Legends, and Blizzard's own Warcraft III as examples.

Starcraft 2 maybe?
Or Warcraft IV.


By the way, is StarCraft: Ghost EVER going to be realesed?
oh please god let it be starcraft 2 and not another shitty warcraft game.

then again, I don't want to see starcraft ruined in a warcraft-III esque engine
Or Warcraft IV.
If it's not Starcraft 2, I'm going to be pissed. If it's Warcraft IV, I'm going to be so pissed that I'm going to walk to Blizzard's headquarters and smear my poop all over the front windows.
I doubt they're make a Warcraft 4, not until WoW's populary diminishes at least.
All I'm saying is that it had better be Starcraft 2. They're ****ing stupid enough to wait this long, you guys have no idea how mad I am that they've waited like eight years to get started
If it's not Starcraft 2, I'm going to be pissed. If it's Warcraft IV, I'm going to be so pissed that I'm going to walk to Blizzard's headquarters and smear my poop all over the front windows.

Er, that's one way to protest!

I dunno, I loved Warcraft III, so I wouldn't mind. It'd be hilarious if it was just for another WC3 expansion pack though, THEN I would go along with your plan.
Or Warcraft IV.


By the way, is StarCraft: Ghost EVER going to be realesed?

StarCraft: Ghost has been postponed indefinately. :( I can't be arsed to find the article about that though.
Ghost was canned months ago.
I remember back in the old old days of me playing WoW, a guy in my guild was apparently on the dev team for it, and he would always hint that it was coming out soon.

I'm surprised they got so far and just decided to can it. It's too bad though, it looked like it could have been a really neat game.
Whatever it is, it better not be another vanilla RTS micro-fest like Warcraft III. The industry is already saturated with them. I'de like to see some fresh gameplay from Blizzard again.
bleh rts = real time SLEEP :O

just kidding. I'll play an rts game now and then. I need something different anyway. maybe this will be it.
Blizzard needs more Vespene Gas, additional pylons, and more overlords in order to complete Starcraft 2.
That they do, But they better get a move on. And if this isnt Starcraft 2 I shall be very dissapointed. And I do not like to be dissapointed.

*Oils gauss rifle*


And it won't be Warcraft IV. Because there's already WoW and BC advancing the Warcraft storyline.
Oh, I think it's time for this again.




Not only RTS level designer, but RTS engine designer, low polygon modeler, and RTS game balancer, game interface designer, game network designer all for unannounced project.

Then the Diablo team is also making a new game(It states in the first sentence if it is the WOW team, Diablo team. If it dosn't state it then it is the original Blizzard Entertainmen team, the RTS team). And guess what? There new game is an RPG. D3?

And the console division is also making a new game. Considering they are hiring and not laying off people. Who knows what Sc:G is now.
I hope it's something new. Or did Blizzard really run out of ideas? Everyone is expecting Starcraft 2, which wouldn't be bad. Just don't add on anymore crap to Warcraft. Blizzard's only two RTS games are pretty similar. Could we expect the same things from a new one? A few different races, a number of different heroes, two or more different resources, and a whole new environment, wheather it be futuristic like Starcraft or fantasy like Warcraft.
I want it to be Starcraft 2 more than anything else in the world, because Starcraft is, has always been, and will always be my favorite game ever, but I'm also absolutely terrified that they're going to **** it up. If they ghey it out like WC3 I'm going to kill something.
Warcraft is the best game ever. IT WILL BE WARCRAFT IV!!!

Anyone who says Warcraft is a better game/story than Starcraft...really need to play Starcraft. \=

No video game story (except maybe the first Half-Life) is as awesome as Starcraft's. None.

If you guys think I'm a scary HL fanboy, just wait until you see me when it comes to Starcraft.
No video game story (except maybe the first Half-Life) is as awesome as Starcraft's. None.

If you guys think I'm a scary HL fanboy, just wait until you see me when it comes to Starcraft.

It better be Starcraft II. Warcraft has been getting all the attention
I want it to be Starcraft 2 more than anything else in the world, because Starcraft is, has always been, and will always be my favorite game ever, but I'm also absolutely terrified that they're going to **** it up. If they ghey it out like WC3 I'm going to kill something.

What'choo talkin' bout Willis, WC3 rocked!
I hope it's something new. Or did Blizzard really run out of ideas?

:| Making a sequel that adds to the story... doesn't quite mean they've run out of ideas.

Starcraft's story needs to be finished. D:
Anyone who says Warcraft is a better game/story than Starcraft...really need to play Starcraft. \=

True dat! It seems some of the story in Warcraft was borrowed from Arthurian legends anyway. King Uther was King Arthurs father. Uther and Arthas? I wounder how that happend. Instead of finding Excalibur Arthas finds some other sword, but makes him evil. Stromwind = Camelot... and I'll just stop there. :P
Yeah, I agree StarCraft was a better game, but Warcraft is still a fantastic series.

StarCraft was my first online game ever though, so I gotta <3 it for that.
I liked starcraft most for its story and atmosphere, not neccisarily the gameplay. While the gameplay in warcraft was almost the same as starcraft (warcraft II at least), I absolutley hated it. Orcs, wizards, fantasy? please, I want machineguns, missiles and spaceships.

Now what would really own, is starcraft-style units with Total Annihlation gameplay.

(/me goes to start a starcraft mod for supreme commander)
Heck, even a StarCraft MMORPG would be pretty cool...