Blood curdling zombie scream



It seems like whenever the headcrab attaches itself to a host, it keeps the host alive and pretty much feels all the pain the headcrab might, but more since its mostly a human body. So therefor, whenever the zombie catches on fire the host screams BLOODY MURDER inside of the headcrab. Isn't that really creepy? I can only guess there is some oxygen in there. :|

Oh, whenever the headcrab detaches itself it takes his head along with it. That's what the teeth are for.
I think thats not the final sound, it kinda would not make sense, after all, its chest is ripped open with no lungs (that I can see ;) ) and the headcrab is on its dome. So I am not sure, it was pretty creepy though
brettt said:
I think thats not the final sound, it kinda would not make sense, after all, its chest is ripped open with no lungs (that I can see ;) ) and the headcrab is on its dome. So I am not sure, it was pretty creepy though
Well evidently the Headcrab has mutated some kind of new respiratory system on the host. We have no idea where the air intake is, but we know it still has the ability to scream!

/end totally pointless geek comment

The scream is damn damn awesomely creepy. End of story! :)
brettt said:
I think thats not the final sound, it kinda would not make sense, after all, its chest is ripped open with no lungs (that I can see ;) ) and the headcrab is on its dome. So I am not sure, it was pretty creepy though

I can see it making sense and not making sense. You die because your brain stops communicating with the rest of your body, so even with his chest ripped open, the headcrab is controlling him and manipulating his vital abilities.

How he screams like he's completely alive, I do not know, but I can imagine that with a headcrab on your head it would be hours upon hours of endless pain and slow suffering until you die and it turns you into the genome thing.

But I'm sure being lit on fire hurts more than having a headcrab controlling you, thus the screaming
I think they'll keep it. Before, in Half-Life, the headcrab zombies were just that - zombies. They made creepy zombie noises and were basically inhuman monsters that you had no qualm about whacking. I think the more human-like scream reminds the player that the host indeed used to be human, and makes the game 10x cooler =).
i think those screams sounds really scary, i love em :D sounds like an hungry employee @ valve didnt get any breakfast, and his stomach is screaming.. ;)

aaah this is going to be the longest summer ever :p (until hl2 is in my hands ofc)
Katana said:
i think those screams sounds really scary, i love em :D sounds like an hungry employee @ valve didnt get any breakfast, and his stomach is screaming.. ;)

aaah this is going to be the longest summer ever :p (until hl2 is in my hands ofc)

I know what you did this summer... :cheers:

They better keep this sound... don't think they could have any better... :p
Kirix said:
It seems like whenever the headcrab attaches itself to a host, it keeps the host alive and pretty much feels all the pain the headcrab might, but more since its mostly a human body. So therefor, whenever the zombie catches on fire the host screams BLOODY MURDER inside of the headcrab. Isn't that really creepy? I can only guess there is some oxygen in there. :|

Oh, whenever the headcrab detaches itself it takes his head along with it. That's what the teeth are for.

My exact thought , I heard that and I realised it made me remember that there is Human under there. with the old sounds its totoally alien screeches, it is a creepy sound.
Do you think we'll actualy see people being headcrab'ed and turning into zombies in an unscipted way? That would be too cool.
Dont headcrabs work by secreting a paralysing nerve fluid through their forward lacerators, while at the same time eating the hosts head and controlling the nervous system from the rear legs, as for the chest, the host would essentialy be brain dead if it had on left and the crab would be the only one that needed to breathe so therefor, the open chest can funtions in the way it needs.

The voice might be from a host who's not too far gone, one that still has the vocal cords attached but its the head crab manipulating them in a way that makes the screams?
Ya I loved those screams. Its going to be fun to play this game in the complete dark with the sound way up.
it's "curdling"... no curling involved. god i'm so snappy tonight, i need to get laid.
The host is definately alive in my opinion. On the last scream before it blacks out you can hear him shout 'Oh God Noo AWGhhh' so yeah. >_>

im for the screaming myself, verrry cool.
I think and hope that they are going to keep the screams in the retail version.
Man they are really creepy, more zombie like than <insert alien sound here>.

I got goosebumps :imu:
AcousticToad said:
Dont headcrabs work by secreting a paralysing nerve fluid through their forward lacerators, while at the same time eating the hosts head and controlling the nervous system from the rear legs, as for the chest, the host would essentialy be brain dead if it had on left and the crab would be the only one that needed to breathe so therefor, the open chest can funtions in the way it needs.

The voice might be from a host who's not too far gone, one that still has the vocal cords attached but its the head crab manipulating them in a way that makes the screams?

Not sure about the paralyzing fluid, however I believe the nervous system is controlled by the headcrab "plugging in" to the host's nervous system via that tangled mess of wires inside the thing. Nothing to do with the rear legs, as I see it. Never thought of the paralysis though...the forward lacerators could also be pumping in whatever chemicals start the change from human to zombie.

