Bloodlines leaked


Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
Just saw that Bloodlines were leaked.

So i guess someone will be playing the source engine before Half-Life 2 then ;(

I wonder what Valve says to this.
well they were playing source engine before hl2 anyhow.....its called counter strike source
A lot of people have already played source engine. Remember the stolen build and source code?

yea CS:S too is source engine.
why are all these games being leaked DAMN YOU HACKERS >:(
Doppelgofer said:
well they were playing source engine before hl2 anyhow.....its called counter strike source
CS: Source doesn't do the justice :(
That's what you get for not using steam!
FISKER_Q said:
CS: Source doesn't do the justice :(

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Counter-Strike Source is like putting on a $1500 dress on a $10 hooker.

And yes, you can quote me on that.
eiric said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Counter-Strike Source is like putting on a $1500 dress on a $10 hooker.

And yes, you can quote me on that.
Sure thing, that and you made me horny. :laugh:
oh dear my but i dont have worry my Grandma is giving me Bloodlines for my Birthday on december 2nd :)
do u know me cracked? leaked if when somone at the company lets it out, but im sure ppl have copies because its out on tues isnt it?
No evidence so far. He might be mistaking Redemption torrents.
I looked everywhre Bloodlines is nowhere to be found are sure u its leaked
KagePrototype said:
Where'd you hear this?

I could give you the source but i guess it would be in violation with the rules of the boards, well atleast the ethics.

Edit: Seems someone beat me to it.
FFS, there is a sub-forum MEANT FOR BLOODLINES.


Argh.. Can we please stop it, so I don't have to keep exploding? :(
It's out yeah.. Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines (c) Activision *CLONECD*
actually not shapeshifter, it's called private pubs :D

Non the less it is out yes, and god save their souls yadayada, it's to days away dammit! it's no leaked, it's propably out in stores just as hl2 is :D
shapeshifter said:
Its called IRC.

Am I the only one that can't stand IRC anymore? Damn I haven't used that in like 6 years...
KNoX said:
why are all these games being leaked DAMN YOU HACKERS >:(

Damn u avatar stealing hoebag!!....

I dnt think VALVe will have aything to say about this, its not that important to them...and yea cs:s.
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines - VNGCLONE

It's out. By this time tomorrow it will be all over BT sites and the like. (Probably within a few hours more or less.)

Stop saying it's from hackers... every game gets a warez release early (unless it's halflife2). It has nothing to do with hacking stop using that term.
mutt said:
do u know me cracked? leaked if when somone at the company lets it out, but im sure ppl have copies because its out on tues isnt it?

Grammar is your friend.
FISKER_Q said:
Indicating it has been leaked.
leaked is when someone inside the company leaks software out.....
not when somone from a warez group get a retail copy early and puts it on the net.
SaltyCrackers said:
Grammar is your friend.
ah yea i messed that up big time, but it wasnt the grammar it was bad typing
poksmote said:
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines - VNGCLONE

It's out. By this time tomorrow it will be all over BT sites and the like. (Probably within a few hours more or less.)

Stop saying it's from hackers... every game gets a warez release early (unless it's halflife2). It has nothing to do with hacking stop using that term.

yup anoys me to when people do that, espically in games when people are cheating and people call them a "hacker" their not, just morons that downloaded a program to cheat.

hacking and cheating are two completly diffrent things.
mutt said:
leaked is when someone inside the company leaks software out.....
not when somone from a warez group get a retail copy early and puts it on the net.
Take the informal ones and you could change that out with the game, and it would still be the same result.

A store selling it early would be leaking it, since they shouldn't be doing so.