blocking AI


Sep 21, 2003
Reaction score
Sorry if this has been asked before but,

I was watching the E3 03 video, the bit after the soldier kicks in the door, then u blast the radiator at the guy in front of the vending machine, then player the goes up some stairs and pushed boxes and mattresses in front of the door as if to block it. Has it ever been said whether the AI is clever enough to clear obstacles like this? Or would they be blocked by a few light weight boxes? it would be impressive if they could

Who knows! I dont remember anyone asking about something like that in an interview. Perhaps on easy they wont, but on normal and hard the will blast there way past things? A lot could happen
Well, if they can kick down doors like that one dude did... I'd think they could get around most small stuff like that. Having tons of physical objects and not having the A.I. to deal with it wouldn't be a good idea...
It has been stated that "the AI is aware of physically simulated objects" and is also capable of using them as a weapon (kicking and throwing stuff at you) so it wouldn't surprise me.
Yeah, remember the zombies kicking the barrel at you. If a zombie can do that, I can't wait to see what a combien soldier will do with a blocked door (I can see the granades flying through the window :) ).
One of the emails recieved by valve today states that the A.I won't react too much to lightweight object as much as being hit by a heavy object - as in real life. So I think the same theory can be applied while clearing objects?

I mean we have seen the example of the zombie kicking the barrel out of it's way...
lans said:
One of the emails recieved by valve today states that the A.I won't react too much to lightweight object as much as being hit by a heavy object - as in real life. So I think the same theory can be applied while clearing objects?

Yeah they probably just walk into it and push it out of the way if it's light enough. If it's too heavy, they might try to find another route, and if that isn't an option throw a grenade at it or something. But that's just speculation of course.
i hope they find some old trees, snap some twigs off and use them to make a small ladder with some brown tape they buy from the corner shop, then they use the lader to climb over the boxes. ill be quite impressed then
it would be cool if they picked up the stuff and cucked it away
all thought everything from e3 2k3 was scripted? im sure theyve programmed all the AI properly now

the 2 strider fights they showed at this years e3 proves the AI for the striders is badass. so im assuming everything else will be aswell.
mutt said:
i hope they find some old trees, snap some twigs off and use them to make a small ladder with some brown tape they buy from the corner shop, then they use the lader to climb over the boxes. ill be quite impressed then

Hahaahhaha!! That's hilarious man
In one of the videos I love how the stryder skewers someone then knocks the upturned white car out of the way...then does a little back kick to completely get rid of the car. It's almost as if it's thinking..."hmmm that car is providing cover for the enemy, must kick it out of the way".

I love it cause it kicks it for no other reason than to:

1. clear the way to access the enemy better
2. stop the car providing cover for the enemy.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it...but I love to dream!
You have 1 hp left and no armor and have barracaded yourself inside an apartment and have now been trying to figure out how to get past those group of 5 combine soldiers outside without using cheats and such (Real gamers don't cheat btw). In the 5 hours you have been painstakingly hiding behind a barrier of 25 matresses and stuff you are somewhat paranoid by the fact that the combine have been ever so quite in the past two hours. This is making you anxious and just as you begin to think the impossible of the AI, You are hit by a very very fast moving object that strikes you in the head and kills you. In the last few moments of your life before the screen turns black you look across the floor to find taht the object that just ended your life was a small marble. The A.I in HL2 are mind blowing. In the five or so hours you have barracaded yourself, the combine have invented an expiremental form of rail gun using long pieces of wood stuck together approx 50 ft long or the length of the hallway of the apartment. Magnets were taken from kitchens of ruined city-17 holmes and placed in even intervals along this strip of wood and a single marble placed on your end of the hall. Calculating speed and distance, the combine were able to realize that they could make this marble move at 426mph through all 25 matresses and still have enough speed once exiting the matress wall(15mph) to kill you. Lol
Hahaahaa!! Oh man stop doing that, you're killing me!!!
cyborgguineapig said:
You have 1 hp left and no armor and have barracaded yourself inside an apartment and have now been trying to figure out how to get past those group of 5 combine soldiers outside without using cheats and such (Real gamers don't cheat btw). In the 5 hours you have been painstakingly hiding behind a barrier of 25 matresses and stuff you are somewhat paranoid by the fact that the combine have been ever so quite in the past two hours. This is making you anxious and just as you begin to think the impossible of the AI, You are hit by a very very fast moving object that strikes you in the head and kills you. In the last few moments of your life before the screen turns black you look across the floor to find taht the object that just ended your life was a small marble. The A.I in HL2 are mind blowing. In the five or so hours you have barracaded yourself, the combine have invented an expiremental form of rail gun using long pieces of wood stuck together approx 50 ft long or the length of the hallway of the apartment. Magnets were taken from kitchens of ruined city-17 holmes and placed in even intervals along this strip of wood and a single marble placed on your end of the hall. Calculating speed and distance, the combine were able to realize that they could make this marble move at 426mph through all 25 matresses and still have enough speed once exiting the matress wall(15mph) to kill you. Lol
lol! It would rule if the AI could somehow be like that. Although what they have in intelligence they seem to lack when it comes to "common sense", why wouldn't they just get a nice flying vehicle and send a nice cheap bomb on you?
Seppo said:
Hahaahaa!! Oh man stop doing that, you're killing me!!!