Anyway, I kinda thought that the hosts in that video were already dead, and that it was the headcrab just making those noises THROUGH the host's vocal chords. If it's able to produce those alien noises, it must be able to produce human sounds as well, at least at first before it starts drastically changing the host.
Only thing is, that theory'd work well if it weren't for that one zombie screaming, "OH GOD NOOOO!" That was downright unnerving. Kinda makes you think about how truly agonizing that must be, being headcrabbed. I always figured it was a fairly quick and simple process: headcrab latches on, immediately kills host, assumes control. Now it seems more like: headcrab latches on, quickly assumes control of the human but keeps them alive as they transform them. Hm...I guess the host must be feeling the pain of their limbs elongating and their chests tearing open, and all their organs reforming.

Very sad stuff.
So damn cool and freaky sound, I'm not gonna be able to kill those poor creatures.. ;(
I think I'll feel like I'm putting the poor helpless human out if his.her misery by killing them. Headshots are the only way to do it, quckly ending the suffering.
what if ya just hack off the head crab at their first stage will the host survive :eek:?
No...the headcrab's already altered it too much that it couldn't live without the parasite. Might as well just be humane about it and put a bullet in their head, like JeZ said.

"Show me your face and I'll cure all your ills."
the first time I played half-life, I didn't realise until late on into the game that the zombies were zombies....

THe same mistake couldn't be made in HL2.

In all good zombie films, the uniting featre of the zombies is that they retain a level of humanity - when they are completely dehumanised, the film loses a certain impact. The best waay of doing this is to have them making tortured but slightly altered sounds. I think the videos demonstrate this perfectly.
Totally, I almost felt sorry for the host when that zombie went up in flames *grabs bucket of water*
well hey dont feel too sorry for them guys... First off it was the Crad heads fault for grabbing onto the poor mans head and sucking/eating up his face. Also it is trying to kill you if you dont kill hey look after number 1 as they say ;) hehe.

I think if i was to set a zombie on fire and walk off...i would end up walking back and putting it out of it's missory anyways :S
Who CARES about the physics of it all ffs.

It's a scream; it sounds cool, that's it. Whether it's physically possible or not really doesn't matter.
brettt said:
I think thats not the final sound, it kinda would not make sense, after all, its chest is ripped open with no lungs (that I can see ;) ) and the headcrab is on its dome. So I am not sure, it was pretty creepy though
the chests arent always open imo...

I think the screams sound cool to, anyone noticed the screams are never the same, but always different in some kinda way
Oh and also why are you worried about a scream being physically possible, but an alien being latching onto the head of a human and taking control of its nervous system is perfectly OK with you?
the first time i saw the video i thought it might be someone in the audience trying to br funny

then i realized, oh wait, no, its the zombie alright

i don't know about the host being still alive, i seriously doubt it, considering that in the beginning of halflife when you bat that wiggly headcrab off that scientist he is already dead

IMO it shouldnt say "oh my god nooo" for the sake of continuity. However i did like the other screams, pretty F'in cool
Well, we've seen screenshots of hosts that dont have the chest maw yet... I think the claws develop first, for defensive purposes... then the mouth probably forms...

If the headcrab's neural parasitism happens via the spine or non-essential parts of the brain (Maybe it takes over the motor centres first), then the human brain (Perhaps still in control of its vocal chords) would possibly be concious, yet a prisoner in its own slowly mutating body...

Later the, crab kills (And maybe absorbs) the brain, and from then on the transmuted and still living body belongs wholly to it...
I believe the open chest is the new mouth for the headcrab when it latches on to the host. Half-Life 2 is different from Half-Life 1, don't think the zombies will have the same story behind them. It could also be the headcrab breathing backwards through the voice box but, it said something like "oh god" so the hosts may survive a while after the headcrabs have latched to them.
If there is an open chest, you would not hear sounds from the victim - air must pass the vocal cords and vibrate them for you to hear anything. Assuming the headcrab is breathing on its on, it's doesn't make sense that it you would hear sounds from the victim because the headcrab is on top of the victim and not underneath him - air would pass downward and no screaming like you hear in the game would occur. If the victim is the one breathing, them the headcrab would have to seal the pleura of the chest for sound to occur. I think it would be plausible if the chest wasn't torn open.
The zombie noises in HL1 were not so bad but these new ones are just f***ed up. Very disturbing IMO.
the zombie scream is fantastic, makes me smile little sadistic smiles whenever I hear it :)

and yes, I think the host is alive somewhere under there.....
also why wouldnt the headcrab jump off of the body once its aflame? (not that I want it to, just curious)

then again we are questioning "how can it breathe/make sound!?!" when we should be saying "wtf is a headcrab?!?"
Y'know, if you look at some of the screenies, the lungs don't actually look like they've been punctured...
those screams were the most disturbing and scary thing about the vid...The person clearly is somehow alive, because their dying screams are human that when they were on fire. it seems the flames kill the headcrab faster than them, so they regain control of their body in a moment of extreme pain with their front ripped open and burning to death.

Oh, and by the way, the lungs look like they're still there
I think the headcrabs basically keep them alive when they've taken them as a host, but takes control of their nerve systems being able to move them and such.
It kind of makes sense now why the corpse zombies are faster. With the normal zombies, the host is still alive and probably trying to fight back to regain control so there is a constant fight for power over the body but the headcrab is slightly more powerful but isn't able to control the body that well. With the dead corpse, there is nothing to keep the headcrab from controlling the body so it's able to use the body's full power without having to worry about a fight with a live host.