Blizzard to announce new game next month!

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The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Blizzard said:
We do intend to announce a new product at the Worldwide Invitational next month in Korea, and we appreciate the enthusiasm and interest in getting an advance look at what that will be, but players will have to wait until May 19th to find out more. Also, we have a very strong connection with the characters and settings of StarCraft, and we do plan to revisit that universe at some point in the future, but we don't have anything new to announce in that regard at present.

Thanks Kotaku:|-i-just-soiled-myself/blizz-confirms-new-product-next-month-255518.php

What the hell else would they announce in Korea besides Starcraft 2?!?! What are they up to? :( :) :( :).
Omg!!!!!! Starcraft Ghost!!!!!

Also, we have a very strong connection with the characters and settings of StarCraft, and we do plan to revisit that universe at some point in the future, but we don't have anything new to announce in that regard at present.


Another Warcraft.
You know, if you take that final statement completely literally, they're saying they're revisiting the Starcraft universe in the future (May 19th?) but do not have any Starcraft-related news to announce at present (Today?).

:O :O :O
Also, we have a very strong connection with the characters and settings of StarCraft, and we do plan to revisit that universe at some point in the future

World of Starcraft :upstare: lol jk! Itll probably be something Diablo related if not SC2.
I think he was just trying to throw people off with the second part of his remark, I mean going to Korea... what other game would they announce - what other game has that kind of Korean player base? Besides obscure mmorpgs. :\

Starcraft 2 /cross fingers
It better be Starcraft 2 or I will seriously kill someone on every other game I have. Including but not excluding others: CS, CS:S, DoD, DoD:S, TFC, NS, Empires, Goldeneye, Guild Wars, and Mario Kart.
Its gonna be another D2 expansion. HAH!

I'd be shitting my pants even if it was another expansion for Starcraft.
I think it's Ghost reincarnated.
According to this site it's SC2:

StarCraft 2 will be revealed for the first time to the world at Blizzard's World Wide Invitational (WWI) on May 19th.
It has been confirmed that StarCraft 2 is being developed in 3D, a new race has been added and existing units' characteristics will have many changes. Additional details will only be revealed to certain parts of WWI.
Blizzard Korea's Park Young-Mok director said "There is not content available for answer for the sequel. The sequel will be released at the WWI on the 19th. Please confirm it at the site on the 19th" and denied the confirmation on if StarCraft 2 is indeed the sequel that is to be announced on the 19th.

This is the original source. Maybe Numbers can provide a translation?
Now we're announcing when we'll be announcing things. Or rather, we have been for some time.

Go figure.

...I hope it's Starcraft 2. :D
I hate that governments do it all the time. Stop announcing your announcements.

Warcraft of Starcraft


Super Craft Bros. Melee
Crafty world of crafting Starcraft 2: Universe of craftmanships craft


With their main objective set to loot all gamers of their life force and pocket money, they have plenty of energy from drained souls and their bank. Blizzard has no excuse for making a bad game now, none whatsoever.
sure to create a pron industry imitating it's success with titles like Whore of DutyCraft and Whore of DoomCraft ..featuring pointy eared ..err ..whores in military gear
a new product? Probably just another WoW expansion, they seem to be aiming for one a year and TBC was announced this time last year..ish
a new product? Probably just another WoW expansion, they seem to be aiming for one a year and TBC was announced this time last year..ish

I highly doubt it. We've only reached the tip of the iceberg in terms of new content in BC, at least in terms of endgame. Hell, Black Temple has only recently been unveiled, and it's not even in the game yet. And I'm sure you can expect more after that. There's not much sense in pushing another expansion out when the current one hasn't been fully milked yet.

So, perhaps in no small part due to my fanboyism, I'm expecting this to be something Starcraft related. If not Starcraft 2, then maybe a revival of Ghost, or some other title. Their Warcraft IP is already making them obscenely rich, and I think the resounding success they've had with their MMO is going to keep them from making any future separate Warcraft games for the time being. Diablo is... I get the impression nobody really cares about it any more. Maybe that's just me. It certainly has its fans. Moreso than most titles. But I never found the gameplay or lore as rich as the other Blizzard universes. Blizzard knows full well that what everybody wants is another Starcraft game. People would kill their blessed Korean mothers for one. And I personally don't believe for one god damn second that they haven't been working on one at any time since 1998. Starcraft was a godly cash cow, and its legacy (and replayability) persist to this day. They'd be nuts if they weren't devoting any time or money to one of the most beloved PC franchises in history.

Besides, the words "one new race" is pretty big hint. I'm not aware of any pertinent concept of "races" in Diablo. All players were human and its bestiary was so huge that an addition of one new kind of enemy would seem underwhelming. This leaves either Starcraft or Warcraft, both of which rely on racial factions as a core part of the game. Seeing as how Warcraft is busy doing its online thing and probably will be for some time, I can only reasonably assume that we're going to see a title coming from the only remaining IP they have.

Unless you count The Lost Vikings.
I hope it is starcraft 2. The world needs the sequel to the greatest RTS ever made.
i got my money on Starcraft 2. . . sweet god i hope it is. . .i reinstalled Starcraft and Brood War a couple days ago and i've been playing it obsessively ever since. . .that and waiting for Starcraft 1.5 (Warcraft III mod) to launch. . .
the pc market needs another RTS like it needs a hole in the head, even if it is the most played rts of all time ..time to branch out imho
the pc market needs another RTS like it needs a hole in the head, even if it is the most played rts of all time ..time to branch out imho

Couldn't agree more. What the world especially doesn't need is an old RTS in a new 3D environment. If Blizzard does Starcraft 2, I hope they try to innovate the genre.
the pc market needs another RTS like it needs a hole in the head, even if it is the most played rts of all time ..time to branch out imho

This is blasphemy.

Starcraft 2 will come and wash away the masses of mediocrity. And you will be forced to repent for such words.
Couldn't agree more. What the world especially doesn't need is an old RTS in a new 3D environment. If Blizzard does Starcraft 2, I hope they try to innovate the genre.

rts MMO? ;)

fps MMO (like guild wars, no monthly fee) set in starcraft universe where you pick your character/class/role meet up with friends and raid/play through storyline

space combat/fps MMO set in starcraft universe ..or even open ended fps set in star craft world similiar to Mass effect

This is blasphemy.

yes, yes it is :) ...however pc gaming is being pigeonholed into 2 genres: MMO's and rts and it's up to devs like blizzard to innovate as all others just seem to follow their lead anyways
fps MMO (like guild wars, no monthly fee) set in starcraft universe where you pick your character/class/role meet up with friends and raid/play through storyline

space combat/fps MMO set in starcraft universe ..or even open ended fps set in star craft world similiar to Mass effect

*drewl* Gimmeh

btw 21 left ....
there's quite a few neverminds in this thread ...incomplete thoughts cut short by neverminds makes Stern want to ****in ...

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