Eh thats the first time I think I have been humorous, other times I posted on here I was given PM by the moderators I would get banned if I continue acting so sinical and stuff :cheers: Congrats to me for making someone laugh. Oh yeah, and please please don't ban me:cheers:
Any of you guys agree with my stryder observations? Interested in your opinions on the AI involved - scripted non-scripted etc.
Chadda said:
Any of you guys agree with my stryder observations? Interested in your opinions on the AI involved - scripted non-scripted etc.
I have dial-up and I only saw the Strider video once so I can't remember it very well, but ya from what I could remember the AI was amazing. Not sure if he kicked the car with the intention of eliminating potential cover for the player or if it is part of his AI to simply do cool things with the physics whenever possible even if it doesn't offer much of a tactical advantage to it. Or it could be a combination of both.
You have just slaughtered 5 Combine with a single grenade, the rest are furious and eager to get revenge. You run into a room with a table, a broken sink, and a small bed. You look around, wondering how you can use these simple every day life objects to slow down the impending group of Combine. You hear them speaking over their radios "Area Clear, moving to next building" shouts a Combine in the distance. You quickly realise that your screwed unless you can create a trap... You get an idea! You use the Manipulator to position the broken sink above the cracked open door, and create a small defensive position using the table and small bed right at the enterance into the other, windowless room. The Combine open the door, the first one walks through and gets smashed over the head with the sink. He falls to the ground and the Combine know your in this building. All of a sudden, you hear footsteps circling the building looking for another enterance. You snicker thinking that the door is the only way in...your wrong. The sound of a breaking window sends a chill down your spine. "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" Screams a Combine, followed by the loud noise of a grenade going off. "GO GO GO, Secure the area" shouts another Combine as they rush into the room above you securing the area. It's over you think to yourself as you scan the windowless room for anything to use. In the corner is a large cabinet with books in it.......perfect you say to yourself. You move the cabinet to the enterance into the room your in, and reinforce it using the small bed and table. The sound of foot steps running down the stairs echoes in the stand motionless hoping the Combine will walk on by. The sound of you putting the clip into the MP7 PDW is the only sound you can hear as everything goes silent......................................... "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yells a Combine! Suddenly the Cabinet is blown to pieces and the table and small bed are thrown back into the wall. The first shot is fired, and the sound of a Combine smashing into the floor gives you hope. The others hold back.........uh oh you say to yourself realising they will probably use their grenades. You pull out the Manipulator, and grab the small bed. You run to the enterance of the room, shooting the small bed out at a Combine getting ready to toss the grenade into the room. The bed smashes into him, and he falls to the ground as the grenade flys in the air. "TAKE COVER!!!!!!!" A Combine screams, but it is to late. The shrapnel from the grenade cuts through the Combine and they all fall to the ground. A smile appears on your face as you realise, this game freaking rocks!


The last strider fight with the 2 versions is part scripted part AI.
the strider have spots they know they need to shoot but when they battle they actully seek ways to kill more ppl.
u can see it in the strider battle when gordon went to that hole, the strider saw im going there so he went there too, that was the moment he spotted gordon shooting at him and killing him... it's basiclly part script part AI.
Dsty2001 said:
You have just slaughtered 5 Combine with a single grenade, the rest are furious and eager to get revenge. You run into a room with a table, a broken sink, and a small bed. You look around, wondering how you can use these simple every day life objects to slow down the impending group of Combine. You hear them speaking over their radios "Area Clear, moving to next building" shouts a Combine in the distance. You quickly realise that your screwed unless you can create a trap... You get an idea! You use the Manipulator to position the broken sink above the cracked open door, and create a small defensive position using the table and small bed right at the enterance into the other, windowless room. The Combine open the door, the first one walks through and gets smashed over the head with the sink. He falls to the ground and the Combine know your in this building. All of a sudden, you hear footsteps circling the building looking for another enterance. You snicker thinking that the door is the only way in...your wrong. The sound of a breaking window sends a chill down your spine. "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" Screams a Combine, followed by the loud noise of a grenade going off. "GO GO GO, Secure the area" shouts another Combine as they rush into the room above you securing the area. It's over you think to yourself as you scan the windowless room for anything to use. In the corner is a large cabinet with books in it.......perfect you say to yourself. You move the cabinet to the enterance into the room your in, and reinforce it using the small bed and table. The sound of foot steps running down the stairs echoes in the stand motionless hoping the Combine will walk on by. The sound of you putting the clip into the MP7 PDW is the only sound you can hear as everything goes silent......................................... "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yells a Combine! Suddenly the Cabinet is blown to pieces and the table and small bed are thrown back into the wall. The first shot is fired, and the sound of a Combine smashing into the floor gives you hope. The others hold back.........uh oh you say to yourself realising they will probably use their grenades. You pull out the Manipulator, and grab the small bed. You run to the enterance of the room, shooting the small bed out at a Combine getting ready to toss the grenade into the room. The bed smashes into him, and he falls to the ground as the grenade flys in the air. "TAKE COVER!!!!!!!" A Combine screams, but it is to late. The shrapnel from the grenade cuts through the Combine and they all fall to the ground. A smile appears on your face as you realise, this game freaking rocks!


i can only hope this game can provide even some of that type of action.
cyborgguineapig said:
Eh thats the first time I think I have been humorous, other times I posted on here I was given PM by the moderators I would get banned if I continue acting so sinical and stuff :cheers:

hahaahaa! You're still so funny! I love y...uh, never mind

With my first post I was referring to you and the other guy

I think the AI in Half-Life 2 will be almost revolutionary. After all, isn't AI one of HL2's main points, with nver before seen physics and beautiful graphics, not forgetting the plot. So pretty much everything :p
cyborgguineapig said:
You have 1 hp left and no armor and have barracaded yourself inside an apartment and have now been trying to figure out how to get past those group of 5 combine soldiers outside without using cheats and such (Real gamers don't cheat btw). In the 5 hours you have been painstakingly hiding behind a barrier of 25 matresses and stuff you are somewhat paranoid by the fact that the combine have been ever so quite in the past two hours. This is making you anxious and just as you begin to think the impossible of the AI, You are hit by a very very fast moving object that strikes you in the head and kills you. In the last few moments of your life before the screen turns black you look across the floor to find taht the object that just ended your life was a small marble. The A.I in HL2 are mind blowing. In the five or so hours you have barracaded yourself, the combine have invented an expiremental form of rail gun using long pieces of wood stuck together approx 50 ft long or the length of the hallway of the apartment. Magnets were taken from kitchens of ruined city-17 holmes and placed in even intervals along this strip of wood and a single marble placed on your end of the hall. Calculating speed and distance, the combine were able to realize that they could make this marble move at 426mph through all 25 matresses and still have enough speed once exiting the matress wall(15mph) to kill you. Lol

now everyone knows how rocking the AI is... wait til they get trapped in a room after a doorway collapses... you will see their forraging skills and also all the training they had at starting campfires using their own hair... (should they have hair... due to sufferring of HRS (Hair Relocation Syndrome))


Definition: HRS (Hair Relocation Syndrome) is where the hair moves from the top of somebodys head to their ________ (insert any answer from the following Arse, Nose, Eyebrows,Ears)
The Mullinator said:
I have dial-up and I only saw the Strider video once so I can't remember it very well, but ya from what I could remember the AI was amazing. Not sure if he kicked the car with the intention of eliminating potential cover for the player or if it is part of his AI to simply do cool things with the physics whenever possible even if it doesn't offer much of a tactical advantage to it. Or it could be a combination of both.
It could also be the fact that a flying car in the middle of a large group of people usually means exciting trips in ambulances.
mutt said:
Sorry if this has been asked before but,

I was watching the E3 03 video, the bit after the soldier kicks in the door, then u blast the radiator at the guy in front of the vending machine, then player the goes up some stairs and pushed boxes and mattresses in front of the door as if to block it. Has it ever been said whether the AI is clever enough to clear obstacles like this? Or would they be blocked by a few light weight boxes? it would be impressive if they could


In E3 video, soldier couldnt clear obstacles, because he wasnt there. It was absolutely and totally scripted. It was just presentation. Otherwise, AIs are able to use objects. For example those zombies can throw a barrel on you. But It may be only a case of barells, because noone of the zombies have ever throw anything else on me. But there is still a lot of barrels everywhere...
mutt said:
Sorry if this has been asked before but,

I was watching the E3 03 video, the bit after the soldier kicks in the door, then u blast the radiator at the guy in front of the vending machine, then player the goes up some stairs and pushed boxes and mattresses in front of the door as if to block it. Has it ever been said whether the AI is clever enough to clear obstacles like this? Or would they be blocked by a few light weight boxes? it would be impressive if they could


They probably could...Kind of makes sense...but who knows...

I would hope that it would at LEAST block them for a while, so you can have time to run away... :p
with all lese things you can do baricadeign stuff and other things i wonder how miltiplayer will be. making a fort out of all this junk and hideiing. lol
Fritzie said:
In E3 video, soldier couldnt clear obstacles, because he wasnt there. It was absolutely and totally scripted. It was just presentation. Otherwise, AIs are able to use objects. For example those zombies can throw a barrel on you. But It may be only a case of barells, because noone of the zombies have ever throw anything else on me. But there is still a lot of barrels everywhere...

yea i know he wasnt it was just an example for boxes being used to block doors.
I am seriously exited just to see the combine climb ladders. Usually in games a ladder is a safe guard for foes behind you. I would love to see one chase me as oppose to them just playing "zone" like in HL.
Im excited to have shootouts with the combine in an apartment building... wow I would replay that kind of level hundreds of times.
Some_God said:
Im excited to have shootouts with the combine in an apartment building... wow I would replay that kind of level hundreds of times.

Especially matrix-esque apartments like in the E3 2004 video where walls chip and crumble...mmm..
Just think of it. Combine know your in a apartment but dont know which one. So they got there helecopter with combine in them throwing gernades through the windows. As you hear the blades turning of the helecopter you get more anxious as to what to do, You only have 3 HP theres combines waiting for you at the door the only way out is the through the door, but theres combine waiting out there. This is it the helecopter is now 2 windows away! You open up the door to let the combine in the room. You hide near the windows while the combine are looking for you. The window shatteres as the gernade flys through it. You quickly grab it with the manipulator and and toss it at the combine. You watch as they all blow away! Now you can escape!

"Half-Life 2.......Oh The Possibilites"
lans said:
Especially matrix-esque apartments like in the E3 2004 video where walls chip and crumble...mmm..
That would be fun, and also seeing how the AI would handle this will be interesting too.

I also wonder if the AI ever gets "bored" or suspicious if something takes too long.... I remember watching the Replacement Killers recently and I was laughing a bit at how near the end how the hitman (Danny Trejo) was shooting down at John on the fire escape, but then gave him enough time to slip inside the building and come up behind him! "Check-mate." :LOL: